Unspecified Holidays. 5.2.1 In addition to the eleven (11) holidays set forth in 5.1 above, six (6) unspecified holidays shall be scheduled by the District.
5.2.2 The District, after consultation with CSEA, shall be the sole determiner of the actual date on which a holiday (specified or unspecified) is observed.
Unspecified Holidays. Based on District operating considerations, and consistent with State law, the specifically enumerated holidays set forth in 7.1 above may be observed on a date other than the date which is specified. Any other day appointed by the President or the Governor of this State, pursuant to subdivisions (b) and (c) of Section 37220 of the California Education Code, for a public fast, thanksgiving, or holiday.
Unspecified Holidays. The unspecified holidays shall be taken in accordance with the following requirements:
1. Each unspecified holiday must be taken in one full normal working day increment of eight (8) hours during the calendar year in which it is credited or it will be forfeited. The request for such time off, if timely submitted by the employee, will be promptly approved by Management subject to the operating needs of the employee's department, office or bureau. If an unforeseen operating requirement prevents the employee from taking such previously-approved holiday(s), Management will reschedule the holiday(s) so that it/they may be taken on some other reasonably satisfactory date(s) within the calendar year.
2. Any break in service (i.e., resignation, discharge, retirement, etc.) prior to taking said holiday(s) shall forfeit any right thereto.
3. The holiday(s) shall not be utilized to extend the date of any layoff.
4. No employee shall be entitled to such unspecified holiday(s) until he/she has completed six (6) months of service.
5. Employees who work in intermittent, on call, vacation relief, or seasonal positions shall not be entitled to any unspecified holiday(s).
6. No employee shall receive more than two (2) unspecified holidays each calendar year. Thus, (a) an employee transferring from the Department of Water and Power (DWP) to any other City department, office or bureau will not receive any unspecified holiday(s) after taking such holiday(s) prior to leaving the DWP, and (b) employees who resign or are terminated and then rehired during the same calendar year, will not receive and/any additional unspecified holiday(s) when rehired.
Unspecified Holidays. The unspecified holidays shall be taken in accordance with the following requirements:
1. The holidays must be taken in full normal working day increments of eight (8) hours during the calendar year in which they are credited or they will be
2. Any break in service (i.e., resignation, discharge, retirement, etc.) prior to taking the holiday shall forfeit any right thereto.
3. The holidays shall not be utilized to extend the date of any layoff.
4. No employee shall be entitled to an unspecified holiday until he/she has completed six (6) months of service.
5. Employees who work in intermittent, on call, vacation relief, or seasonal positions shall not be entitled to an unspecified holiday.
6. No employee shall receive more than two (2) unspecified holidays each calendar year. Thus, (a) an employee transferring from the Department of Water and Power (DWP) to any other City department, office or bureau will not receive an unspecified holiday after taking such holiday prior to leaving the DWP, and (b) employees who resign or are terminated and then rehired during the same calendar year, will not receive an additional unspecified holiday when rehired.