Geotechnical Study. The purpose of the geotechnical investigation would be to characterize the geotechnical conditions impacting any proposed trenchless pipelines. The geotechnical investigation will provide geotechnical recommendations relative to the design and construction of the proposed pipeline crossing by trenchless methods. OPEN-TRENCH (CUT-AND-COVER) Two (2) exploratory borings are proposed along Waring Road. For the open- trench pipeline reaches, a truck-mounted, small- diameter, hollow-stem auger drill rig is proposed to advance borings to the target depths, however, an air-rotary or air- percussion drill rig may be substituted if effective refusal is encountered during auger drilling. The purpose of the geotechnical investigation for the proposed open-trench (cut- and-cover) reaches of the Project will be to evaluate the geotechnical conditions along these pipeline reaches of the alignment and provide geotechnical recommendations relative to the design and construction of the proposed water pipeline. TRENCHLESS CROSSINGS Two (2) exploratory borings are proposed for Site 36. For any trenchless pipeline crossings, a truck mounted, large-diameter, bucket- auger or spin- auger drill rig is proposed to advance borings to the target depths at the access pit locations. The proposed scope of services may include the following and may be modified based on additional site evaluation and Project information. The following will be performed: ▪ Research and review of geotechnical maps and literature pertaining to the site and vicinity, including the previous geotechnical report for this Project if available and any nearby projects. ▪ Research and Review of historic aerial photographs, as-built maps and topographic maps of the area to evaluate the presence/depth of fill. ▪ Field reconnaissance to observe the existing surficial soil conditions along the alignment and to mark out proposed exploratory boring locations. ▪ Communications with Underground Services Alert (USA) agency representatives to check that the proposed subsurface investigation will not affect known buried utilities. ▪ Prepare support data map for City’s IB-511 review process which include boring and test pit locations, proposed equipment, and access routes. ▪ Prepare photolog of existing conditions and access route in support of IB-511 document. ▪ Geotechnical laboratory testing of the soil samples obtained. Laboratory tests are anticipated to include, at a minimum, grain-size classification, expansion index, A...
Geotechnical Study. Xxxxxx-Xxxx has retained the services of Ardaman & Associates, Inc. to perform the following Geotechnical services for the Road Extension: The scope of our work will include determining if the soil characteristics are suitable to construct the proposed roadway improvements and bridge. The normal seasonal high groundwater table will be estimated at the boring locations. The following summarizes our proposed scope of work and associated fees for conducting the subject exploration. The field exploration program will include the following: Description Number of Borings Maximum Depth Below Ground Surface {feet) The number of roadway borings is based on a general frequency of one boring per 100 feet of new 2- lane roadway. The SPT borings will be drilled using a procedure similar to the Standard Penetration Test outlined in ASTM D-1586. The borings will be sampled at 18-inch intervals to 15 feet and at 2.5-foot intervals thereafter. The auger borings will be drilled using a 4-inch diameter truck-mounted continuous flight auger or a 3.5-inch manual bucket auger. Each sample will be removed from the sampler or auger in the field and then examined and visually classified by our crew chief. Representative portions will be sealed and packaged for transportation to our laboratory for further analysis as required. Water level observations will be made in the boreholes during the drilling operation. The SPT borings will be grouted upon completion. The remaining borings will be backfilled with soil cuttings upon completion. Routine laboratory visual classification will be performed along with specific classification tests deemed necessary (i.e., sieve analysis, organic content and Atterberg limits). LBR tests will be performed for use in pavement design. Engineering analysis of all data obtained will be made to evaluate general subsurface conditions and to develop engineering recommendations to guide site preparation and foundation support for the proposed roadway improvements. The results of the LBR tests will be used to determine a Design LBR value for your use in pavement design. For the bridge, we will perform static pile capacity analyses using the FB-Deep Computer program for square concrete piles and steel H- piles. In addition, we will provide an estimate of the normal seasonal high groundwater table at the boring locations. Findings and data relative to the various components of the project developed during the exploration program will be submitted in written re...
Geotechnical Study. 16 Traffic Control 17 Borings 18 Geotechnical Evaluation Report
Geotechnical Study. It is assumed due to the existence of structures and underground systems at the facility, and to the assumption that subsurface problems have not been encountered in the past, that a site- specific geotechnical will not be required;
Geotechnical Study. Summary: Geotechnical Investigation for Xxxxxxx Project prepared by Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Inc. for Xxxx- Xxxxxxxx, Inc. dated 09/09/99 and 10/19/99 Letter Supplement to Geotechnical Report with Field Resistivity Survey and Chemical Corrosion Tests
Geotechnical Study. The Contractor shall perform and have full responsibility for the comprehensive geotechnical study (the “Geotechnical Study”) which shall indicate the results of Contractor’s full investigation, discovery, and conclusions regarding the subsurface conditions and all other geotechnical issues at the Site. The findings and conclusions of the Geotechnical Study shall be incorporated into the design of the Project.
Geotechnical Study. The Professional shall conduct a subsurface investigation of the proposed tank site to establish subsurface ground conditions. The Professional shall conduct drilling operations to collect samples that shall be used to determine the relative strength of supporting soils in areas where the tank shall be constructed. The Professional shall present data from this study in a geotechnical data report to NBU that will be issued as part of the construction documents.