Other Conditions 4.1 The Bank may at any time vary, modify or amend the terms and conditions of the Program as it may, in its reasonable discretion, think fit, and the Cardholder shall be bound by such variations and amendments after such variations and amendments have been communicated to the Cardholder. 4.2 Any abuse or fraud in respect of the issuance of Points or redemption of Rewards (including any Points transfer to designated airlines’ programmes), may result in the cancellation of accrued Points and any Rewards already issued. 4.3 Without prejudice to any of the Bank’s rights and remedies, the Bank is entitled, at any time, in its reasonable discretion with reasonable notice, to terminate the Program or withdraw, cancel or invalidate any Reward and/ or Points already issued. 4.4 The Bank is not liable if it is unable to perform its obligations under these terms and conditions, due directly or indirectly to the failure of any machine or communication system, industrial dispute, war, Act of God, or anything outside the control of the Bank, its agents or any third party. The Bank shall not be responsible for any delay in the transmission to the Bank of evidence of Retail Purchases by the participating merchants or any other third party. 4.5 The Cardholder hereby authorizes the Bank to disclose information regarding himself/herself and his/her Card Account(s) to such third parties as the Bank deems necessary for the purposes of the Program. 4.6 The Bank’s records of all matters relating to this program are conclusive and binding on the Cardholder, save in the case of the Bank’s manifest or clerical error. The Bank is entitled to, for any reason and at any time, with reasonable notice, suspends the calculation or accrual of Points to rectify any errors in the calculation, or otherwise adjust such calculation. 4.7 The Bank’s decision on all matters relating to the Program shall be final and binding on the Cardholder. 4.8 Any redemption of any Reward shall be governed by the Citi ThankYou Rewards Program Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time.
Weather Conditions The Contractor will be required to protect all work and materials against damage or injury from the weather. If, in the opinion of the County, any work or materials shall have been damaged or injured by reason of failure to protect such, all such materials or work shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the Contractor.
Work Conditions The Contractor agrees to accept sole responsibility to comply with all federal, provincial and municipal legislation which may have application to the Work and agrees to comply with all provincial and federal legislation affecting conditions of work and wage rates including the Employment Standards Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. E-6.2, the Workers Compensation Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. W-7.1, or any other laws that impose obligations in the nature of employers’ obligations. The Contractor agrees to follow the Public Service Commission Human Resource Policies 9.05 Violence in the Workplace Policy; 9.08 Drug, Alcohol, and Medication Policy, and 11.01 Policy for the Prevention and Resolution of Harassment in the Workplace while working on Government sites, in Government vehicles or alongside Government staff. The Contractor agrees to accept the full cost of doing those things required under this paragraph and will not charge or seek reimbursement from the Owner in any way, such costs having been taken into consideration and included in the rates of payment stipulated in this Agreement.
Test conditions 6.1.1. The test shall be performed on a flat, dry concrete or asphalt surface affording good adhesion. 6.1.2. The ambient temperature shall be between 0°C and 45°C. 6.1.3. The horizontal visibility range shall allow the target to be observed throughout the test.