Air Quality Study. We will prepare an air quality assessment for the project. Conformity with the Clean Air Act for regional operational emissions will be demonstrated by documenting that the project is consistent with the air quality analysis of the SANDAG Regional Transportation Improvement Program and Regional Transportation Plan. Local emissions will be addressed in accordance with Caltrans Transportation Project Level Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Air Quality Study. LAWA shall fund a study by an Independent Expert of toxic air contaminants and criteria air pollutant emissions from jet engine exhaust and other emission sources (“Air Quality Study”). In addition to other contaminant and pollutant emissions, the Air Quality Study shall measure jet engine exhaust emissions and provide chemical composition data from a representative sample of engine types and ages under a variety of conditions that reflect actual operations, and shall include this data and all other relevant study results as part of the final study provided to LAWA.
Air Quality Study. CONSULTANT shall prepare an air quality study. Assuming the CITY is the CEQA Lead Agency, an Air Quality Technical Report that meets Federal Highway Administration and Caltrans requirements for SIP conformity are not necessary. This study will then follow methods recommended in the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (BAAQMD) CEQA Air Quality Guidelines. The study will include the following: • Setting. Briefly describe setting conditions. Develop baseline conditions that describe meteorology/climate of the project area, existing air quality conditions, federal, state and local air quality rules and regulations, and approved air quality plans. Air pollutants and their impact on human health will also be described. • Regional Air Quality Impacts. Identify any applicable SIP conformity requirements for the project that pertain to air quality. Model changes in emissions associated with construction and operation using the appropriate versions of the CalEEMod and EMFAC models. The operational analysis will be based on the availability of traffic data. Compare emissions to significance thresholds. If project is included in the TIP, then operational emissions will only be provided for information purposes only. Transportation projects included in a TIP found to conform to the region’s air quality planning assumptions are assumed to have less-than-significant regional air quality impacts. • CO Hot Spot Analysis. Conduct a qualitative Hot Spot CO analysis based on the screening guidance provided by BAAQMD that is based on traffic volume. • Community Risk Impacts. Both construction and operation of the project will be evaluated for impacts associated with toxic air contaminants (TACs) that could be emitted during construction and operation of the project. Since residences are near the project, a health risk assessment is proposed that will include emissions modeling based on CalEEMod and dispersion modeling using AERMOD and meteorological data for San Xxxx. Operational impacts associated with traffic using the new roadway will be based on BAAQMD local roadway screening tables. This analysis will provide predicted levels of increased cancer risk, annual PM2.5 concentrations and non-cancer hazards. • Assess Project GHG Emissions. Changes to greenhouse gas emissions will be based on the CalEEMod and EMFAC modeling described above. These emissions will be evaluated against BAAQMD thresholds and City policies (i.e., GHG Reduction Strategy).
Air Quality Study. PA shall fund a study by an Independent Expert of toxic air contaminants and criteria air pollutant emissions from jet engine exhaust and other emission sources (“Air Quality Study”).
Air Quality Study. The CONSULTANT will prepare an Air Quality Analysis to address local and regional impacts on sensitive land uses. The analysis will be prepared in accordance with the Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference. Baseline and project setting meteorological and air quality data developed through the California Air Resources Board (ARB) and climatological and air quality profile data gathered by the Placer County Air Pollution Control District will be utilized for the description of existing ambient air quality. Most recent published air quality data from the air quality monitoring stations nearest to the project site for the past three years will be included to help highlight existing air quality in the vicinity of the project site. Other sources such as regulatory documents, professional publications, and past experience in the project area will supplement background information. The CONSULTANT will estimate construction emissions based on construction information available and provided. In addition, standard dust suppression measures identified by COUNTY guidelines will be identified to minimize construction impacts. The Air Quality Analysis will document whether the proposed project is included in the latest Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP), and Federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (FSTIP) for preliminary engineering/environmental documentation. The air quality analysis will make a final determination whether the build alternatives will conform to applicable state and federal air quality plans. The proposed project’s short-term construction and long-term operational impact on global warming and climate change will be discussed. • Draft/Final Air Quality Conformity Analysis Report • Draft/Final Air Quality Study
Air Quality Study. This study was designed to better understand the causes of increasing episodes of unhealthy levels of ozone in CAVE.
Air Quality Study. Xxxxx Xxxxxx will prepare an air quality report evaluating the air impacts potential air mitigation measures for the proposed project As part of the analysis, we will collect air quality setting information and quantify construction emissions as required by the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District Construction emission estimates will be based on project-specific on the CEQA Air Quality Guidelines, and on state and federal heavy duty construction equipment emission factors. We will use the significance thresholds to determine the project would result in significant air impacts. Where feasible, mitigation measures be identified for any significantair impacts. Since the project is a federally road project, we will evaluate whether the project meets transportation requirements. As the project does not involve increasing capacity on the roadway, the completed project is not expected to have an impact on microscale air concentrations in the project area. However, we will use the guidelines stated in the Transportation Project-Level Carbon Monoxide Protocol to evaluate the impact of carbon monoxide concentrations at sensitive receptors near the project. We assume that aerial photographs of the project site (at a scale of 1 inch equals feet or less) showing air sensitive uses residences, schools) within 1,000 feet of the roadway will be provided to Xxxxx Xxxxxx before the analysis begins.