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Xxxxxxx, D Sample Clauses

Xxxxxxx, D. A. A. Method for the construction of minimum-redundancy codes. Proc. IRE 40, 1098–1101 (1952).
Xxxxxxx, D. E. 2006. The symposium in context. In Recovery of the Black-footed Ferret: Progress and Continuing Challenges. X.X. Xxxxxx, X.X. Xxxxxx, X.X. Xxxxxx, and X.X. Xxxxxxx, editors. U.S. Geological Survey. Pp. 3–5. Xxxxxxx, D.E., X.X. Xxxxxx, X.X. Xxxxx, and R.P. Reading. 1997. Management of an endangered species: the black-footed ferret. In Principles of Conservation Biology. X.X. Xxxxx and X.X. Xxxxxx, editors. Pp. 420–436. Xxxxxxx, D. E., X.X. Xxxxxx, X. X. Xxxxxxxx, and X. X. Xxxxxxx. 2006. Habitat preferences and intraspecific competition in black-footed ferrets. In Recovery of the black-footed ferret – progress and continuing challenges. X.X. Xxxxx, X.X. Xxxxxx, X.X. Xxxxxx, and X.X. Xxxxxxx, editors. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5293. Pp. 129–142. Xxxxxxx, D.E., X.X. Xxxxxx, X.X. Xxxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxx, X.X. Xxxxxx, R. Crete, and A. Dood. 1993. A technique for evaluating black-footed ferret habitat. In Proceedings of the Symposium on the Management of Prairie Dog Complexes for the Reintroduction of the Black- footed Ferret. X.X. Xxxxxxxxx, X.X. Xxxxxxx, and X.X. Xxxxxx, editors. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report No. 13. Pp. 73–38. CBSG. 1992. Black-footed ferret recovery plan review. IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group: Apple Valley, Minnesota. 44 pp. CBSG. 2004. Black-footed ferret population management planning workshop. Final Report. IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group: Apple Valley, Minnesota. 130 pp. Xxxxx, X.X. 1993. Plague, prairie dogs, and black-footed ferrets. In Proceedings of the Symposium on the Management of Prairie Dog Complexes for the Reintroduction of Black-footed Ferret. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 13. Pp. 38–49. Xxxxxx, X.X., X.X. Xxxxxxx, and X. X. Xxxxxxx. 2006. Are livestock weight gains affected by prairie dogs? Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 4:459–464. Xxxxxxx, X.X. 2006. Do prairie dogs compete with livestock? In Conservation of black-tailed prairie dogs. X.X. Xxxxxxxx, editor. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA. Pp. 65–88. Xxxxx, X.X. 2008. Retired U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. E-mail regarding ferret habitat calculations. Personal Communication with Xxxx Xxxxx. August 4, 2008. Xxxxxxxxxx, X.X. and X.X. Xxxxxxx. 1986. Comparison of capture-recapture and visual count indices of prairie dog densities in black-footed ferret habitat. In Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs No. 8 The Black-footed Ferret. X.X. Xxxx, editor. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Univ...
Xxxxxxx, D. D.; Xxxxxxx X. Xxx, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, elected as such trustees by Curators of Central University, and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Roberts, D.D.; Xxx. X. McClusky Xxxxxxx, X.X.; Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Condit, D.D.; Rev. Xxxx Xxxxxxx, D.D.; and Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx, LL.D., elected as such trustees by the trustees of the Centre College of Kentucky took the oath of office as required by the charter before X. X. Xxxxxx, a notary public within and for Fayette County, Ky. After prayer for divine blessing and guidance the Board of Trustees was organized by the election of Xxx. Xxxxx X. Xxxx, D.D., as the president of the Board and Xxxx X. Xxxxx as secretary and treasurer. Xxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, D.D., L.L.D., was president of the University at a salary of $3,000 and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Blanton, D.D., L.L.D., was elected vice president at the same salary, $3,000. The following were elected as the faculty of Centre College at Danville, Ky., at salaries and to the positions as stated below: Xxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, D.D., L.L.D., President and Prof. of Ethics & Biblical studies Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx, A.M., F. G. S., Prof. of Geology & Biology $1,600 Xxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, X.X., L.L.D., Prof. Logic & Psychology $1,600 Xxxx X. Xxxx, A.M., Prof. Greek Language & Literature $1,600 Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx, A.M., Prof. Latin Language & Literature $1,600 Xxxxxxx. X. Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Prof. of Mathematics $1,600 Xxxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx, Ph.D., Prof. Physics $1,600 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Ph.D., Prof. Chemistry $1,600 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xx., Instructor in Modern Languages $80 Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Instructor in English $800 The salary of the secretary and treasurer of the Board of Trustees was fixed at $650, and all above salaries were made payable quarterly on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of each year. Committee on constitution and bylaws appointed at an informal meeting in Louisville made partial report and were continued until the next meeting of the Board. The present terms of admission in Centre College, and charges for tuition and fees, were adopted until further action by the Board. The president of the University was authorized to open the Law School at Danville, Ky., using only the tuition from law students in payment of instruction and support of same. The free use of the law library, a room in the College building, fuel for same, and attention of the janitor was given the law school, if opened.
