TROUBLESHOOTING. SEBvO Systems Engineer im Störungsfall bei Bedarf vor Ort Sollte im Störungsfall eine Remote-Störungsbehebung nicht möglich sein, wird ein qualifizierter Engineer vor Ort zur Verfügung gestellt. Diese vor Ort Leistung wird für Störungsbehebungen an Kundenstandorten innerhalb des NTS Einzugsgebietes angeboten. Beim NTS Einzugsgebiet handelt es sich um einen Bereich von max. 2 Auto-Fahrtstunden Entfernung vom nächstgelegenen NTS Standort (Graz / Wien / Linz & Salzburg / Innsbruck / Friedrichshafen). Außerhalb des NTS Einzugsgebietes wird ein Techniker des Kunden remote von einem NTS Engineer angeleitet, um im Bedarfsfall die Störungsbehebung zu unterstützen. FSRZ Fehleranalyse und Störungsbehebung per Remote-Zugriff Das NTS OC übernimmt die Analyse und Behebung von Fehlern per Remote-Zugriff. Ein "Fehler" ist, unter der Voraussetzung einer sachgemäßen Systemkonfiguration, als Abweichung der Funktion des unter Wartung stehenden Gerätes von den Beschreibungen im Datenblatt des Herstellers zu verstehen. Eine Behebung kann auch die Weiterleitung an den Support des Herstellers beinhalten. Für Wartungsverträge von Cisco Flex Plan gilt: Die Wartungsverpflichtung von NTS betrifft lediglich jene Cisco- Komponenten, für die NTS Wartung gekauft wird und die als Zugang zur Webex Cloud verwendet werden (z.B. Video Endpunkte). Die Verfügbarkeit der Webex Cloud unterliegt nicht dem Einfluss von NTS und ist daher auch nicht Teil der Wartungsverpflichtung. Das gilt auch für die verbindenden Komponenten (z.B. Switches, Router), sofern hier kein eigener NTS-Wartungsvertrag abgeschlossen wurde. SLA-ES E-Mail Support Hotline (xxxxxxx@xxx.xx) Support Anfragen können via E-Mail an xxxxxxx@xxx.xx gestellt werden. Es ist zu beachten, dass die Übermittlung von E-Mails aufgrund von Umständen außerhalb des Einflussbereiches von NTS verzögert werden kann, wir empfehlen daher die Übermittlung von kritischen Anfragen per Telefon. SLA-TS Telefonische Support Hotline Das NTS OC ist telefonisch unter folgenden Nummern erreichbar: - Österreich: +00 000 000 000 - Italien: +00 0000 000 000 - International: +00 000 000 000 00 - Deutschland: +00 0000 0000 000 - Bei Nicht-Erreichbarkeit: +00 00000000000 VHW Versand der Austausch- Hardware Die Zustellung eines Ersatzteiles erfolgt durch einen Botendienst ohne Inbetriebnahme durch einen Engineer vor Ort.
TROUBLESHOOTING. Signs Cause Procedure pressure during pumping runs away not tightened head tighten the head up Fig. 4G locked AUTO button unlock the AUTO button Fig. 4D no o-ring under the head install the o-ring weak forming of foam or no foam clogged foaming insert, air suction unit or filter on the suction pipe rinse the foaming insert under a stream of water Fig. 3B, rinse the air suction unit on the suction pipe Fig. 3D (if need be, unlock the hole of the suction unit by means of a pin), rinse the filter of the suction pipe Fig. 3E too low pressure pump the sprayer until working pressure is achieved Fig. 4B sealing elements lose their properties (swelling, crumbling, stretching, cracking) a chemical agent unsuitable for applied sealing elements is used consult the seller in order to select suitable sealing, purchase of proper sealing elements the piston rod working with difficulty or immobilised seized-up o-ring of the piston rod lubricate the o-ring of the piston rod Fig. 3d or, if need be, replace with a new one and lubricate with silicone grease Fig. 2f the piston rod after pumping goes up or the liquid gets out from under the holder of the piston rod contaminated or worn mushroom of the non-return valve of the pump rinse contaminants, if need be, replace the mushroom Fig. 3e with a new one the liquid gets out from the nozzle while pumping pressed AUTO button unlock the AUTO button Fig. 4D damaged o-rings of the stem of the dosing valve replace the stem of the dosing valve Fig. 5C and lubricate with silicone grease Fig. 2f contaminated stem or seat of the dosing valve rinse the stem Fig. 3b and the seat of the dosing valve, then, lubricate with silicone grease Fig. 2f foam is not made improper concentration of the foaming liquid prepare the solution with a proper concentration the applied agent is not the foam-making liquid replace the agent with the foam- making liquid intended for the Xxxx xxxxxxx Schaumsprühgerät
