Surplus Water Sample Clauses
Surplus Water. The District agrees to deliver to Xxxxx Basin the Surplus Water identified in Error! Reference source not found. through the Interconnect Facilities in accordance with the Master Agreement. Pursuant to the terms of the Master Agreement, Xxxxx Basin agrees to make the Surplus Water available for sale and delivery to another party to the Master Agreement (either Mountain Regional or Summit Water) (a “Purchasing Party”), as selected in Xxxxx Basin’s sole discretion; such water to be marketed and sold at a price equal to the total annual take or pay amount in Figure 1 below. The cost per acre foot shall be adjusted annually based, in part, upon Operation and Maintenance costs, per the Master Agreement [See Master Agreement ¶2.4]. Annual Volume (acre feet) 50 50 450 450 550 850 Maximum Flow Rate (gallons per minute) 62 62 558 558 682 1054 Delivery Location Park City Interconnect - Quinns Area Surplus Water Cost per Acre Foot $2,882.84 $2,969.32 $3,058.40 $3,150.15 $3,244.66 $3,342.00 Treatment Redundancy Upgrades - Take or Pay $200,000.00 $200,000.00 $200,000.00
Surplus Water. The City retains all of the water rights with respect to Surplus Water and the Concessionaire shall not be entitled to enter into any agreement for the sale of Surplus Water. The City is entitled to enter into agreements for the bulk sale of Surplus Water. Whenever Surplus Water is sold by the City pursuant to any such agreement and treated by means of the water treatment plant and facilities of the Water Plant and Distribution System or transmitted by means of the water distribution facilities of the Water Plant and Distribution System, the Concessionaire shall be entitled to charge reasonable fees for such treatment and transmission of Surplus Water.
Surplus Water. The District agrees to deliver to Xxxxx Basin the Surplus Water identified in Error! Reference source not found. through the Interconnect Facilities in accordance with the Master Agreement. Pursuant to the terms of the Master Agreement, Xxxxx Basin agrees to make the Surplus Water available for sale and delivery to another party to the Master Agreement (either Mountain Regional or Summit Water) (a “Purchasing Party”), as selected in Xxxxx Basin’s sole discretion; such water to be marketed and sold at a price equal to the total annual take or pay amount in Figure 1 below. The cost per acre foot shall be adjusted annually based, in part, upon Operation and Maintenance costs, per the Master Agreement [See Master Agreement ¶2.4]. Annual Volume (acre feet) 50 50 450 450 550
Surplus Water. There may be temporarily available during any Year a quantity of Project Water in excess of the amounts necessary for the District to meet its obligations under this Agreement and to other Contractors. Each Year in which there is such surplus water available, the District may offer, at rates not to exceed those specified herein, all or a portion of such Project Water to Contractors, but not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of any Customer’s Contract Quantity. The Contractors may purchase all or part of such surplus Project Water so offered; provided, that in the event the Customer does not indicate to the District, in writing, its desire to accept and pay for such surplus Project Water offered, within fifteen
Surplus Water. Park City agrees to deliver to Xxxxx Basin the Surplus Water identified in Error! Reference source not found. through the Interconnect Facilities in accordance with the Master Agreement. Pursuant to the terms of the Master Agreement, Xxxxx Basin agrees to make the Surplus Water available for sale and delivery to another party to the Master Agreement (either Mountain Regional or Summit Water) (a “Purchasing Party”), as selected in Xxxxx Basin’s sole discretion; such water to be marketed and sold at a price equal to the total annual take or pay amount in Figure 1 below. The cost per acre foot shall be adjusted annually based, in part, upon Operation and Maintenance costs, per the Master Agreement [See Master Agreement ¶2.4].
Surplus Water. The parties agreement Cincinnati shall supply surplus water service to Cleves only when Cincinnati has available surplus water beyond the water service needs of customers within the City of Cincinnati. Cincinnati shall have the right to prioritize water service to the residents of the City of Cincinnati over all other customers. Cincinnati shall have sole discretion to adjust the prioritization and allocation of water service among non-Cincinnati customers. Cincinnati does not guarantee the ability, and shall not be liable for failure, to furnish water or minimum pressure to Cleves. Cleves shall not supply the surplus water herein to properties outside of the corporate boundaries of the Village of Cleves (as may be modified from time to time), which are shown on Exhibit A.
Surplus Water. For the purposes of determining the applicability of and compliance with Article XI, Section 6 of the Utah Constitution and associated statutes and regulations, the City Water shall be considered to be exchanged with the District Water if the total annual diversion of City Water by the District is less than the total annual diversion of District Water by the City. If the District diverts a greater total volume, the excess volume shall be considered part of the City’s surplus water.
Surplus Water. Notwithstanding other provisions of this contract, surplus water for agricultural and ground water replenishment use shall be offered to contractors on the following basis. Before surplus water is sold for other than agricultural and ground water replenishment use, each contractor shall have the right, subject to the ability of the State to deliver such water and to the provisions of the next succeeding paragraph, to contract for agricultural and ground water replenishment use for a portion of the total amount of surplus water available in any year, in an amount which bears the same ratio to the total amount of surplus water available in that year as the sum of the annual entitlements, set forth in Table A of this contract, delivered to the contractor for agricultural and ground water replenishment use during the preceding three years bears to the total amount of such annual entitlements delivered for agricultural and ground water replenishment use during the preceding three years of all contractors requesting surplus water: Provided, That if its proportion of such surplus water is not required by or cannot be delivered to any contractor, such amount of additional surplus water shall be offered to other contractors for agricultural and ground water replenishment use. During the first three years in which project water is delivered to a contractor, the State shall determine the amount of surplus water which the contractor may obtain based on the contractor’s maximum annual entitlement and the estimated percentage of its annual entitlement to be delivered for agricultural and ground water replenishment use; but quantities so determined shall not exceed the contractor’s annual entitlement for that year. For the purpose of computing the portion of the surplus water for agricultural and ground water replenishment use to which each contractor is entitled, the State shall determine the amounts of water used for agricultural and ground water replenishment use 56 Added: Amendment 3 57 Amended: Amendment 1 2, 7 by each contractor in each year: Provided, That each contractor shall furnish certified copies of such records and data concerning the use of water within its boundaries as the State may request.
Surplus Water. The Company has had transferred to it certain resource consents for specified areas, within the Scheme Area, where there may be surplus Water available for future irrigation. Where the Board in its discretion determines such surpluses exist the Company will give Shareholders within the specified area a first priority right to use that Water so that a particular area can benefit from that available water before any other shareholder of the Company.
Surplus Water. There may be temporarily available during any Year a quantity of Project Water in excess of the amounts necessary for the District to meet its obligations under this Agreement and to other Contractors. Each Year in which there is such surplus water available, the District may offer, at rates not to exceed those specified herein, all or a portion of such Project Water to Contractors, but not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of any Customer's Contract Quantity. The Contractors may purchase all or part of such surplus Project Water so offered; provided, that in the event the Customer does not indicate to the District, in writing, its desire to accept and pay for such surplus Project Water offered, within fifteen (15) days after receiving written notice from the District of its availability, Customer's right to purchase such water shall terminate for that year. If the Contractors express a desire to purchase more surplus Project Water than has been determined to be available, the District shall apportion the available surplus water among all Contractors in such manner as the District shall determine to be equitable. Notwithstanding the above, Customer may elect to receive surplus water pursuant to this Section no more than three (3) times during the Term (Original Term and any Extended Term) of this Agreement.