Xxxxxxx, D. Die Aufhebbarkeit der Drittberechtigung beim Vertrag zugunsten Dritter in Rechtsvergleichender Perspektive, Festschrift für Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx zum 70. Geburtstag, Köln 2008, s. 657; aynı yönde bkz. Xxxxxxxxxxxx H.: Ansprüche Dritter bei Schädigungen aus Vertragsverletzung im deutschen und französischen Recht, München 1962, s. 56. Fransız kanun koyucusu md. 1121‟de üçüncü kişi yararına sözleşmenin geçerliliğini istisnaen kabul etmiştir. Fakat bu kabul iki hal ile sınırlandırılmıştır. İlk olarak üçüncü kişinin yararlandırılması, vaadeden ve vaadettiren arasındaki sözleşmede kendileri için öngörülen edim yükümlülükleri bakımından bir şart olarak öngörülmüşse, bu sözleşme üçüncü kişi yararına sözleşme olarak geçerlidir. Bunun yanında üçüncü kişiyi yararlandırma taraflardan birinin diğerine yapacağı bağışın şartı olarak geçerli olabilir: Xxxxxxxxx,
Xxxxxxx, D. (2012). Vacuum cup placement during delivery--a suggested obstetric quality assessment measure. Journal of Maternal, Fetal, and Neonatal Medicine, 25(10), 2135-2137. Xxxxx, X. X.; Xxxxxx, X. X.; XxxXxxxxx, X. X.; Xxxxxx, X. X. (1999). Optional vaginal delivery rate. An informative indicator of intrapartum care. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 44(10), 842-848. Healthy People. (2013). 2020 Topics and Objectives: Maternal, Infant, and Child Health. Retrieved from xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/2020/topicsobjectives2020/objectiveslist.aspx?topicId=26. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). (2013). The IHI Improvement Map. Retrieved from xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/offerings/Initiatives/Improvemaphospitals/Pages/default.aspx. Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century (Executive Summary). Retrieved from xxxx://xxx.xxx/Reports/2001/Crossing-the-Quality-Chasm-A-New-Health-System-for- the-21st-Century.aspx. Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2013). Announcement: Crossing the Quality Chasm: The IOM Health Care Quality Initiative, IOM Definition of Quality. Retrieved from xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/Global/News%20Announcements/Crossing-the-Quality-Chasm-The- IOM-Health-Care-Quality-Initiative.aspx. Xxxxxxx, X. (2011). Elective inductions: Current research and resources [report]. Citizens for Midwifery. Retrieved from xxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/pdf/Elective%20induction%20-- September%202011.pdf. Xxxxxxxx, X.X., et al. (2012). Quality patient care in labor and delivery: A call to action. Xxxxxxx, S. H.; Xxxxxxx, X. X.; Xxxxx, A.; Xxxxx, X. X.; xx Xxxxx, X. X.; xxxXxxxxx, X. X.; Xxxxxxx, X. X. (2013). Guideline-based development of quality indicators for hypertensive diseases in pregnancy. Hypertension in Pregnancy, 32(1), 20-31. Xxxxx, D. A.; Xxxxxxxx, X. X.; Xxxxxxxx, X. X.; Xxxxxxxxx, X. X. (2003). Physician contribution to a cesarean delivery risk model. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 188(6), 1579-1587. Xxxx, E. K.; Xxxxxxxxxx, L.; Xxxx, G.; Xxxxxx Health, First Pregnancy and Delivery Clinical Initiative Committee. (2004). Development of a large-scale obstetric quality- improvement program that focused on the nulliparous patient at term. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 190(6), 1747-1756. Xxxx, E. K.; Xxxxx, D.; Xxxxxxx, B.; Xxxxxxxx, X. X.; Xxxxxx, X. X.; Xxxxxxxx, C.; Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, M.; Polivy, X.; Xxxxxxxx, X. (2006). Is there a useful cesarean birth measure? Assessment of the nulliparous te...
