Severability clause Musterklauseln

Severability clause. Should any provision in these regulations be or be rendered wholly or partially ineffective, or should the parties inadvertently fail to create a regulation with regard to a matter of this contract, the validity of the other provisions in this contract shall remain unaffected. Instead of the ineffective or infeasible provision, or instead of the contractual gap, an effective or feasible provision shall be added which comes closest to the intent and purpose of the invalid or infeasible provision. In the case of a gap, the provision shall be agreed upon which accords with what would have been agreed upon, in line with the intention and purpose of this contract, had the parties considered the matter from the start. This also applies if the ineffectiveness of a provision is based on a measure of performance or time standardised in this contract. In such cases, a legally permitted measure of performance or time which comes as close as possible to the agreed measure shall replace the agreed one. Jamstveni uvjeti: HR Tvrtka Eisl Sanitär GmbH jamči za besprijekorna svojstva materijala koja odgovaraju svrsi, za obradu materijala, stručno sklapanje, nepro- pusnost i funkcionalnost. Jamstvo vrijedi samo za državu u kojoj je proizvod kupljen. Jamstvo uključuje, u smanjenom jamstvenom roku od 1 godine, jamstvo za trajnost površina koje nisu visokosjajno kromirane, kao npr. brončane ili obojene površine. Jamstvo ne uključuje: • koroziju u mlaznicama za miješanje (raspršivaču) • kartušu • gornji dio ventila • štete zbog nestručne montaže, puštanja u rad i rukovanja • štete zbog vanjskih utjecaja, kao npr. vatre, vode, kemijskih utjecaja • mehanička oštećenja zbog nesreće, pada ili udarca • uništenje zbog nemara ili namjerno uništenje • uobičajeno trošenje ili nedostatno održavanje • štete zbog popravaka od strane nestručnih osoba • nestručno rukovanje, nedovoljno održavanje i uporabu neprikladnih sredstava za čišćenje • kemijsko ili mehaničko djelovanje tijekom prijevoza, skladištenja, priključivanja, popravka i uporabe proizvoda. Ostvarenje prava s osnova jamstva odnosi se, xx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx, xx besplatan popravak, besplatnu isporuku rezervnih dijelova ili proizvoda iste kvalitete uz obvezu povrata neispravnog dijela odno- sno proizvoda. Ako se dotičan tip proizvoda više ne proizvodi, zadrža- vamo pravo da, po vlastitom izboru, iz svojeg asortimana isporučimo zamjenski proizvod koji je što sličniji vraćenom tipu. Zamijenjeni proizvodi ili dijelovi postaju naše v...
Severability clause. The legal invalidity of one or more provisions of this Agreement in no way affects the validity of the remaining provisions. This shall not apply if it would be unreasonably onerous for one of the parties to be obligated to continue the contract.
Severability clause. Should any clause of these terms and conditions be invalid, the validity of the remaining clauses shall remain unaffected.
Severability clause. If any provision of these GTC is or becomes void, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these GTC shall not be affected thereby. The parĠes agree to replace the void, invalid or unenforceable provision by a valid and enforceable provision which, in the view of the parĠes, comes as close as possible in economic terms to the purpose of the void, invalid or unenforceable provision. Any loophole in the GTC shall be closed in a corresponding manner.
Severability clause. 18.1. In the event that individual parts of these GTS are invalid, the validity of the other parts shall not be affected by this.
Severability clause. Should individual points of these Terms and Conditions or a subsequent change or addition be or become ineffective, invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the effectiveness, validity and enforceability of all other provisions of these Terms.
Severability clause. If one or several provisions of the present General Terms of Business are or become invalid, then this will not affect the validity of the oth- er provisions. Instead of the invalid provision, the corresponding statutory regulations will apply.
Severability clause. 18.1 If any regulations of this GCP are invalid and thus void,the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. Void or invalid provisions are replaced by those valid provisions which most closely fulfil the commercial or economic purpose of the void or invalid provisions.
Severability clause. If any of the provisions of this General Delivery and Sales Terms shall become or be held invalid, all other provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect.
Severability clause. If one or several provisions of these GAT should prove to be invalid, it or they must be replaced by a provision or provisions that correspond to the sense and purpose of the invalid provision(s).