Advertising Revenue definition
Examples of Advertising Revenue in a sentence
Nature of goods and services The following is a description of principal activities from which we generate our revenue: Broadcast Advertising Revenue Our primary source of revenue is from the sale of advertising for broadcast on our stations.
Any Aggregate Advertising Revenue, revenue related to Event Sponsorship, revenue related to Digital Programming Services or revenue related to Meeting Services that LLC receives in the form of non-cash consideration shall be valued as revenue in accordance with GAAP.
Unless expressly agreed in this Agreement or by Parties otherwise, either Party shall have no right to collect, share or claim any Advertising Revenue, agency commission, sales commission or charges in other manners from the other Party, or request the other Party to bear any costs and expenses.
The Parties hereby agree and acknowledge that if Leju Agent sells or provides any Advertising Inventory against Section 2.02(b) of this Agreement and advertising revenue, which is caused by such activity in any calendar quarter, is five percent (5%) more than Leju Advertising Revenue of such quarter, and such event shall be deemed one of the events that constitute a material breach of this Agreement by SINA.
The Parties hereby agree and acknowledge that if SINA Agent sells or provides any Advertising Inventory against Section 2.01(g) and/or Section 4.03(b) of this Agreement and advertising revenue, which is caused by such activity in any calendar quarter, is five percent (5%) more than Leju Advertising Revenue of such quarter, and such event shall be deemed one of the events that constitute a material breach of this Agreement by Leju.