Application. Applications can only be made with the official stand application forms. Applicants are requested to fill in the forms carefully, preferably typed. Receipt of the application form does not imply any subsequent entitlement to participate in the exhibition. Applications received after the registration deadline will only be considered if there are remaining spaces available. In order to automate the processing of applications, the details submitted will be filed in a data storage system and may be passed on to third parties as required to fulfill the agreement.
Application. These General Conditions of Sale and Delivery (the “Conditions”) shall form an integral part of all business transactions between the customer and Fried x. Xxxxxx Gesellschaft m.b.H. and/or companies affiliated to Fried x. Xxxxxx Gesellschaft m.b.H. within NEUMAN Group (each “NEUMAN”) which confer to the sale and supply of goods or the performance of other services by NEUMAN. Customer’s contract conditions or other provisions deviating from the Conditions shall only apply when and in so far as in the individual case expressly acknowledged in writing by NEUMAN and only in respect of such business transaction for which customer’s contractual conditions or other provisions have been accepted by NEUMAN. Confirmation of customer orders by NEUMAN shall in no event be deemed acknowledgement of deviating contractual conditions or other provisions. Business transactions with consumers in the meaning of the consumer protection laws applicable in the individual case shall be governed by the Conditions only in so far as they are not violating mandatory provisions of such laws. The Conditions, once having been applied to a business transaction with the customer, shall thereinafter without regard to deviating conditions apply also to all future sales and supplies by NEUMAN, unless NEUMAN introduces other general conditions of sale and delivery or otherwise expressively agreed between the parties.
Application. 1. The following Standard Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Business (hereinafter referred to as the Standard Terms and Conditions) shall apply to all of orders, offers, deliveries and services executed by the photographer.
2. They shall be deemed to be binding on both parties upon acceptance of the photographer’s delivery, service or offer by the customer, however no later than upon the photographic material being accepted for publication.
3. If the customer does not accept these Standard Terms and Conditions, it shall lodge written notification to this effect within three work days. Any alternative Standard Terms and Conditions on the part of the customer are hereby rejected. Alternative Standard Terms and Conditions on the part of the customer shall be deemed to be void unless the photographer agrees in writing to be bound by them.
4. In the absence of any express reference to the contrary, these Standard Terms and Conditions shall also apply to all of the photographer’s future orders, offers, deliveries and services under the ongoing business relationship notwithstanding the absence of any express reference to them.
Application. These General Terms and Conditions for Purchase (hereinafter the “General Terms and Conditions of Purchase”) shall apply to all deliveries (hereinafter “Goods”) to R-Pharm Germany GmbH (hereinafter the “Customer”). These General Terms and Conditions of Purchase as amended from time to time shall become effective on the date specified below and replace hitherto valid general terms and conditions of purchase. These General Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall apply in the version in force at the given time – as a framework agreement – for all future contracts of the supply of Goods, without need of notification in each individual case. The supplier will be informed immediately of any amendments to these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase. These General Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall apply exclusively. Differing, conflicting or additional terms and conditions of the supplier shall only become part of the contract, if Customer expressly agrees in writing to their validity. This applies even if the Customer being aware of general terms and conditions of the supplier accepts delivery without reservation. Individual agreements with the supplier (including collateral agreements, supplements and amendments) have priority over these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
Application. The customer is responsible for the installation and application of the product as well as the combination with other products. He is to take due care and attention as well as conform to manufacturers and suppliers guidelines. For the security of all relevant information, the customer is obliged to pass such information to the user in suitable form.
Application. 1.1. These terms and conditions of sale shall apply exclusively. Differing or contrary terms shall not apply except if expressly agreed upon writing.
1.2. These terms and conditions of sale shall also govern all future transactions between the parties and shall also apply if we perform de- livery despite our knowledge of differing or contrary terms.
1.3. These terms and conditions of sale shall apply vis á vis entrepreneurs, governmental entities, or special governmental estates within the meaning of sec. 310 para. 1 BGB (German Civil Code).
Application. (1) Diese Verkaufsbedingungen gelten ausschließlich. Abweichende oder entgegenstehende Bedingungen gelten nur, wenn wir ihnen ausdrücklich schriftlich zugestimmt haben.
(1) These terms and conditions of sale shall apply exclusively. Differing or contrary terms shall only apply if we expressly agreed to them in writing.
(2) Diese Verkaufsbedingungen gelten auch für alle zukünftigen Geschäf- te zwischen den Parteien sowie auch dann, wenn wir in Kenntnis abwei- chender oder entgegenstehender Bedingungen die Lieferung der Ware durchführen.
(2) These terms and conditions of sale shall also govern all future trans- actions between the parties and shall also apply if we perform delivery despite our knowledge of differing or contrary terms.
(3) Diese Verkaufsbedingungen gelten nur gegenüber Unternehmern, juristischen Personen des öffentlichen Rechts und öffentlich-rechtlichen Sondervermögen im Sinne von § 310 Abs. 1 BGB.
