Tiebreaker Sample Clauses
Tiebreaker. In the event of a tie in seniority dates, the association and school district will determine final selection by lot. Staff involved will be notified prior to the final selection.
Tiebreaker. Ties in seniority shall be broken as follows: The principal with the smallest file folder number assigned by the Licensing Department of the Minnesota Department of Education shall be deemed the most senior.
Tiebreaker. In the event that more than one Principal has the same seniority, the following criteria shall be used to determine which Principal shall be placed upon unrequested leave of absence:
1) A Principal with an earlier initial date of service in any position of employment with the District requiring licensure shall be considered to have greater seniority.
2) In the event that two Principals have identical initial dates of hire, the Principal with the earliest/ lowest Minnesota Department of Education File Folder number shall be considered to have greater seniority.
Tiebreaker. In the event that more than one Principal has the same seniority, the following criteria shall be used to determine which Principal shall be placed upon unrequested leave of absence:
1) A Principal with an earlier initial date of service in any position of employment with the District requiring licensure shall be considered to have greater seniority.
2) In the event that two Principals have identical initial dates of hire, the Principal with the earliest/ lowest Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board File Folder number shall be considered to have greater seniority.
Tiebreaker. In the event of a tie in seniority within a level or category, district seniority shall break the tie. If more than one employee has the same date of district seniority, then seniority shall be determined by lottery.
Tiebreaker. In the event employees have identical bargaining unit dates, then hospital system seniority shall determine an RN’s position on the seniority list. In the event RNs have identical hospital system seniority, the date of the RN’s DCMH job application shall prevail.
Tiebreaker. Whenever two (2) or more competitors for promotion attain the exact grade, including seniority points, the tie shall be broken in the order listed below:
1. The tie shall be by selecting the application with the longest time in the rank immediately below the tested rank.
2. In the event that a tie remains, the tie shall be broken by selecting the candidate who submitted their intent to test first.
Tiebreaker. In the event employees have identical bargaining unit dates, then hospital system seniority shall determine an employee’s position on the seniority list. In the event employees have identical hospital system seniority, the date of the employee’s job application shall prevail.
Tiebreaker. If two (2) or more employees are hired or appointed on the same date, their relative seniority shall be determined by the drawing of lots.
Tiebreaker. In the event of a tie at the same seniority level, the District employment start date will break the tie. If the tie continues, seniority shall be resolved by lottery. This lottery will take place if a RIF scenario is applicable. Should a lottery need to take place it will involve and be witnessed by both Administration and GESSA representatives.