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Drawing of Lots Sample Clauses

Drawing of Lots. Operating Center Seniority shall control except as otherwise provided in the Rider or this Addendum. In making such employee assignments the Employer recommits to the recognition of seniori- ty in the everyday operation of the business. Employees shall work off separate seniority lists for each operating center under this Agreement.
Drawing of Lots. A classified employee scheduled for layoff may be assigned to another position provided:
Drawing of Lots. The Board shall publish a seniority list by November 30th annually to be posted in the schools and a copy of the list shall be provided to the Unit President. The seniority list shall provide in decreasing order of seniority the names of the teachers, the date of commencement of employment, and the total seniority calculated in accordance with this article. Those teachers with equal years in seniority will be listed in alphabetical order.
Drawing of Lots. A full year’s seniority will be granted for full-time teachers that work 100 or more days in a school year. Otherwise, no fractional year will be granted. Regularly employed part-time certified employees who have previously acquired tenure in the District will earn seniority on a pro-rata basis. For example, a teacher employed 50% time will earn a half a year of seniority for each year of part-time employment. Seniority will accrue during a paid leave of absence, i.e. sick leave, personal leave, etc... Seniority will not accrue during an unpaid leave of absence, except for FMLA, military leave or any other unpaid leave an employee is eligible to receive under state or federal law. Seniority will be retained but will not accrue during layoff.
Drawing of Lots. If the hours beyond the Bachelor Degree Level were earned in units other than semester hours,
Drawing of Lots. A. The drawing of lots to determine relative seniority shall be considered in the presence of members of the Administration and of the Association so designated for the purpose. This drawing should occur before October 15. B. All employees affected by the drawing shall be informed in writing of its time and place. Any employee who cannot attend may exercise one request for a rescheduling or may designate in writing a proxy to draw for him/her. If the employee fails to do so, then the Association may, at its discretion, appoint a proxy for the employee. C. In the presence of all official observers and participants, twenty-six (26) Scrabble tiles, depicting the letters A through Z, shall be placed in a suitable open-topped opaque container. These lots shall be mixed and the container shall then be held above eye level by one of the officials conducting the lottery. Each participant in turn, alphabetically according to last name, in the presence of all others, shall draw out one lot and immediately reveal the letter on it, and then return it to the container. The lots shall be mixed again before the next participant draws. Each participant shall draw once before any ties are resolved. Then, any persons who have drawn the same letter shall redraw to determine their relative order, one to the other. D. The alphabetical order of the letters (A to Z) shall determine the order of election. E. Once all lots have been drawn and the results have been recorded, these results shall be considered final. There shall be no redrawing unless the official representative of both the Administration and the Association agree that there was some invalidating irregularity in the original drawing. F. When the drawing of lots has been concluded, the relative order of seniority thereby determined shall be recorded on a form which shall be signed by all participants (or their proxies) and by the Administration and Association representatives, all of whom shall receive copies of the form, and the original shall be placed on file by the Superintendent, with copies in the personnel files of the participant.
Drawing of Lots. C. The following shall constitute loss of seniority for the purposes of this Article. 1. Termination of Employment (voluntary or non-voluntary). 2. Retirement, and 3. Time off due to a lay-off of longer than two (2) years (for the purposes of this article, seniority due to a lay-off of two years or less shall be added upon return to full duty status).
Drawing of LotsNew employees beginning after the start of the school year and working less than 120 days will be given ½ year service credit for seniority at the end of that school year so long as they work 85 days or more during that school year. Only full years of service will be applied toward tenure status.
Drawing of LotsThe Employer will provide to the Union a complete, current, and accurate seniority list for each operation in the Local Unions jurisdiction, on a quarterly basis, or as requested, after a quarterly review determining the accuracy of the respective seniority list has taken place between the operations management team and shop xxxxxxx(s). An employee shall still have the right to protest the accuracy of their seniority date and/or their relative standing on that seniority list by filing a timely grievance.