Noise Study. Not applicable.
Noise Study. The Owner acknowledges that a Noise Attenuation Study in compliance with the City of Ottawa Environmental Noise Control Guidelines shall be completed by the developers of the residential air rights to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. The noise control attenuation measures recommended in the approved Noise Attenuation Study shall be implemented by the developer of the residential air rights, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth.
Noise Study. The CONSULTANT will prepare Highway Traffic Noise Studies which shall fulfill all requirements contained in 23 CFR 772, or changes thereto as they may occur, and shall be prepared in the following phases: Identify all existing and planned activities or land uses that may be affected by traffic noise from all alternates of the proposed project. Every house, school, park, business, etc. within approximately 122 meters (400 feet) of the outside pavement edge of all alternates of the proposed project should be identified. Measure the existing noise levels for existing activities and developed land uses. At least 1 noise level measurement should be made for every 15 to 20 land uses identified and for every substantial change in highway traffic. Determine the existing, design year no build, and design year build noise levels at each noise sensitive activity or land use identified along all alternates of the proposed project using a method meeting the requirements of 23 CFR 772. Compare the design year predicted noise levels for the no build alternative and the build alternative at each noise sensitive activity or land use with the existing noise levels and with the noise abatement criteria levels given in Table 1 of 23 CFR 772 and make a subjective description of the noise impact at each noise sensitive activity or land use. Examine and evaluate alternative noise abatement measures for reducing or eliminating the noise impact on existing activities, developed lands and undeveloped lands for which development is planned. Identify those lengths of highway (separately for each side of the highway) and those individual land uses where noise abatement measures are not feasible and reasonable. Prepare Noise Report Documents with a map showing the location of all identified activities and land uses with tables showing the measured and predicted noise levels at each activity and land use. The number of copies and medium of the documents will be prescribed by the Assignment instrument.
Noise Study. AECOM will characterize current noise levels at sensitive receptors east of Perris Boulevard between Luxury Street and Kalmia Avenue using a sound level meter meeting the standards prescribed by ANSI Section 1.4-1983 (R2006). The measurements will be performed in accordance to the City of Xxxxxx Valley Municipal Code Section 11.80.050A, “Measurement With Sound Meter”. These measurements will be used to establish a baseline from which to evaluate possible attenuation using sound walls. 000 Xxx Xxxxxxxx, 0xx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, XX 00000 T 909.579.3050 F 909.579.3997
Noise Study.
(a) That a detailed noise study or equivalent be prepared and endorsed by a qualified professional engineer or acoustical consultant, to be submitted to the Niagara Region for review and approval. The detailed noise study should confirm the recommended mitigation outlined in the Noise Feasibility Study, prepared by HGC Engineering (dated December 18, 2018), when detailed grading information is available.
Noise Study. The Owner agrees to implement the recommendations for any mitigation measures and warning clauses of the accepted Noise Feasibility Study prepared by HGC Engineering dated October 2, 2017.
Noise Study. Conduct a reconnaissance of the neighboring area to determine the existing noise sensitive receptors and existing noise conditions. Provide a report or memorandum of findings and recommended strategies for noise reduction and mitigation.
Noise Study i. Not included as part of this scope.
Noise Study. The CONSULTANT will prepare a noise study report consistent with the Caltrans Noise Analysis Protocol (May 2011) and Technical Noise Supplement (TeNS) to address traffic noise impacts on noise-sensitive uses, such as existing and approved future residential areas located adjacent to the proposed project. Noise standards regulating noise impacts, including the Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC) and applicable local noise ordinances, will be discussed for land uses located adjacent to the project. The areas with potential future traffic noise impacts will be identified using land use information, aerial photographs, and field reconnaissance. A discussion of any existing sensitive uses and approved future residences in the project vicinity will be included. Ambient noise level measurements will be conducted to establish the existing noise environment at representative receptor locations along Watt Avenue. Short- term (20-minute) noise level measurements will be made at up to 6 locations to document the existing noise environment and to calibrate the traffic noise model. One long-term 24-hour noise level measurement will be conducted to identify the peak traffic noise hour. Observations of barriers, terrains, building heights, and other site-specific information will be noted during each measurement period. Noise impacts from construction sources will be analyzed based on the equipment expected to be used, length of a specific construction task, equipment power type (gasoline or diesel engine), horsepower, load factor, and percentage of time in use. The construction noise impact will be evaluated in terms of maximum levels (Lmax) and the frequency of occurrence at adjacent receptor locations. Analysis requirements will be based on the sensitivity of the area and the County Code Noise Ordinance specifications of Placer County. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Noise Model (TNM), Version 2.5, will be used to evaluate the traffic noise levels associated with the Existing, Future No Build, and one build Alternative. Model input data include peak-hour traffic volumes, vehicle mix among autos, medium and heavy trucks, vehicle speeds, ground attenuation factors, and roadway configurations. Existing roadway traffic noise will be calculated as baseline conditions, using concurrent traffic counts obtained during ambient noise level measurement. The future traffic conditions will assume either the worst-case traffic condition or the projected traffic volumes ...
Noise Study. A Noise Study will be prepared by MD Acoustics, LLC. The scope of work includes the following: 1. Review site plan from a noise and CEQA perspective. Discuss project and noise producing activities to occur at the site. Understand operations, activities, hours of operations, number of guests, and other relevant project information. 2. Utilize SoundPlan acoustic modeling software to develop a 3D model of the site area. The model will incorporate the existing topography and reference noise levels for various activities (e.g. soccer noise or other spectator noise). MD will model a worst- case scenario and compare the noise level projections to the City’s noise ordinance for compliance.