TERM AND TERMINATION 14. 1 This Service Agreement shall become effective when the Main Document is signed by duly authorised signatories of each Party and shall, unless terminated in accordance with this Section 14 below, remain in force until the Services are completed. 14.2 Either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Service Agreement with immediate effect in the event: (a) the other Party commits a material breach of the terms of this Service Agreement, which has not been remedied within 30 days from written notice from the other Party to remedy such breach (if capable of being remedied); or (b) if the other Party should become insolvent or enter into negotiations on composition with its creditors or a petition in bankruptcy should be filed by it or it should make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors. 14.3 For avoidance of doubt, Purchaser not paying the Service Charges, without legitimate reasons for withholding payment, shall be considered in material breach for the purpose of this Service Agreement. 14.4 Furthermore, Purchaser is entitled to terminate this Service Agreement with immediate effect in case Service Provider acts in breach, which is not insignificant, of what is set forth in Section 4.3 and 4.4 provided that the issue first has been escalated in accordance with Section 17.1. PS23-111 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 13 14.5 Purchaser shall in addition be entitled to cancel the Services performed by Service Provider for convenience [***]written notice to Service Provider. In such event, Service Provider shall, upon request from Purchaser, promptly make available in the Data Room (if applicable) any and all parts of the Results which have been finalised on the effective date of the cancellation. Moreover, the “Results” shall for the purposes of this Service Agreement be considered such parts of the Results that Service Provider has finalised on the effective date of the cancellation. 14.6 In the event Purchaser cancels the Services in accordance with Section 14.5 above, the Service Charges shall, instead of what is set out in the Main Document, correspond to Service Provider’s costs for the Services performed up, until and including the effective date of the cancellation, including the mark-up otherwise applied to calculate the Service Charges in accordance with the Main Document and any other reasonable proven costs Service Provider has incurred. 14.7 Either Party shall in addition be entitled to terminate the Service Agreement for convenience upon [**...
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TERM AND TERMINATION 14. Smluvní období a ukončení smlouvy
TERM AND TERMINATION 14. 1 This Service Agreement shall become effective when the Main Document is signed by duly authorised signatories of each Party and shall, unless terminated in accordance with this Section 14 below, remain in force until the Services are completed. 14.2 Either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Service Agreement with immediate effect in the event: (a) the other Party commits a material breach of the terms of this Service Agreement, which has not been remedied within 30 days from written notice from the other Party to remedy such breach (if capable of being remedied); or (b) if the other Party should become insolvent or enter into negotiations on composition with its creditors or a petition in bankruptcy should be filed by it or it should make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors. 14.3 For avoidance of doubt, Purchaser not paying the Service Charges, without legitimate reasons for withholding payment, shall be considered in material breach for the purpose of this Service Agreement. 14.4 Furthermore, Purchaser is entitled to terminate this Service Agreement with immediate effect in case Service Provider acts in breach, which is not insignificant, of what is set forth in Section 4.3 and 4.4 provided that the issue first has been escalated in accordance with Section 17.1. 14.5 Purchaser shall in addition be entitled to cancel the Services performed by Service Provider for convenience upon [***] days written notice to Service Provider. In such event, Service Provider shall, upon request from Purchaser, promptly make available in the Data Room
TERM AND TERMINATION 14. 1 (a) The Author may terminate this Agreement with respect to the Work by written notice to the Publisher if the Publisher does not reply to the Author’s request for required changes to such Volume submitted pursuant to Paragraph 2.1(f) above.
