THE COST OF OUR SERVICES. Our separate Client Fee Agreement covers in detail the choices you have for how our fee will be calculated to cover our services. We will discuss the options with you and answer any questions you have. The Client Fee Agreement forms part of this Client Agreement, so they should be read alongside each other as, together, they represent the entire agreement between us. We reserve the right to increase our fees in future but, if we do so, we will let you know in advance of any increased charges coming into effect. The section below entitled Amendment to these Terms explains how we will do this. You agree that where a product or service provider has agreed to facilitate the payment of fees due from you to us, and where such fees received are in excess of any fees you owe us at the time of receipt of the amount concerned, we will aim to return these fees within 30 days, although we reserve the right to offset any fees for work undertaken which has yet to be invoiced, before the final refund takes place. In the event that we are entitled to receive a commission for non-advised transactions or for certain business transacted or advised on prior to 31st December 2012, we will be able to tell you the amount of any commission that is paid to us by product providers with whom investments are made. You should be aware of the possibility that other costs or taxes relating to the services that we provide for you may exist, even though they are not paid through us or imposed by us. We make no additional charge in relation to our specialisation in responsible investment. We will be remunerated for the provision of the agreed services on the basis set out in Schedules 1 and/or 2 to this Client Agreement. You agree that all fees invoiced will be settled within seven days of the date of the invoice or other request for payment. Any outstanding fees will incur interest charges at a daily rate equivalent to 1% per calendar month. Should any of your Employees/individual members require advice we will refer them to our website where they can enquire about our Advisory Services. Should they wish to proceed with one of our Advisory Services, we will require a separate agreement with them which will not hold any connection with our agreement with you as their Employer. We will agree a fixed fee with you for our ongoing advice depending on your specific requirements, the actual adviser charges (fees) will be agreed with you and based on the complexity of the work involved, the amoun...
THE COST OF OUR SERVICES. You will pay for our services by either a fee or a combination of fee and/or fee by payment facilitation through product charging. We will discuss your payment options with you and answer any questions you have. We will not charge you until we have agreed with you how we are to be paid. For payment options relating to investment advice, please refer to paragraphs 13 & 14. For payment options relating to pure protection advice, please refer to paragraph 14.
THE COST OF OUR SERVICES. Hourly Rates Example of our fee charged at an hourly rate for a new transaction Staff Role Hourly Rate Estimated Hours Total Cost
THE COST OF OUR SERVICES. This agreement is designed to outline the basis on which we charge for our services in relation to the investigation, research and placement of an Equity Release mortgage on your behalf and is to confirm and formalise our recent conversation regarding the service which we provide. We will require you to provide up to date and accurate information of your personal circumstances and financial objectives. Having established your needs, we will then source a suitable product for you. We will then report to you in writing clearly documenting our recommended course of action. Our recommendations will be made on the basis of the written information provided by you and will take into account the objectives stated by you. Please be aware that there could be other fees that will be required to be paid by you, such as arrangement fee to the lender we may recommend. All such fees will be disclosed in writing to you. All information given to us, and the recommendations and advice provided by us to you will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone, except as we agree in writing or to whom we are regulatory obliged to. You may, however, request that a copy of your details be made available to your Accountant or Solicitor. When you receive your written report, it will be your decision alone to implement the recommendation. In order that there may be no future misunderstanding, it is for our mortgage services that you will pay a fee under this agreement.
THE COST OF OUR SERVICES. You will pay for our services by either a fee or a combination of fee and/or fee by payment facilitation through product charging. We will discuss your payment options with you and answer any questions you have. We will not charge you until we have agreed with you how we are to be paid. For 1. For payment options relating to mortgage and insurance advice, please refer to paragraph 4. Value added tax may be payable on some or all of the work we do. We will inform you if VAT is applicable.
THE COST OF OUR SERVICES. Our fee schedule is as follows; we will also confirm in writing before you become a client: Up to £150,000 1% (min £1,000) 0.60% £150,000 £1,500 plus 0.20% of amount over £150,000 capped at £3,000 0.60% £300,000 0.50% £400,000 0.40% £600,000 0.35% £750,000 0.30% £1 million 0.25% £1.5 million 0.20%


  • Contract Services The Provider Agency shall provide services to eligible persons in accordance with all specifications contained in this Contract.

  • Surgery Services This plan covers surgery services to treat a disease or injury when: • the operation is not experimental or investigational, or cosmetic in nature; • the operation is being performed at the appropriate place of service; and • the physician is licensed to perform the surgery. This plan covers reconstructive surgery and procedures when the services are performed to relieve pain, or to correct or improve bodily function that is impaired as a result of: • a birth defect; • an accidental injury; • a disease; or • a previous covered surgical procedure. Functional indications for surgical correction do not include psychological, psychiatric or emotional reasons. This plan covers the procedures listed below to treat functional impairments. • abdominal wall surgery including panniculectomy (other than an abdominoplasty); • blepharoplasty and ptosis repair; • gastric bypass or gastric banding; • nasal reconstruction and septorhinoplasty; • orthognathic surgery including mandibular and maxillary osteotomy; • reduction mammoplasty; • removal of breast implants; • removal or treatment of proliferative vascular lesions and hemangiomas; • treatment of varicose veins; or • gynecomastia.

  • TRANSPORT SERVICES Upon the conclusion of such multilateral negotiations, the Parties shall conduct a review for the purpose of discussing appropriate amendments to this Agreement so as to incorporate the results of such multilateral negotiations.

  • PROJECT SERVICES Landlord shall furnish services as follows:

  • Support Services Rehabilitation, counselling and EAP’s. Support is strictly non- punitive, and can be accessed at anytime (self-identification of the need for help is strongly encouraged).

  • Autism Services This plan covers the following services for the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. • Applied behavior analysis when provided and/or supervised by an individual licensed by the state in which the service is rendered. See the Summary of Medical Benefits for the amount that you pay. • Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy services when rendered as part of the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. A benefit limit will not apply to these services. • Psychological and psychiatric services, and prescription drugs are also covered. See Behavioral Health Services and Prescription Drugs and Diabetic Equipment or Supplies for additional information. Coverage for autism spectrum disorders does not affect any obligation of a school district, a state or other governmental entity to provide services to an individual under an individualized family service plan, an individualized education program, or similar services required under state or federal law. Services related to autism that are furnished by school personnel are not covered under this plan.

  • Billing Services 6 SECTION 3.01.

  • EFT SERVICES If approved, you may conduct any one (1) or more of the EFT services offered by the Credit Union.

  • Ongoing Services It is important to review every investment you hold and at regular intervals. At the time of, or prior to, our recommendation to you we will discuss our on-going service proposition. This is confirmed in our ‘service proposition and engagement’ document which will be sent to you separately from this agreement.

  • Laboratory Services Covered Services include prescribed diagnostic clinical and anatomic pathological laboratory services and materials when authorized by a Member's PCP and HPN’s Managed Care Program.