TROUBLESHOOTING. Symptom Possible root cause Remedy Motor doesn’t work No connection to the mains or mains fuse is blown Check mains plug, receptacle and fuse Power supply not connected properly Check the low voltage plug for correct fit and fix it. Front switch in position „0“ Switch the front switch to position “1”. Audio signals are reproduced not loud enough and eventually distorted The turntable is connected to the pre amp’s line input, but the phono pre amp which is implemented in the turntable is switched to “THRU”. Connect the turntable to the phono input of your pre amp _OR_ switch the internal phono pre amp to “ON”. Audio signals are reproduced too loud and eventually distorted The turntable is connected to the pre amp’s phono input, but the phono pre amp which is implemented in the turntable is switched to “ON”. Connect the turntable to the line input of your pre amp _OR_ switch the internal phono pre amp to “THRU”. The right channel appears on left channel and vice versa The channels are swapped Swap the two RCA plugs (left and right channel) which are plugged into the turntable’s RCA jacks. Loud humming noise Metal housing acts as antenna creating AC Mains hum Check all connections; for acoustical check relating major problems reduce the amp’s volume level to minimum. Possibly the RCA plugs ground rings should be readjusted. Faint humming noise Ground wire not attached In certain cases, it makes sense to connect the metal parts of the turntable to signal ground of the (phono-) preamp. On the rear side of the turntable there’s an earthing screw for this purpose. Please use the wire attached to the included RCA cables for this. The music pitch is wrong Wrong speed selected Check which speed should be chosen for playing the current record. There are also records on the market which have the same diameter as an LP (30 cm) but must be played at 45 rpm (e.g. maxi singles). On the other hand, there are also records in single format (17 cm) which should be played at 33 ⅓ rpm (so called “EPs”).
TROUBLESHOOTING. The following error classes are agreed: Level 1 – critcal web-portal is not available Level 2 – high services are not available / partially / with difficulty Level 3 – low fault has no effect on users The provider will comply with the following reaction times to the first message received within the service hours: Level 1 – critcal Three (3) hours after receiving the report. Level 2 – high Five (5) hours after receiving the report. Level 3 – low Five (5) working days. The provider will adhere to the following solution times: Level 1 – critcal Within 40 hours (calculated exclusively within the above-mentioned service times) there may no longer be a level 1 fault. This is also fulfilled by a shift to a lower error class. Level 2 – high Within 80 hours (calculated exclusively within the above-mentioned service times), there may no longer be a level 1 fault. This is also fulfilled by a shift to a lower error class. Level 3 – low Five (5) working days. No minimum resolution time can be guaranteed for the correction of errors that are beyond the control of the provider. For the case that errors are not rectified within the respective solution time, the user must grant the provider a reasonable grace period of at least half of the original solution time. If this also elapses without troubleshooting, the user can terminate the contract without observing a notice period. In such a case, the user is not to be reimbursed for the services used by him or by persons attributable to him. A further reduction, reimbursement or damage claim cannot be justified. A fundamental change in the legal or technical standards on the Internet allows the provider to give extraordinary notice if this makes it unreasonable for the provider to provide his services in whole or in part within the scope of the contractual purpose. With the execution of the use of the software by the customer before the 14-day withdrawal period according to § 11 FAGG started, the right of withdrawal does not apply after legal instruction about these consequences of early execution. The customer hereby acknowledges and expressly agrees that when the web portal is used for the first time, the provider's performance before the expiry of the withdrawal period in accordance with 11 FAGG takes place and thus the loss of the right of withdrawal acc. 18 FAGG. See also 3.3 Exercising the right of withdrawal.


  • Rauchverbot Im gesamten Gebäude, d.h. dem Apartment und den Gemeinschaftsflächen, besteht ein strenges Rauchverbot. Rauchen ist nur auf ausgewiesenen Flächen im Außenbereich gestattet.