TERM AND TERMINATION 14. 1 This CM Agreement shall become effective retroactively from 1 January 2022 when the Main Document is signed by duly authorised signatories of each Party and shall, unless terminated by either Party upon 12 months’ written notice to the other Party or terminated in accordance with Section 14.2 below, remain in force during the validity of the license period of the license granted to Polestar hereunder. 14.2 Either Party shall be entitled to terminate this CM Agreement with immediate effect in the event (a) the other Party commits a material breach of the terms of this CM Agreement, which has not been remedied within 60 days from written notice from the other Party to remedy such breach (if capable of being remedied); or (b) the other Party should become insolvent or enter into negotiations on composition with its creditors or a petition in bankruptcy should be filed by it or it should make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors. 14.3 For avoidance of doubt, Polestar not paying the Fee, without legitimate reasons for withholding payment, shall be considered a material breach for the purpose of this CM Agreement. 14.4 Furthermore, Polestar is entitled to terminate this CM Agreement with immediate effect in case Volvo Cars acts in breach of what is set forth in Sections 8.1 and/or 8.2 and has not within 60 days from written notice from Polestar to remedy such breach (if capable of being remedied), taken necessary measures and/or remedy such incompliance, delay, fault or defect and after such issue has been escalated in accordance with the escalation principles set out in Section 17.1. 14.5 Polestar shall in addition be entitled to cancel any Change Management activity executed under Section 2.3 (Unique Change Management) as performed by Volvo Cars for convenience upon thirty 30 days written notice to Volvo Cars. In such event, Volvo Cars shall, upon request from Polestar, promptly make available in the Data Room (if applicable) any and all parts of the CM Results which have been finalised for delivery on the effective date of the cancellation. Moreover, the “CM Results” shall for the purposes of this CM
TERM AND TERMINATION 14. 1 This Hardware Schedule will become effective on the first Ordering Document (under this Hardware Scehdule) Effective Date set forth in the first Ordering Document’s (under this Hardware Schedule) Ordering Document Effective Date and will continue in effect thereafter until the parties have fulfilled all obligations under such Ordering Document (or if there are other effective Ordering Documents still in effect, then until the parties have fulfilled all obligations under such other Ordering Documents). This Hardware Schedule may be terminated earlier as permitted under the Customer Agreement. 14.2 In addition to those Sections stated in Section 7.4 of the General Terms, Section 10 (Limitation of Liability, Section 15 (IP Infringement Indemnity), 13.1 O Cliente poderá alterar um pedido de Hardware antes do envio, sujeito à taxa de pedido de alteração em vigor, conforme estabelecido pela Samsung SDS de tempos em tempos. As taxas de pedido de alteração aplicáveis e uma descrição das alterações permitidas são definidas nas Políticas de Pedidos. 13.2 Ao celebrar obrigações de pagamento nos termos de um Documento de Pedido, o Cliente concorda e reconhece que o Cliente não confiou na disponibilidade futura de qualquer Hardware, Sistema Operacional, Software Integrado ou atualizações dos mesmos. No entanto, (a) se o Cliente solicitar Suporte Técnico, a xxxxx anterior não isenta a Samsung SDS de sua obrigação de fornecer esse Suporte Técnico sob o Contrato do Cliente, se e quando disponível, de acordo com as políticas de Suporte Técnico atuais da Samsung SDS, e (b) a xxxxx anterior não altera os direitos concedidos ao Cliente nos termos de um Documento de Pedido e do Contrato do Cliente. 13.3 As taxas de Hardware e Software Integrado são faturadas a partir da Data de Entrega. 13.4 As taxas de suporte técnico são faturadas anualmente com antecedência. O período de desempenho de todo o Suporte Técnico entra em vigor na Data de Entrega. 13.5 Além dos preços listados no Documento de Pedido, a Samsung SDS faturará ao Cliente quaisquer encargos de frete ou impostos aplicáveis, e o Cliente será responsável por tais encargos e Impostos, não obstante qualquer disposição expressa ou implícita nos “Incotermos” ou descrição equivalente mencionada nas políticas de pedidos. 14.
TERM AND TERMINATION 14. 1 This Service Agreement shall become effective on 1 January 2021 and shall, unless terminated in accordance with this Section 14 below, remain in force until 31 December 2023. 14.2 Either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Service Agreement with immediate effect in the event: (a) the other Party commits a material breach of the terms of this Service Agreement, which has not been remedied within 30 days from written notice from the other Party to remedy such breach (if capable of being remedied); or (b) if the other Party should become insolvent or enter into negotiations on composition with its creditors or a petition in bankruptcy should be filed by it or it should make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors. 14.3 For avoidance of doubt, Purchaser not paying the Service Charges, without legitimate reasons for withholding payment, shall be considered in material breach for the purpose of this Service Agreement. 14.4 Furthermore, Purchaser is entitled to terminate this Service Agreement with immediate effect in case Service Provider acts in breach, which is not insignificant, of what is set forth in Section 4.3 and 4.4 provided that the issue first has been escalated in accordance with Section 17.1. 14.5 Either Party shall in addition be entitled to terminate this Service Agreement for convenience upon 6 months written notice to the other Party. In case of termination according to this Section 14.5 the Parties shall agree on an appropriate transition process.
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TERM AND TERMINATION 14. 1 This Service Agreement shall become effective when the Main Document is signed by duly authorised signatories of each Party and shall, unless terminated in accordance with this Section 14 below, remain in force until the Services are completed. 14.2 Either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Service Agreement with immediate effect in the event: (a) the other Party commits a material breach of the terms of this Service Agreement, which has not been remedied within 30 days from written notice from the other Party to remedy such breach (if capable of being remedied); or (b) if the other Party should become insolvent or enter into negotiations on composition with its creditors or a petition in bankruptcy should be filed by it or it should make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors.
TERM AND TERMINATION 14. 5.1 Contract Term 14 5.2 Termination for Convenience by City 14 5.3 Termination For Cause By City 15 5.4 Termination for Cause by Performer 16
TERM AND TERMINATION 14. Doba trvání a ukončení
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