Acceptance Musterklauseln
Acceptance. 1. The acceptance of the products takes place with the successful performance of the functional test. The functional test shall be deemed to have been successfully performed if the diagnostic and test programmes or procedures developed by us for this purpose do not detect any defect in the products. If we install the products as agreed, the functional test shall be carried out by us after delivery and installation of the products at the place of installation. The buyer is entitled to participate in the functional test. After the functional test has been carried out, we shall inform the Buyer that the products are ready for operation.
2. For all other products, we shall carry out the functional test as part of the final inspection at our manufacturing plant. In this case, acceptance shall be deemed to have taken place unless the buyer expressly objects to acceptance in writing within 7 days of receipt of the products, stating the exact defect.
3. If the acceptance and/or functional test is not carried out, not carried out in time or not carried out completely through no fault of our own, we are entitled to dispatch the goods without acceptance or to store them at the expense and risk of the buyer and to charge him for them.
4. The buyer shall ensure that we can commission the acceptance company requested by him in the name and for the account of his customer. Unless otherwise agreed, this authorisation shall be deemed to have been granted with the naming of an acceptance company in the order.
Acceptance. Unless otherwise agreed, the passing of risk shall be governed by statutory regulations.
Acceptance. Institution acknowledges and agrees that by clicking on the “Agree” or similar button or by checking a box, Institution, through its authorized representative, is accepting and agreeing to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Acceptance. The customer is obligated to examine the services provided by DiCommerce immediately and to report any defects in writing within 30 days. If no notification of defects is made, the services are deemed to be accepted. Acceptance is also deemed to have occurred if an employee of the customer confirms the acceptance of the service, even if he was not authorized to do so.
Acceptance. 4.1 The contractor shall report the completion of its delivery and work in writing without undue delay and shall request formal acceptance by TNG, at least in text form. A notional acceptance is ruled out.
4.2 TNG may, in particular, reject the acceptance if the delivery and service contain defects that rule out the contractual use or it becomes impossible for a subcontractor to render its service as per agreement based on the Contractor's service. Significant defects are also understood to mean a larger number of minor defects that call into question the complete assumption of the delivery and service, their unrestricted use or the further expansion.
4.3 At the latest upon the acceptance the Contractor is to hand over all documents required to honour its delivery and service, in particular settlement drawings including the documentation, in particular all as-built drawings, certifications; wiring diagrams; maintenance, cleaning and servicing instructions as well as operating instructions regarding the work performed by the Contractor.
Acceptance. 17.1. Acceptance of the services shall be effected in connection with the final acceptance by the end customer. An exact definition of the acceptance procedure will be prepared together in writing during creation of the functional specification based on the product requirements specification. The contractor must in any case prove all data, performance rates and functions specified in the quote and annexe to the contract during the acceptance process, which has to be recorded in an acceptance protocol.
17.2. Basically, acceptance may only be effected based on the following conditions: • performance of all supplies and services by the contractor according to the purchase order; • proper and complete delivery of all documents;
Acceptance. 4.1 Ist der BESTELLER vertraglich oder gesetzlich zur Abnahme der Leistung verpflichtet, insbesondere wenn der LIEFERANT auch die Aufstellung, Montage oder Anbindung seiner Leistung schuldet, bedarf die Leistung der förmlichen Abnahme. Der LIEFERANT wird dem BESTELLER die Bereitschaft zur Abnahme rechtzeitig, mindestens jedoch 2 Wochen im Voraus schriftlich oder in Textform anzeigen. Die Parteien erstellen über die Abnahme ein gemeinsames 4.1 If the PURCHASER is contractually or legally obligated to carry out acceptance testing, particularly if the SUPPLIER is also responsible for installation, assembly or connection of the delivered item, formal acceptance shall be required. The SUPPLIER shall give the PURCHASER at least two weeks' advance notice in written or text form that the items are ready for acceptance testing. The parties shall Abnahmeprotokoll, aus dem sich ggf. Art und Umfang der Mängel sowie ggf. die Frist zur Behebung der Mängel ergeben. prepare a joint acceptance report indicating the nature and scope of any defects as well as the timeframe for remedying any such defects.
4.2 Die Abnahme erfolgt nach Fertigstellung der gesamten Leistung. Der LIEFERANT hat keinen Anspruch auf eine Abnahme von Teilen der Leistung.
Acceptance. 3.1 Acceptance of the delivered goods is always effected under reservation of assertion of any and all rights, particularly due to defective or delayed delivery.
3.2 If acceptance is prevented or made considerably more difficult due to unforeseeable, unavoidable and exceptional circumstances beyond our control, we shall be entitled to postpone acceptance for the duration of said circumstances. Circumstances of the type mentioned shall particularly be any and all interference through governmental acts, which concern our operation, the processing, sale or other use of the goods, such as import and export restrictions, acts of God such as fire and water damage, shortages of raw materials or means of transport and operational disruptions, such as the interruption or restriction of the power supply, which cause our production to be stopped or considerably restricted. If said circumstances last for more than four weeks, the Supplier shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract if we continue to refuse to accept the goods. Any further claims are excluded.
Acceptance. Die Abnahme der Anlage erfolgt innerhalb einer an- gemessenen Frist nach Erhalt der Mitteilung des Lieferan- ten in Textform, dass die Anlage ordnungsgemäß geliefert, fertig montiert und betriebsbereit ist. 8.1 The acceptance of the installation shall take place within a reasonable period of time after receipt of the sup- plier's notification in text form that the equipment has been properly delivered, fully assembled and is ready for opera- tion.
Acceptance. After their completion the contractual partner must accept our services. This shall also ap- ply if they are only part of a complete service that can only be accepted later. It shall be deemed equivalent if the contractual partner does not accept the service within an ac- ceptable period set by us, although he is obliged to do so.