Adverse Personnel Action definition

Adverse Personnel Action means the discharge, suspension, transfer, or demotion of any employee or the withholding of bonuses, the reduction in salary or benefits, or any other adverse action taken against an employee within the terms and conditions of employment by an agency or independent contractor.
Adverse Personnel Action means an employment-related act or decision or a failure to take appropriate action by Managerial Personnel which may affect the director(s) / employee(s)' employment, including but not limited to compensation, increment, promotion, job location, job profile, immunities, leaves and training or other privileges.
Adverse Personnel Action means any act, conduct or decision relating to directors and employees or any failure to take appropriate action by a higher level authority, which affects a director or an employee negatively and includes the following acts relating to Company's personnel system:

Examples of Adverse Personnel Action in a sentence

  • It shall not be a violation of this Whistleblowing Policy to take Adverse Personnel Action against an employee whose conduct or performance warrants that action separate and apart from the employee making a disclosure.

  • This Whistleblowing Policy may not be used as a defense by an employee against whom an Adverse Personnel Action has been taken for legitimate reasons or cause.

  • All employees of the Company who disclose Alleged Wrongful Conduct, as defined in this Whistleblowing Policy, and, who, as a result of the disclosure, are subject to an Adverse Personnel Action.

  • An Adverse Personnel Action taken by a supervisor or other authority against an employee where such employee's prior disclosure of Alleged Wrongful Conduct is a direct or indirect reason or basis for the Adverse Personnel Action.

  • No supervisor, officer, director, department head or any other employee with authority to make or materially influence significant personnel decisions shall take or recommend an Adverse Personnel Action against an employee in Knowing Retaliation for disclosing Alleged Wrongful Conduct to a Designated Company Officer or Director or to the Company's Audit Committee.

More Definitions of Adverse Personnel Action

Adverse Personnel Action. - means any such actions as: a disciplinary suspension; a decision not to promote; a decision not to grant a salary increase; a decision not to hire; a termination; an involuntary demotion; rejection during probation; a performance evaluation in which the employee's performance is generally evaluated as unsatisfactory; an involuntary resignation; an involuntary retirement; an involuntary reassignment to a position with demonstrably less responsibility or status as the one held prior to the reassignment; or an unfavorable change in the general terms and conditions of employment.
Adverse Personnel Action means an employment related act or decision (relating to, but not limited to, compensation, promotion, job location, job profile, leave or other privileges) or a failure to take appropriate action by a manager, which may affect the employee negatively.
Adverse Personnel Action means an employment related act or decision or a failure to take appropriate action by a manager or higher level authority which affects an employee negatively. The following are adverse personnel actions :
Adverse Personnel Action means the discharge, suspension, transfer,
Adverse Personnel Action means discharge, suspension, transfer, demotion, reprimand, warning, withholding or reduction of salary or benefits of employee, or any other adverse action taken against an employee within the terms and conditions of employment by the Township; or suspension or cancellation of contract of an independent contractor.
Adverse Personnel Action. Means, any act or decision by the Company generally or specifically directed to unfavourably impact an employee’s employment with the Company, including, but not limited to, termination, compensation, increment, promotion, job allocation and job profile.
Adverse Personnel Action means a management action that affects the Complainant’s existing terms and conditions of employment in a material and negative way, including, but not limited to, failure to hire, demotion, suspension and or termination.