TENDER CONDITIONS. 2.1. The only offers to purchase the Subject Matter which need be considered by the Seller, are those which are submitted on this Tender Document especially prepared for this purpose by the Seller, and accordingly no tender or Offer which: 2.1.1. is made on any Tender Document other than this Tender Document obtained from the Seller; and/or 2.1.2. seeks to impose any conditions or provisions in addition to or at variance with the conditions and provisions contained in this Tender Document need be considered by the Seller unless the Seller acting in its own entire discretion decides otherwise. 2.2. The Seller shall – 2.2.1. not be obliged to accept the highest or any particular offer for the Subject Matter or part thereof, made in terms of this Tender Document. 2.2.2. in its sole discretion decide: whether the Seller shall accept any offer or offers for the purchase of the Subject Matter made in terms of this Tender Document; and/or which offer or offers for the purchase of the Subject Matter made in terms of this Tender Document, shall be accepted by the Seller. 2.3. The Purchaser may, by utilizing this Tender Document only, or any number of copies of this Tender Document, and by following the tender conditions and instructions referred to herein, offer to purchase the Subject Matter of this Tender Document. 2.4. In making an offer to purchase the Subject Matter in terms of this Tender Document, each Tender Document submitted by the Purchaser shall be completed, signed and submitted to the Seller strictly in accordance with the following procedures: 2.4.1. This Tender Document must be completed by the Purchaser inserting all of the particulars required in clauses 1.3.17, 3, 20.1.3 and (if applicable)
TENDER CONDITIONS. CASIDRA reserves the right to: • disregard any bids where the declaration has not been signed; • accept parts of the bid items or split bids based upon item prices; • disclose the results of the points awarded on request; • evaluate and award points according to the documentation supplied and evaluate functionality at its own discretion; • award the bid to the qualifying bidder with the highest number of points scored, unless the prices are not market related or on the basis of objective criteria stated in the tender documents, and • to award the bid to a bidder which does not necessarily have the lowest price. The bid may be cancelled if: • all the bid offers received are higher than R50 million; • circumstances change and there is no longer a requirement for this service; • funds are no longer available or if there are insufficient funds available in the budget for the work; • no acceptable bids and/or market related prices are received; • there is a material irregularity in the tender process (administrative non-compliance of prescribed legislation); • false information was supplied by the bidder; • Cancellation of bid will be placed in the same media as initially advertised. Other notes: • Final points scored will be rounded off to the nearest 2 decimal places. • In the event of equal scores, the offer with the highest B-BBEE score will be successful. If scores are still equal, and where functionality is part of the bid, the offer with the highest functionality score will be successful. If the scores are still equal, the drawing of lots will determine the outcome. • Casidra SOC Ltd retains the right to amend financial/accounting calculations and to accept the amended amount as the new bid amount. To be initialled by bidder Initial here PLEASE INDICATE TYPE OF WORKS Infrastructure/construction (includes animal husbandry, building, greenhouses, sheds and storerooms, civil and building works including stores, engineering and electrical engineering works) ☐ Training ☐ Catering servicesProduction inputs (includes feed, fertilizers, packing material, seeds and plants, transport, soil preparation) ☐ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (ENGINEERS, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, VETERINARIANS AND SERVICES, LEGAL PRACTITIONERS, INDUSTRIAL CONSULTANTS OR RECRUITMENT AGENCIES, TRAINING SERVICE PROVIDERS, SUBJECT MATTER SPECIALISTS ACTING AS CONSULTANTS, ETC.) ☒ Mechanisation (Vehicles, farming implements/equipment) ☐ Other (please specify) ☐ PROCUREMENT STRATEGY (Please indicate by c...
TENDER CONDITIONS. 2.1. The only offers to purchase the property which need be considered by the Seller, are those which are submitted on this Tender Document especially prepared for this purpose by the Seller, and accordingly no tender or Offer which: 2.1.1. is made on any Tender Document other than this Tender Document obtained from the Seller; and/or 2.1.2. seeks to impose any conditions or provisions in addition to or at variance with the conditions and provisions contained in this Tender Document need be considered by the Seller unless the Seller acting in its own entire discretion decides otherwise. 2.2. The Seller shall – 2.2.1. not be obliged to accept the highest or any particular offer for the Property, made in terms of this Tender Document. 2.2.2. in its sole discretion decide: whether the Seller shall accept any offer or offers for the purchase of the property made in terms of this Tender Document; and/or which offer or offers for the purchase of the property made in terms of this Tender Document, shall be accepted by the Seller. 2.3. The Purchaser may, by utilizing this Tender Document only, or any number of copies of this Tender Document, and by following the tender conditions and instructions referred to herein, offer to purchase the Property. 2.4. In making an offer to purchase the property in terms of this Tender Document, each Tender Document submitted by the Purchaser shall be completed, signed and submitted to the Seller strictly in accordance with the following procedures: 2.4.1. This Tender Document must be completed by the Purchaser inserting all of the particulars required on page 1 above (“the purchaser”) and in clauses 3 and 35.2 below. In the aforesaid clauses, if the Purchaser is a natural person, s/he shall insert his/her full names, identity number, marital status, physical address (not post box address) and e-mail address. If the Purchaser is a company, Trust, close corporation or body corporate, then it shall insert the full name and registration of that entity, together with the full names and identity number of the authorized signatory, as well as the physical address (not box number) and e-mail address of that entity. Should the Purchaser be a partnership, the full names, identity numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses (not box numbers) of all the partners are required. 2.4.2. By delivering and lodging the Deposit simultaneously with the Tender Document. Such proof of payment must accompany this tender. 2.4.3. By...
TENDER CONDITIONS. 1. The Contract Price Adjustment (CPA) mechanism and/or provisions relating to Rate of Exchange (XxX) Variation, contained in this schedule is compulsory and binding on all Tenderers/Suppliers and this schedule (the parts relevant to the particular tender) must be completed by all Tenderers / Suppliers. 2. Tenderers/Suppliers are not permitted to amend, vary, alter or delete this schedule or any part thereof unless otherwise stated in this schedule. 3. Tenderers are not permitted to offer fixed and firm prices except as provided for in the Price Schedule. 4.
TENDER CONDITIONS. All of the Tender Conditions shall have been satisfied or waived by the Person or Persons entitled to waive the same.
TENDER CONDITIONS. All of Tender Conditions (other than the condition in clause (vi) thereof that Alden delivers the amounts due hereunder) shall have been satisfied or waived by the Person or Persons entitled to waive the same, with the consent of the Investor, and the Company shall have accepted all shares tendered therein.
TENDER CONDITIONSThe Council doesn’t bind itself to accept any tender in whole or in part, or to be responsible for any expense incurred by the Contractor in tendering. The contract will be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous offer taking account price, technical merit and value for money.
TENDER CONDITIONSWith reference to Exhibit F to the Purchase Agreement, clause (vi) of the Tender Conditions is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows:


