References Musterklauseln

References. CF shall be entitled to name commercial customers as reference customers in its advertising media unless otherwise agreed. The customer can object to this at any time.
References. CF shall be entitled to name the Buyer as a reference in its advertising material, unless otherwise agreed. The Buyer may object to this at any time.
References. Service Provider is entitled to use the name of Customer as well as Customer’s logo for reference purposes in external communications and commercial material, in particular, on Service Provider’s website, homepage and its official social media channels, targeted e-mail campaigns, as well as folders and brochures, websites. Hereunto Customer grants Service Provider a simple, transferable, revocable right to use its name and logo. Any further usage will be agreed with Customer in advance.
References. In the event of a substitution of the Issuer pursuant to § 14 (1), any reference in these Terms and Conditions to the Issuer shall be a reference to the New Issuer and, subject to § 15(3), any reference to the Republic of Austria shall be a reference to the New Issuer’s country of residence for tax purposes. Irrespective hereof, a substitution of the Issuer pursuant to § 14 (1) shall not affect the definition of a Material Subsidiary in accordance with § 8.
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References. References in these Conditions to the "Securities" include (unless the context otherwise requires) references to any global security representing the Securities. References herein to "Terms and Conditions" or "Conditions" shall be references to these Terms and Conditions of the Securities. § 2 STATUS The obligations under the Securities constitute unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Issuer ranking pari passu among themselves and pari passu with all other unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Issuer, subject, however, to statutory priorities conferred to certain unsecured and unsubordinated obligations in the event of resolution measures imposed on the Issuer or in the event of the dissolution, liquidation, insolvency, composition or other proceedings for the avoidance of insolvency of, or against, the Issuer. § 3 INTEREST
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