Traffic Study Sample Clauses

Traffic Study. The CITY, through this AGREEMENT, shall require a traffic study from any CITY DEVELOPMENT that may have impacts on the COUNTY’s transportation system requiring mitigation in accordance with this AGREEMENT. Any such CITY DEVELOPMENT shall submit the requested traffic study to the CITY as part of its initial development application. 1. The criteria for preparation of the traffic study shall be provided by the COUNTY. 2. The CITY may waive the requirement for all or part of the traffic study if the COUNTY indicates that all information necessary to assess the impact of the development is available. 3. The CITY shall inform applicants, at the pre-application stage, of the COUNTY’s requirements for traffic studies and mitigation. 4. Following review of the traffic study, the COUNTY may request supplemental information and analysis as necessary to determine the impacts of the development in accordance with this AGREEMENT. The CITY shall require the proposed development to submit the supplemental information and analysis to the extent that the CITY determines that it is necessary to determine the impacts of the development in accordance with this AGREEMENT. 5. The COUNTY will recognize any transportation demand management (TDM), passer-by, internal capture or other vehicle trip reduction credits determined by the CITY for CITY DEVELOPMENTS.
Traffic Study. The COUNTY, through this AGREEMENT, shall require a traffic study from any COUNTY DEVELOPMENT that may have impacts on the CITY’s transportation system requiring mitigation in accordance with this AGREEMENT. Any such COUNTY DEVELOPMENT shall submit the requested traffic study to SnoCoPDS as part of its initial development application. 1. The CITY shall provide the criteria for preparation of the traffic study. 2. The COUNTY may waive the requirement for all or part of the traffic study if the CITY indicates that all information necessary to assess the impact of the development is available. 3. The Snohomish County Department of Public Works (SnoCoDPW) shall inform applicants, at the pre-submittal conference, of the CITY’s requirements for traffic studies and mitigation. 4. Following review of the traffic study, the CITY may request supplemental information and analysis as necessary to determine the impacts of the development in accordance with this AGREEMENT. The COUNTY shall require the proposed development to submit the supplemental information and analysis to the extent that the COUNTY determines that it is necessary to determine the impacts of the development in accordance with this AGREEMENT.
Traffic StudySix weeks to complete, $6,480 (lump sum).
Traffic Study. Master Developer shall fund a Traffic Study with a consultant jointly selected by the Town and Master Developer. The traffic study shall model the traffic impact and expected flows for a number of scenarios including varying usage levels of construction of the project facilities, the impact from the addition of one or more connections to SR 248, safe access for pedestrian and non-motorized traffic, and potential wildlife fencing to minimize wildlife-traffic incidents. The traffic study shall be used by the Town and Master Developer to facilitate the funding of potentially recommended mitigation measures including from third-party sources.
Traffic Study. The Prime Consultant shall hire a Transportation Engineer, as a sub-consultant, to: 1. Analyze existing and potential traffic patterns, including private vehicles, school buses, public transportation, bicycles, pedestrians, and other modes of transportation as appropriate. 2. Assist the Prime Consultant with the Prime Consultants parking analysis. 3. Assess the impact of proposed facility changes and expansion. 4. Develop access strategies and options. 5. Recommend modifications.
Traffic StudyThe PROFESSIONAL shall perform a traffic study to evaluate proposed intersection and corridor improvements, and to provide support for ICAAP funding request. Services provided will include the following: 1. Conduct 24-hour turning movement traffic counts at the N Ankeny Boulevard intersections with 5th Street, 9th Street and 11th Street (study intersections) using video methods. 2. Prepare opening year (2025) and design year (2050) AM, midday and PM peak hour turning movement traffic forecasts for the study intersections based on traffic count data collected, Des Moines area MPO traffic forecasts and anticipated growth rate. 3. Evaluate the need for right turn lanes at the study intersections per CLIENT right turn lane warrant criteria and considering potential operational and safety benefits. 4. Perform traffic operations analyses of opening year and design year AM, midday and PM peak hour traffic for the No Build and Build scenarios to determine average delays, levels of service and vehicle queuing. CLIENT will provide existing Synchro11 models of the project corridor. 5. Prepare a draft memorandum summarizing analyses and recommendations. Submit draft memorandum to the CLIENT for review. Finalize memorandum upon receipt of CLIENT comments.