Application. 09 Other considerations
2.5 as of April 1st, 2020. In addition to the above mentioned content DB Schenker provides guidance and internal framework for ensuring ethical conduct and for acting as a fair and reliable partner such as:
9.1 Code of Conduct
Application. 1. Diese Allgemeinen Verkaufs- und Liefe- rungsbedingungen gelten für alle - auch zukünftigen - Verträge mit Unternehmern, jur. Personen des öffentlichen Rechts und öffentlich-rechtlichen Sondervermögen über Lieferungen und sonstige Leistungen unter Einschluss von Werkverträgen, Ver- trägen über die Lieferung herzustellender oder zu erzeugender vertretbarer und nicht vertretbarer Sachen. Einkaufsbedingungen des Käufers gelten in keinem Fall, auch dann nicht, wenn wir ihnen nicht nochmals nach Eingang bei uns ausdrücklich wider- sprechen. 1. These General Terms & Conditions of Sale (Conditions) shall apply to all present and future contracts with commercial buy- ers, with public legal entities as well as public trusts in regard to deliveries and other services, including contracts for work and services, contracts for the delivery of fungible and non-fungible goods to be man- ufactured or produced. The Buyer's general terms and conditions do purchase not ap- ply, even if we do not expressly object to them again after their receipt.
2. Unsere Angebote sind freibleibend. Auf- träge des Käufers sind für uns nur verbind- lich, wenn sie von uns in Textform bestätigt sind. Das Gleiche gilt für Änderungen von Aufträgen. Wir sind jedoch berechtigt, ei- nen Auftrag durch Ausführung der Bestel- lung ohne vorherige Bestätigung anzuneh- men. Die Annahme kann innerhalb ange- messener Frist nach Zugang der Bestellung erfolgen. 2. Our offers are non-binding to us. Orders of the Buyer are only binding for us if they have been confirmed by us in text form. The same applies to changes to orders. However, we are entitled to accept an order by executing the order without prior confir- mation. Acceptance can take place within a reasonable period of time after receipt of the order.
3. Mündliche Vereinbarungen, Zusagen, Zusicherungen, Garantien und Aussagen über den Einsatz- oder Verwendungszweck unserer Angestellten im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertragsschluss sind unverbindlich und werden erst durch unsere Bestätigung in Textform verbindlich.
Application. 1. Diese Allgemeinen Verkaufs- und Lieferungsbedin- gungen gelten für alle - auch zukünftigen - Verträge mit Unternehmern, jur. Personen des öffentlichen Rechts und öffentlich-rechtlichen Sondervermögen über Lieferungen und sonstige Leistungen unter Ein- schluss von Werkverträgen, Verträgen über die Liefe- rung herzustellender oder zu erzeugender vertretbarer und nicht vertretbarer Sachen. Einkaufsbedingungen des Käufers gelten in keinem Fall, auch dann nicht, wenn wir ihnen nicht nochmals nach Eingang bei uns ausdrücklich widersprechen.
1. These General Terms & Conditions of Sale (Condi- tions) shall apply to all present and future contracts with commercial buyers, with public legal entities as well as public trusts in regard to deliveries and other services, including contracts for work and services, contracts for the delivery of fungible and non-fungible goods to be manufactured or produced. The Buyer's general terms and conditions do purchase not apply, even if we do not expressly object to them again after their receipt.
2. Unsere Angebote sind freibleibend. Aufträge des Käufers sind für uns nur verbindlich, wenn sie von uns in Textform bestätigt sind. Das Gleiche gilt für Ände- rungen von Aufträgen. Wir sind jedoch berechtigt, ei- nen Auftrag durch Ausführung der Bestellung ohne vorherige Bestätigung anzunehmen. Die Annahme kann innerhalb angemessener Frist nach Zugang der Bestellung erfolgen. 2. Our offers are non-binding to us. Orders of the Buyer are only binding for us if they have been con- firmed by us in text form. The same applies to changes to orders. However, we are entitled to accept an order by executing the order without prior confirmation. Ac- ceptance can take place within a reasonable period of time after receipt of the order.
3. Mündliche Vereinbarungen, Zusagen, Zusicherun- gen, Garantien und Aussagen über den Einsatz- oder Verwendungszweck unserer Angestellten im Zusam- menhang mit dem Vertragsschluss sind unverbindlich und werden erst durch unsere Bestätigung in Textform verbindlich.
3. Oral agreements, promises, assurances, guarantees and statements about the intended use or application made by our employees in connection with the conclu- sion of the contract are non-binding and only become binding upon our confirmation in text form.
4. Die Mitlieferung (Beistellung) von Prüfbescheini- gungen nach DIN EN 10204 bedarf der Vereinbarung in Textform. Wir sind berechtigt, solche Bescheinigun- gen in Kopie zu übergeben und in solchen K...