Task 4 Sample Clauses
Task 4. Prepare Tracings & Bidding Documents Assumptions: Items Specifically Not Included:
Task 4. Re-Evaluation
Task 4. The contractor shall ensure that all eligibility requirements have been met by the applicant prior to evaluation. Evaluation of each application should be based on all available evidence of merit, including, but not limited to: Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), undergraduate transcripts, personal statements, and reference evaluation forms. Applications that are incomplete and/or do not meet minimum eligibility requirements should not be made available to panel members for evaluation. The contractor shall successfully solicit the willing participation of high caliber evaluators from academia, government (DoD and other federal agencies), and industry who have doctoral degrees from the science and engineering disciplines (S&E). The contractor shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that evaluation panels include a minimum of three (3) DoD (AF, Army, & Navy) S&Es per research discipline area. Selection of qualified evaluators is a vital component in the successful operation of the program. While the ARL relies on the contractor to identify and convene appropriate panels of technical experts, the agencies reserve the right to review and approve recommended panelists. The contractor shall arrange and coordinate discipline-specific panel meetings to review and evaluate applications. After a rank order listing of the applicants is submitted per discipline, ARL will make final selections for bestowal of Student recipient awards.
Task 4. Design and Facilitate Peer-to-Peer Web-Based Distance Learning Events: $21,000 (Minimum of 1 kick-off event and 3 web-based learning events) One kick-off web event to orient participating communities Within 30 days of contract execution Agendas for each web-based learning event (draft and final) Draft: 30 days prior to each event date Final: 20 days prior to each event date Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Complete materials set for each web- based learning event (draft and final) Draft: 10 days prior to each event date Final: 5 days prior to each event date Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 At least three web-based learning events Date of event Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Summary reports evaluating each web- based learning event Within 15 days of event Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Task 5: Provide Community Facilitation for Each Participating Community Team: $70,000 Summary of key goals and objectives, and high-level timeline and reporting mechanisms to track progress for each participating community July 15, 2016 Provide community facilitation services Ongoing Monthly reports to the State on facilitation activities and community progress Monthly Task 6: Develop a Final Report: $24,000 Final report (draft and final) Draft: 45 days prior to contract end date Final: 7 days prior to contract end date Final high-level curriculum 7 days prior to contract end date Task 7: Ongoing Reporting: $5,000 Monthly progress reports (submitted with invoices) Monthly Remittance Address: Xxxx to Address: Xxxxx Xxxxx Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA) NOB 1 South, 000 Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 XxxxxXxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx DVHA BO USE: *INVOICE PAYMENTS ARE NET30 TERMS, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. STATE OF VERMONT, CONTRACT FOR SERVICES PAGE 18 OF 18 DEPARTMENT OF VERMONT HEALTH ACCESS CONTRACT #31145 PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITUTE AMENDMENT 1 This amendment consists of 17 pages. Except as modified by this amendment and any previous amendments, all provisions of this contract, #31145, dated April 1, 2016 shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. o
Task 4. Permitting
4.1. Archeological and Cultural Resources Report (GEO 21-02)
4.2. Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA)
4.3. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
4.4. Water Quality Certification (Section 401) 4.5. JARPA (Section 404) 4.6. Critical Areas Ordinance Certificate of Compliance
Task 4. Integrating a gender perspective in research and teaching
Task 4. Design and Facilitate Peer-to-Peer Web-Based Distance Learning Events: $21,000 (Minimum of 1 kick-off event and 3 web-based learning events) One kick-off web event to orient participating communities Within 30 days of contract execution Agendas for each web-based learning event (draft and final) Draft: 30 days prior to each event date Final: 20 days prior to each event date Event 1
Task 4. Raw Data Report
Task 4. Provide Data Analysis & Dashboards. Consultant will perform data analysis and develop integrated dashboards using ArcGIS Online and business analytics platform. This task may include, without limitation, the following work:
2.4.1 Develop an integrated database for following data: Operational data; Water production data; Work order data; Water main break data; Flushing data; Customer account service data; New/re-development (ILMS) data; AMI data; and Pressure sensor & water quality sensor data.
2.4.2 Develop integrated dashboard for operational data, work order data and real-time flow, pressure and water quality monitor. EXHIBIT "B" PROJECT SCHEDULE Classification Raw Salary Rates «class1» $«rate1» «class2» $«rate2» «class3» $«rate3» «class4» $«rate4» «class5» $«rate5» «class6» $«rate6» «class7» $«rate7» «class8» $«rate8» «class9» $«rate9» «class10» $«rate10» «class11» $«rate11» «class12» $«rate12» «class13» $«rate13» «class14» $«rate14» «class15» $«rate15» «class16» $«rate16» «class17» $«rate17» «class18» $«rate18» «class19» $«rate19» «class20» $«rate20» «class21» $«rate21» «class22» $«rate22» «class23» $«rate23» «class24» $«rate24» «class25» $«rate25» «class26» $«rate26» «class27» $«rate27» «class28» $«rate28» «class29» $«rate29» «class30» $«rate30» Please visit xxxx://xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxx.xxxxx, and find “Insurance & Indemnification” for the most current insurance certificates and requirements I, as an owner or officer of (Name) (Print/Type) (Title) have authority to bind Engineer with respect to its bid, offer or performance of any and all contracts it may enter into with the City of Houston; and that by making this Agreement, I affirm that the Engineer is aware of and by the time the contract is awarded will be bound by and agree to designate appropriate safety impact positions for company employee positions, and to comply with the following requirements before the City issues a Notice to Proceed:
1. Develop and implement a written Drug Free Workplace Policy and related drug testing procedures for the Engineer that meet the criteria and requirements established by the Mayor's Amended Policy on Drug Detection and Deterrence (Mayor's Drug Policy) and the Mayor's Drug Detection and Deterrence Procedures for Engineers (Executive Order No. 1-31).
2. Obtain a facility to collect urine samples consistent with Health and Human Services (HHS) guidelines and a HHS certified drug te...
Task 4. Trucking versus Pipeline Analysis
a. Summarize and assess the costs, fees, and charges for pipeline and trucking alternatives developed in Tasks 2 and 3 to estimate District’s and Graton’s net change in annual revenue and expenses for each alternative.
b. Determine the estimated change in customer sanitation rates (sewer service charges) for both District and Graton resulting from implementation of each alternative.
c. Summarize options to optimize affordability of the alternatives for both District and Graton.
d. Develop a concept-level cost estimate for Graton to expand treatment capacity to accommodate year-round discharges from District, including wet weather peak discharges.
e. Conduct second progress meeting with the project team at the completion of this Task 4. Provide meeting agenda and minutes.
i. Prepare and distribute meeting agenda
ii. Record and distribute meeting minutes Second progress meeting Upon completion of this Task 4 Meeting agenda No later than one business day prior to meeting Meeting minutes Within seven calendar days following meeting