Rehabilitation The Employer may use the results of the drug and alcohol test to require the employee to successfully complete a rehabilitation plan.
Cardiac Rehabilitation This plan covers services provided in a cardiac rehabilitation program up to the benefit limit shown in the Summary of Medical Benefits.
Rehabilitation Program The company agrees to the implementation of an agreed worker’s compensation rehabilitation policy. The operation of this policy shall be reviewed on a regular basis. The parties commit to ensuring that the rehabilitation of injured workers is an accepted practice, and that suitable duties are provided when available. No employee will be terminated whilst on workers compensation during the first 12 months without prior consultation with the union. The parties agree that the person responsible for the management of rehabilitation cases must be adequately trained to do the job. If such a person is not available within the company, then the services of an agreed building industry rehabilitation coordination service will be used. The parties to this Agreement shall ensure that any employee who sustains a work related injury, illness or disease, will be afforded every assistance in utilising a rehabilitation program aimed at returning that employee to meaningful employment within the industry.
HABILITATIVE SERVICES (HABILITATIVE mean healthcare services that help a person keep, learn, or improve skills and functioning for daily living. Examples include therapy for a child who is not walking or talking at the expected age. These services may include physical and occupational therapy, speech therapy and other services performed in a variety of inpatient and/or outpatient settings for people with disabilities. • that provides medical and surgical care for patients who have acute illnesses or injuries; and • is either listed as a hospital by the American Hospital Association (AHA) or accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).
Conservation Operations hereunder and production of unitized substances shall be conducted to provide for the most economical and efficient recovery of said substances without waste, as defined by or pursuant to State or Federal law or regulation.
Rehabilitative Employment (a) During a period of total disability under this plan, a disabled employee may engage in rehabilitative employment in which case the benefit from this plan will be reduced by 50% of the employee's rehabilitative employment income that exceeds $50 per month. The benefit from this plan will be further reduced by the amount that remuneration from rehabilitative employment plus the benefit from the L.T.D. plan exceeds 75% of the employee's basic wage at date of disability. (b) Rehabilitative employment shall mean any occupation or employment for wage or profit or any course or training that entitles the disabled employee to an allowance, provided such rehabilitative employment has the approval of the employee, and his doctor in consultation with the underwriter of the L.T.D. plan. (c) Rehabilitative employment will be deemed to continue until such time as the employee's earnings from rehabilitative employment exceed 75% of his straight time earnings at date of disability but in no event for more than twenty-four (24) months from the date rehabilitative employment commences.
Construction or Rehabilitation of Mortgaged Property No Mortgage Loan was made in connection with the construction or rehabilitation of a Mortgaged Property or facilitating the trade-in or exchange of a Mortgaged Property;
Searchability Offering searchability capabilities on the Directory Services is optional but if offered by the Registry Operator it shall comply with the specification described in this section. 1.10.1 Registry Operator will offer searchability on the web-‐based Directory Service. 1.10.2 Registry Operator will offer partial match capabilities, at least, on the following fields: domain name, contacts and registrant’s name, and contact and registrant’s postal address, including all the sub-‐fields described in EPP (e.g., street, city, state or province, etc.). 1.10.3 Registry Operator will offer exact-‐match capabilities, at least, on the following fields: registrar id, name server name, and name server’s IP address (only applies to IP addresses stored by the registry, i.e., glue records). 1.10.4 Registry Operator will offer Boolean search capabilities supporting, at least, the following logical operators to join a set of search criteria: AND, OR, NOT. 1.10.5 Search results will include domain names matching the search criteria. 1.10.6 Registry Operator will: 1) implement appropriate measures to avoid abuse of this feature (e.g., permitting access only to legitimate authorized users); and 2) ensure the feature is in compliance with any applicable privacy laws or policies.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Contractor shall comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which provides that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of a disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in the performance of any services this Agreement. This Section applies only to contractors who are providing services to members of the public under this Agreement.
Procurement of the Site (i) The Authority Representative, the Contractor and Authority’s Engineer shall, within 10 (ten) days of the date of this Agreement, inspect the Site and prepare a detailed memorandum containing an inventory of the Site including the vacant and unencumbered land, buildings, structures, road works, trees and any other immovable property on or attached to the Site (hereinafter referred to as the “Handover Memorandum”). Subject to the provisions of Clause 8.2 (iii), the Handover Memorandum shall have appended thereto an appendix (the “Appendix”) specifying in reasonable detail those parts of the Site to which vacant access and Right of Way has not been given to the Contractor along with details of hindrances in the Construction Zone. For sake of clarity the Handover Memorandum shall clearly specify the parts of Site where work can be executed. Signing of the Handover Memorandum, in three counterparts (each of which shall constitute an original), by the authorized representatives of the Authority, Contractor and Authority’s Engineer shall be deemed to constitute a valid evidence of giving the Right of Way to the Contractor for discharging its obligations under and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and for no other purpose whatsoever. (ii) Whenever the Authority is ready to hand over any part or parts of the Site included in the Appendix, it shall inform the Contractor, by notice, of the proposed date and time such of hand over. The Authority Representative and the Contractor shall, on the date so notified, inspect the specified parts of the Site, and prepare a memorandum containing an inventory of the vacant and unencumbered land, buildings, structures, road works, trees and any other immovable property on or attached to the Site so handed over. The signing of the memorandum, in three (3) counterparts (each of which shall constitute an original), by the authorised representatives of the Parties shall be deemed to constitute a valid evidence of giving the relevant Right of Way to the Contractor. If the contractor fails to join for site inspection or disputes the parts of the site available for work, the Authority’s Engineer shall decide the parts of the site where work can be executed and notify to both the parties within 3 days of the proposed date of inspection. The parties agree that such notification of the Authority’s Engineer as mentioned hereinabove shall be final and binding on the parties. (iii) The Authority shall provide the Right of Way to the Contractor in respect of all land included in the Appendix by the date specified in Schedule-A for those parts of the Site referred to therein, and in the event of delay for any reason other than Force Majeure or breach of this Agreement by the Contractor, it shall pay to the Contractor, Damages in a sum calculated in accordance with Clause 8.3. The Contractor agrees that it shall not be entitled to claim any other damages on account of any such delay by the Authority. (iv) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Clause 8.2, the Authority shall specify the parts of the Site, if any, for which Right of Way shall be provided to the Contractor on the dates specified in Schedule-A. Such parts shall also be included in the Appendix prepared in pursuance of Clause 8.2 (i). (v) The Authority further acknowledges and agrees that prior to the Appointed Date, it shall have procured issuance of the statutory notification under Applicable Laws for vesting of all the land comprising the Project in the Authority and has taken possession of area for Construction Zone for at least 90% (ninety per cent) of the total length of the Project Highway. The Parties also acknowledge and agree that the conditions specified in this Clause 8.2 (iii) shall not be modified or waived by either Party. (vi) For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties expressly agree that the Appendix shall in no event contain sections of the Project Highway the cumulative length of which exceeds 10% (ten percent) of the total length of the Project Highway. (vii) Pursuant to signing of Handover Memorandum under clause 8.2 (i), Contractor shall submit to the Authority’s Engineer, a monthly land possession report till expiry of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from Appointed Date, in respect of those parts of the site to which vacant access and right of way was not given to the contractor and included in Appendix to the memorandum signed under clause 8.2 (i), duly specifying the part of the site, if any, for which the right of way is yet to be handed over.