Traffic Study. This task involves the completion a traffic analysis in support of the proposed on street parking for Roxboro Street and Lakewood Avenue. This task involves creating the construction documents for the layout of the proposed improvements, alterations to the drainage network and scope of signalization. This task includes a refinement of the preliminary opinion of probable cost. $20,000.00
Traffic Study. Xxxx and Peers will prepare a traffic study, which will include the following tasks: • Meet with staff to identify and acquire relevant documents and data, including: pertinent Municipal Code sections, existing traffic counts at area intersections and street segments, civil design requirements, and information on planned improvements. • Conduct a thorough field review of the site and driveway locations, configurations and operations of study intersections, nearby street segments, general circulation patterns surrounding the site, traffic control devices and regulations, and locations of transit stops and services. • The physical characteristics of the site's surrounding road network will be surveyed to verify existing cross sections, traffic signal locations, turn restrictions, lane assignments, circulation patterns, etc. Data needed for the traffic study will be sought from available data sources, including studies for other proposed and approved projects in the area and City of Burbank files and will include: 1 Historical, existing, and future traffic data 2 Descriptions of other major land use development proposals in the study area 3 Proposed roadway and transportation system improvements in the vicinity of the project • City staff has identified 10 intersections for analysis in the study. Existing morning and afternoon peak period intersection traffic counts will be collected from 6:00 to 9:00 AM and from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. The 10 intersections are: 0 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx & First Xxxxxx 0 Xxxxx Xxxxxx & I-5 Southbound On- /Off-Ramps 0 Xxxx Xxxxxx & Xxxxx Xxxxxx 0 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx & Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 3 Orange Grove Avenue & I-5 Northbound On-Ramp 0 Xxxxx Xxxxxx & Xxxx Xxxxxx 4 Olive Avenue & First Xxxxxx 0 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx & Victory Boulevard 0 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx & Xxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 10 Burbank Boulevard & San Xxxxxxxx Boulevard Two street segment locations are also proposed for analysis. Data will be collected for 24 hours using machine counters. 0 Xxxxx Xxxxxx between Magnolia Boulevard and Palm Xxxxxx 0 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx between First Street and San Xxxxxxxx Boulevard • Intersection capacity calculations would be conducted at the 10 study intersections for both morning and afternoon peak hour conditions. Intersection capacity calculations would indicate existing levels of service and volume-to-capacity ratios at each of the key study intersections. The analysis would use the Critical Movement Analysis (CMA) level of service calculation methodo...
Traffic StudyOperational analysis for Koeblen Road at Sunrise Meadow Drive, including warrants for turn lanes, storage length for turn lanes, and traffic warrant signal study. Subtasks will include: a. Schedule and conduct scoping meeting with client and Fort Bend County staff; as needed; b. Field visit to the site, one during the AM Peak Hour and/or one during the PM Peak Hour to assess existing traffic conditions; c. Conduct traffic data collection to include 13-hour video-based turning movement counts at Koeblen Road at Sunrise Meadow Drive. d. Conduct level of service analysis of the intersections listed above e. Examine warrants for turn lanes, both left turn and right turn, at each intersection; f. Conduct traffic signal warrant analysis at Koeblen Road at Sunrise Meadow Drive g. Provide recommendations for geometry, including for school buses and larger vehicles, and for pedestrian facilities as applicable; and h. Preparation of a technical report, including schematic graphics, for client and agency review.
Traffic Study. Landlord shall reimburse Tenant for one-third (1/3) of the cost of the traffic study prepared by Xxxxxx Xxxxx Associates, Inc. for HWCC attached as Exhibit “I” (the “Traffic Study”). The Landlord shall enact ordinances to accomplish, and pay all cost and expense related to effect, the installation of traffic signals and other proposals made by the traffic engineer in the Traffic Study, as well as the following traffic changes: (a) Modification of Xxxxxx Street to accommodate two lanes of westbound traffic and one lane of eastbound traffic between Xxxxx X. Xxxx, Memorial Parkway and Market Street; (b) Reversing traffic on Xxxxxxxx and Xxxxx Street; (c) Installation of traffic signals at specified intersections on Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx and such other streets as may be mutually agreed to by Landlord and Tenant to facilitate access to the Premises; and (d) Installation of directional signage on Spring Street and such other streets as may be mutually agreed to by the Landlord and the Tenant to facilitate access to the Premises. The Tenant acknowledges that traffic patterns and the means by which to address the same may change from time to time during the term of this Lease, and the Tenant agrees to cooperate in the change of any traffic plan so long as the objective is to facilitate traffic flow to and from the Premises.