Vacation Day. 4-8.01. A Pilot shall be paid four (4) Credit Hours for each Vacation Day.
Vacation Day. 5-17.01. A Vacation Day when included in a Schedule Period shall reduce the number of days which a Pilot is obligated to perform duty on a 1:1 basis and shall contribute to the Monthly Blocking Hours for the Scheduling Period.
Vacation Day. One (1) ten (10) hour day shift, or one (1) fourteen (14) hour night shift for those employees assigned to the platoon system; One (1) regular work day for those employees assigned to administrative positions. VACATION WEEK: Two (2) day shifts and two (2) night shifts or any combination thereof totaling four
Vacation Day. A vacation day starts immediately following 12 midnight and ends immediately prior to 12 midnight of the next day.
Vacation Day. Personal Day
Vacation Day. Pay for vacation days for all bargaining unit members shall be the same as that which the employee would have received had s/he been in a working status.
Vacation Day. A Day Off free of all Duty as a result of an awarded Vacation. 180. Virtual Credit – A placeholder with certain Credit Hours for Known Absences, as provided in the Agreement, used in Line Construction, which counts towards the Credit Window.
Vacation Day. I understand that the NJSM will allow me to take 2 (1 for EOW students) vacation days per calendar year. Vacation days must be scheduled 2 weeks in advance. There are NO vacation days for ensemble. Vacation days require a yearly commitment and a minimum of 3 months of scheduled lessons. Vacation days are available from 7/1 – 12/23 each calendar year. Credits for vacation days will be applied against December tuition.
Vacation Day. Vacation will begin at 0000Z and end at 2359Z at a Crewmember's Resident Airport.
Vacation Day. Definition of: