TREATMENT CAPACITY. The District's obligation to provide sewer service hereunder is subject to and conditioned upon the availability of adequate treatment capacity at the sewer treatment facilities serving the District and shall be subject to any limitations, requirements and regulations which may be established and enacted from time to time by the governing body of the sewer treatment facility, or by any other governmental entity having jurisdiction over the parties hereto.
TREATMENT CAPACITY. On and after the effective date of this Agreement, as set forth in Section 22, Wastewater Treatment Capacity shall be provided by the CDD to Xxxxx to serve the Developments in the following manner and subject to the following terms and conditions:
TREATMENT CAPACITY. Contractor shall operate the Treatment Facilities at or near capacity unless a decrease in flow is necessary to maintain compliance with Regulatory Requirements, facilitate construction or clear direction is given by the City.
TREATMENT CAPACITY. Each Member Agency shall own and enjoy a capacity right to use the Project for the treatment and disposal of Wastewater in the proportions set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein. Each Member Agency’s capacity right is known under this Agreement as Treatment Capacity.
TREATMENT CAPACITY. Use seawater desalinating through a Trevi forward osmosis (FO) system. This alternative’s other components would match those for seawater desalinating. The alternative has several outstanding issues, e.g., Trevi technology and other FO technologies are still in their infancy and being tested at a pilot scale. As described, Xxxxx would require a lower grade heat source for separately drawing the solution from the potable water but the alternative description did not designate a source for lower grade heat. This alternative for initial comparison would use seawater desalinating through a new reverse osmosis desalination facility to produce about 2.5 mgd for addition to the City potable water supply. This alternative’s components and development would match those for the previously proposed scwd2 desalination facility. The City would own and operate the facility and would use the water produced year round. Excess water would allow the City either to idle the Live Oak xxxxx for conjunctive-use aquifer recovery or to undertake Live Oak well operation in an ASR mode to restore the aquifer more rapidly. In wet years, the City could sell excess desalinated to SqCWD and/or SVWD. The City would sell treated water to SqCWD during normal and wet years. SqCWD would use the transferred water for either groundwater recharge or demand reduction and conjunctive use. SqCWD would sell pumped groundwater water to City during droughts. The City also should have improved production from its Live Oak xxxxx. Add a new 14-mgd water treatment plant (WTP) (pretreatment for turbidity control and membrane filtration) near the Xxxx Street Diversion to produce treated water that would be piped directly into the distribution system. It would increase capacity to divert to Loch Lomond and produce additional water for aquifer recharge. Desalination (separate FAQs and technical memorandum summarize FO in its various incarnations and its implementation status around the world) Exchanges (also possibly addressed through CA-11) Intertie Treatment Capacity CA-18 Off-stream water storage Convert Liddell Quarry into 650 MG reservoir, filled with water from City North Coast diversions; use stored water to offset water demand during drought WCA-05 Xxxxxx: North Coast Quarries (modified to include diversion of water from City existing sources) WCA-26 Fieberling: expand storage (addresses off stream storage) WCA-30 XxXxxxxxx (2): Quarries for Water Storage WCA-32 SCWD: Zayante Dam and Reservoir WCA-3...
TREATMENT CAPACITY. In determining whether Columbia has adequate treatment capacity to approve New Connections or Additional Flow from the Satellite Sewer System, the Parties agree that Columbia will make such determination in accordance with the Capacity Assurance Program. On a monthly basis, [SSS Owner] will provide Columbia with a list of all New Connections and Additional Flow within the Satellite Sewer System.
TREATMENT CAPACITY. On and after the effective date of this Agreement, as set forth in
TREATMENT CAPACITY. UW shall operate the Treatment Facilities at or near capacity unless a decrease in flow is necessary to maintain compliance with Regulatory Requirements, facilitate construction or clear direction is given by the City.
TREATMENT CAPACITY. The maximum organic loading capability of the WWTP as designed, expressed in pounds per day (based on ADWF, 30-day average BOD results), and/or the limiting hydraulic FLOW CAPACITY of any treatment unit or piping, whichever is less. Organic loading is calculated by the following formula: [flow, mgd] x [8.34 lb/MG] x [BOD (mg/L)] = yyy pounds per day BOD (“Organic Load Formula”).
1) The organic load for each PARTY shall be determined by the Organic Load Formula. Proportionate shares for each PARTY shall be the percentages of such PARTIES’ organic load as determined by the Organic Load Formula.
2) The original design organic loading capacity of the existing WWTP was based on a design flow of 0.2 mgd, and organic strength of 270 mg/L BOD and 270 mg/L TSS, resulting in a Treatment Capacity of 0.2 mgd x 8.34 x 270 mg/L = 450 pounds per day BOD (and 450 pounds per day TSS).
3) Proportional share of TREATMENT CAPACITY for PSLHD (Capital Expenditures for the treatment plant) is 35% (based on PSLHD allocation of “original 1968” organic loading capacity) according to the following equation: 450 pounds per day BOD x 0.35 = 157.5 pounds per day BOD & TSS.
4) The proportional share of ocean outfall hydraulic capacity and TREATMENT CAPACITY for PSLHD is based on 35% of the “original 1968” hydraulic design capacity of the Outfall at (500,000 gpd ADWF). PSLHD owns a proportional share of hydraulic capacity and TREATMENT CAPACITY of the outfall equivalent to 175,000 gpd ADWF.
5) If the treatment capacity of the WWTP increases, PSLHD Proportional Share of TREATMENT CAPACITY will not increase but remain at 157.5 pounds per day (BOD) and 175,000 gpd ADWF for outfall capacity.
TREATMENT CAPACITY. Pursuant to the High Point Agreement, the Town’s ownership interest includes 8% of the WWTP’s capacity (“Treatment Capacity”), calculated to be approximately 2.0 million gpd.