Xxxxxxx, D. E. (2010). "<Rethinking-hydrophilanthropy: Smart Money for Transformative Impact.pdf>." Water for People.
Xxxxxxx, D. Basin, Y. Boichut, et al., “The AVISPA Tool for the Automated Validation of In- xxxxxx Security Protocols and Applications,” in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV’05), LNCS 3576, pp. 281–285, Springer, 2005. [2] X. Xxxxx, X. X. Xxxx, Xx Xx, and X. Xxxxx, “Certifi- cateless threshold ring signature,” Information Sci- ences, vol. 179, no. 20, pp. 3685–3696, 2009. [3] X. X. Xxxx, X. X. Xxxxx, and X. X. Xxx, “Efficient id-based group key agreement with bilinear maps,” in Public Key Cryptography (PKC’04), pp. 130–144, Springer, 2004. [4] X. Xxxx, X. Xxx, X. Xxxx, X. Xx, X. Xxxx, and K. Fan, “Mobile ip registration in certificateless pub- lic key infrastructure.,” IET Information Security, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 167–173, 2007.
Xxxxxxx, D. J. and Xxxxxxxxx, K.I. (1995) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 64:403-34.:403-434.
Xxxxxxx, D. D.S. ("Xx. Xxxxxxx") who is duly licensed to practice orthodontics in the State; Omega Orthodontics, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("OMEGA"); and Omega Orthodontics of Goodyear, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "MSO"), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of OMEGA, with reference to the following facts.
Xxxxxxx, D. E. et al. Mosquito genomics. Highly evolvable malaria vectors: the genomes of 16 Anopheles mosquitoes. Science 347, 1258522 (2015). Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Ph.D. Principle Investigator $11,560 Travel Accommodation Fees Conference Registration Publication Fees Equipment Computer Storage ($2,000/Month x 12 months) $ 7,500 $ 8,000 $ 1,000 $ 6,000 $ 8,000 $ 21,600 $7,500 $8,000 $1,000 $6,000 $8,000 $21,600 TOTAL COSTS (TC) (Subtotal Direct Labor + Subtotal Other Direct Costs + Indirect Costs) $73,209 NOTE: ALL AMOUNTS ARE IN UNITED STATES DOLLARS (USD). Broad: Universidad Nacional: Research Finance Group Facultad de Medicina Universidad Nacional de Colombia Office of Sponsored Research The Broad Institute, Inc. 000 Xxxx Xxxxxx Cambridge, MA 02142 Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx Vicedecanatura de Investigación y Extensión Universidad Nacional de Colombia Carrera 45 No. 26-85 Bogotá D.C., Colombia 11001 Phone:+57 0000000 ext. 15221 ; Fax: xxxxxxxxx_xxxxx@xxxx.xxx.xx Email: xxxxxxxxx_xxxxx@xxxx.xxx.xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Senior Research Administrator Xxxxx Xxxxx, Senior Asesora de Investigación Office of Sponsored Research The Broad Institute, Inc. 000 Xxxx Xxxxxx Cambridge, MA 02142 Vicedecanatura de Investigación Universidad Nacional de Colombia Carrera 45 No. 26-85 Bogotá D.C., Colombia 11001 Phone: 000.000.0000 Phone: +57 0000000 ext. 15221 Email: xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx Email: xxxxxxxxx_xxxxx@xxxx.xxx.xx Xx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx The Broad Institute, Inc. 000 Xxxx Xxxxxx Cambridge, MA 02142 Universidad Nacional de Colombia Facultad de Medicina, Edificio 471, Oficina 000 Xxxxxx X.X., Xxxxxxxx 00000 Phone: N/A Phone: 00 (0) 000-0000 xxx 00000 Email: xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx Email: xxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx.xx The Broad Institute, Inc. 000 Xxxx Xxxxxx Cambridge, MA 02142 Universidad Nacional de Colombia Carrera 45 No. 26-85 Bogotá D.C., Colombia 11001 Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx xxxxxxxxx_xxxxx@xxxx.xxx.xx Phone: +57 0000000 ext. 15221 Bill To: Agreement Number (two numbers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx separated by a hyphen, as found on Research Finance Group, Office of Sponsored Research executed agreement): Enter The Broad Institute, Inc. Agreement Number 000 Xxxx Xxxxxx Prime Sponsor/Award Number: Cambridge MA 02142 N/A United States of America Collaborator PI: Collaborator PI Name [Collaborator Institution Name and Address] [Bank Wire Information: Name, Routing Number, Account Number) Contact Telephone: Contact Em...