Workload Adjustments. Reasonable workload adjustments may be made at the discretion of the Board or its designee to take into account scholarly activity for graduate instruction, laboratory courses, private or group music lessons, studio or drama courses, student teacher supervision, coaching duties and/or other out-of-classroom instructional activities. Any instructional hours assigned above the prescribed instructional hours will be considered an overload and will qualify for overload. Existing workload adjustment practices will remain in place at each College, unless revised adjustments are agreed upon by SCEA and the Board.
Workload Adjustments. If a NTTF bargaining unit faculty member has their FTE reduced with no demonstrable 44 corresponding reduction in workload, then the bargaining unit faculty member's base 45 salary will be increased in proportion to the FTE reduction.
Workload Adjustments. 11.1 During the approved absence of reps under this agreement, [name of employer] will endeavour to make appropriate workload arrangements, in line with the ACAS code [in Northern Ireland, replace with LRA code], which recommends: The allocation of duties to other employees; Rearranging work to a different time A reduction in workloads.
11.2 It is acknowledged that forward planning will not always allow adequate cover for demands on reps at short notice. Therefore, managers will be resourced to enable them to respond to such situations and clear procedures set in each workplace for short term demands.
11.3 Where major projects require sustained time off for workplace reps, fully funded backfill shall apply for the duration of the project.
Workload Adjustments. A Graduate Worker who believes their assigned workload cannot reasonably be completed within the time limits specified, or who believes their workload differs substantially from similarly situated employees, may bring such concerns to their Supervisor. Adjustments to a Graduate Worker’s workload shall be made in response to a Graduate Worker’s concerns after prior consultation and agreement with the Graduate Worker’s manager or supervisor. Any workload adjustment must be consistent with BU policy limiting work by students to an average of twenty (20) hours per week.
Workload Adjustments. The parties recognize that employees are professionals whose duties vary in content and schedule and sometimes require working more than the standard workweek. At the same time, the parties acknowledge that there may be occasions where an employee believes that they are working an excessive workload. In such cases, the employee may request a meeting with their supervisor to discuss their workload, and why they believe it is excessive. When requested, the meeting will occur within ten
Workload Adjustments. Any GSE who believes their employment workload cannot reasonably be completed within an expected time frame may bring such concerns to their supervisor for discussion and appropriate action. The supervisor shall discuss such concerns and, as warranted, make adjustments to
Workload Adjustments. Any employee who reasonably believes their assigned duties require hours that will cumulatively, regularly, or substantially exceed the required hours of effort in Section 1 (Expected Workload) may bring such concerns to their supervisor promptly for discussion and appropriate action. This may include cases where assigned workloads exceed the workload average defined in Section 1 of this Article. The supervisor will discuss such concerns, and, as warranted, make adjustments to workload requirements.
Workload Adjustments. (a) If a NTTF bargaining unit faculty member has his or her FTE reduced with no 20
(b) If a NTTF bargaining unit faculty member has his or her workload significantly 24 increased with no corresponding increase in FTE, then the bargaining unit faculty 25 member's base salary will be increased in proportion to the workload increase. 26
(c) Both parties recognize that professional responsibilities ebb and flow throughout a 28 contract period. The provisions of this section are not meant to address minor or 29 normal fluctuations in workload. 30 31 (d) This Section will sunset with the expiration of the terms of the 2015-2018 32
Workload Adjustments. 37! 38! (a) If a NTTF bargaining unit faculty member has his or her FTE reduced with no 39! demonstrable corresponding reduction in workload, then the bargaining unit faculty 40! member's base salary will be increased in proportion to the FTE reduction. 41! 42! (b) If a NTTF bargaining unit faculty member has his or her workload significantly 43! increased with no corresponding increase in FTE, then the bargaining unit faculty 44! member's base salary will be increased in proportion to the workload increase. 45! 46! (c) Both parties recognize that professional responsibilities ebb and flow throughout a 47! contract period. The provisions of this section are not meant to address minor or 48! ! ! normal fluctuations in workload. 1! 2! (d) This Section will sunset with the expiration of the terms of the 2015-2018 3!
Workload Adjustments. 44
45 a. If a NTTF bargaining unit faculty member has their FTE reduced with no demonstrable 1 salary will be increased in proportion to the FTE reduction.
3 b. If a NTTF bargaining unit faculty member has their workload significantly increased with 4 no corresponding increase in FTE, then the bargaining unit faculty member's base salary 5 will be increased in proportion to the workload increase. 7 Both parties recognize that professional responsibilities ebb and flow throughout a contract 8 period the year. The provisions of this section are not meant to address minor or normal 9 fluctuations in workload.