  • Other Conditions 4.1 The Bank may at any time vary, modify or amend the terms and conditions of the Program as it may, in its reasonable discretion, think fit, and the Cardholder shall be bound by such variations and amendments after such variations and amendments have been communicated to the Cardholder. 4.2 Any abuse or fraud in respect of the issuance of Points or redemption of Rewards (including any Points transfer to designated airlines’ programmes), may result in the cancellation of accrued Points and any Rewards already issued. 4.3 Without prejudice to any of the Bank’s rights and remedies, the Bank is entitled, at any time, in its reasonable discretion with reasonable notice, to terminate the Program or withdraw, cancel or invalidate any Reward and/ or Points already issued. 4.4 The Bank is not liable if it is unable to perform its obligations under these terms and conditions, due directly or indirectly to the failure of any machine or communication system, industrial dispute, war, Act of God, or anything outside the control of the Bank, its agents or any third party. The Bank shall not be responsible for any delay in the transmission to the Bank of evidence of Retail Purchases by the participating merchants or any other third party. 4.5 The Cardholder hereby authorizes the Bank to disclose information regarding himself/herself and his/her Card Account(s) to such third parties as the Bank deems necessary for the purposes of the Program. 4.6 The Bank’s records of all matters relating to this program are conclusive and binding on the Cardholder, save in the case of the Bank’s manifest or clerical error. The Bank is entitled to, for any reason and at any time, with reasonable notice, suspends the calculation or accrual of Points to rectify any errors in the calculation, or otherwise adjust such calculation. 4.7 The Bank’s decision on all matters relating to the Program shall be final and binding on the Cardholder. 4.8 Any redemption of any Reward shall be governed by the Citi ThankYou Rewards Program Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time.

  • Weather Conditions The Contractor will be required to protect all work and materials against damage or injury from the weather. If, in the opinion of the County, any work or materials shall have been damaged or injured by reason of failure to protect such, all such materials or work shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the Contractor.

  • Work Conditions The Contractor agrees to accept sole responsibility to comply with all federal, provincial and municipal legislation which may have application to the Work and agrees to comply with all provincial and federal legislation affecting conditions of work and wage rates including the Employment Standards Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. E-6.2, the Workers Compensation Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. W-7.1, or any other laws that impose obligations in the nature of employers’ obligations. The Contractor agrees to follow the Public Service Commission Human Resource Policies 9.05 Violence in the Workplace Policy; 9.08 Drug, Alcohol, and Medication Policy, and 11.01 Policy for the Prevention and Resolution of Harassment in the Workplace while working on Government sites, in Government vehicles or alongside Government staff. The Contractor agrees to accept the full cost of doing those things required under this paragraph and will not charge or seek reimbursement from the Owner in any way, such costs having been taken into consideration and included in the rates of payment stipulated in this Agreement.

  • Test conditions 6.1.1. The test shall be performed on a flat, dry concrete or asphalt surface affording good adhesion. 6.1.2. The ambient temperature shall be between 0°C and 45°C. 6.1.3. The horizontal visibility range shall allow the target to be observed throughout the test.