DELEGATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS. CONTRACTOR may not delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or in part, without 29 prior written consent of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall provide written notification of 30 CONTRACTOR’s intent to delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or part, to 31 ADMINISTRATOR not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the effective date of the delegation. 32 Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this paragraph shall be void.
DELEGATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS. CONTRACTOR may not delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or in part, without 16 prior written consent of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall provide written notification of
DELEGATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS. 33 A. CONTRACTOR may not delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or in part, without 34 prior written consent of COUNTY; provided, however, obligations undertaken by CONTRACTOR 35 pursuant to this Agreement may be carried out by means of subcontracts, provided such subcontracts are 36 approved in advance and in writing by ADMINISTRATOR, meet the requirements of this Agreement as 37 they relate to the service or activity under subcontract, and include any provisions that 1 ADMINISTRATOR may require. ADMINISTRATOR may revoke the approval of a subcontract upon 2 five (5) calendar days written notice to CONTRACTOR if the subcontract fails to meet the requirements 3 of this Agreement or any provisions that ADMINISTRATOR has required. No subcontract shall 4 terminate or alter the responsibilities of CONTRACTOR to COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement. 5 ADMINISTRATOR may disallow, from payments otherwise due CONTRACTOR, amounts claimed for 6 subcontracts not approved in accordance with this paragraph.
7 B. CONTRACTOR may not assign the rights hereunder, either in whole or in part, without the 8 prior written consent of COUNTY. For CONTRACTORS which are nonprofit corporations, any change 9 from a nonprofit corporation to any other corporate structure of CONTRACTOR, including a change in 10 more than fifty percent (50%) of the composition of the Board of Directors within a two (2) month 11 period of time, shall be deemed an assignment for purposes of this paragraph. Any attempted 12 assignment or delegation in derogation of this paragraph shall be void.
13 C. CONTRACTOR may not assign the rights hereunder, either in whole or in part, without the 14 prior written consent of COUNTY. For CONTRACTORS which are for-profit organizations, any 15 change in the business structure, including but not limited to, the sale or transfer of more than ten percent 16 (10%) of the assets or stocks of CONTRACTOR, change to another corporate structure, including a 17 change to a sole proprietorship, or a change in fifty percent (50%) or more of CONTRACTOR’s 18 directors at one time shall be deemed an assignment pursuant to this paragraph. Any attempted 19 assignment or delegation in derogation of this paragraph shall be void. 20
DELEGATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS. A. Contractor may not delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or in part, without prior written consent of County. Contractor shall provide written notification of Contractor’s intent to delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or part, to Administrator not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the effective date of the delegation. Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this paragraph shall be void.
B. Contractor agrees that if there is a change or transfer in ownership of Contractor’s business prior to completion of this Contract, and County agrees to an assignment of the Contract, the new owners shall be required under the terms of sale or other instruments of transfer to assume Contractor’s duties and obligations contained in this Contract and complete them to the satisfaction of County. Contractor may not assign the rights hereunder, either in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of County.
1. If Contractor is a nonprofit organization, any change from a nonprofit corporation to any other corporate structure of Contractor, including a change in more than fifty percent (50%) of the composition of the Board of Directors within a two (2) month period of time, shall be deemed an assignment for purposes of this paragraph, unless Contractor is transitioning from a community clinic/health center to a Federally Qualified Health Center and has been so designated by the Federal Government. Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this subparagraph shall be void.
2. If Contractor is a for-profit organization, any change in the business structure, including but not limited to, the sale or transfer of more than ten percent (10%) of the assets or stocks of Contractor, change to another corporate structure, including a change to a sole proprietorship, or a change in fifty percent (50%) or more of Board of Directors or any governing body of Contractor at one time shall be deemed an assignment pursuant to this paragraph. Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this subparagraph shall be void.
3. If Contractor is a governmental organization, any change to another structure, including a change in more than fifty percent (50%) of the composition of its governing body (i.e. Board of Supervisors, City Council, School Board) within a two (2) month period of time, shall be deemed an assignment for purposes of this paragraph. Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this s...
DELEGATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS. 18 A. CONTRACTOR may not delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or in part, without 19 prior written consent of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall provide written notification of 20 CONTRACTOR’s intent to delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or part, to 21 ADMINISTRATOR not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the effective date of the delegation. 22 Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this paragraph shall be void.
23 B. CONTRACTOR may not assign the rights hereunder, either in whole or in part, without the 24 prior written consent of COUNTY.
25 1. If CONTRACTOR is a nonprofit organization, any change from a nonprofit corporation to 26 any other corporate structure of CONTRACTOR, including a change in more than fifty percent (50%) 27 of the composition of the Board of Directors within a two (2) month period of time, shall be deemed an 28 assignment for purposes of this paragraph, unless CONTRACTOR is transitioning from a community
DELEGATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS. 18 A. CONTRACTOR may not delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or in part, without 19 prior written consent of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall provide written notification of 20 CONTRACTOR’s intent to delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or part, to 21 ADMINISTRATOR not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the effective date of the delegation. 22 Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this paragraph shall be void.
23 B. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that if there is a change or transfer in ownership of CONTRACTOR’s 24 business prior to completion of this Agreement, and COUNTY agrees to an assignment of the 25 Agreement, the new owners shall be required under the terms of sale or other instruments of transfer to 26 assume XXXXXXXXXX’s duties and obligations contained in this Agreement and complete them to the 27 satisfaction of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR may not assign the rights hereunder, either in whole or in 28 part, without the prior written consent of COUNTY.
29 1. If CONTRACTOR is a nonprofit organization, any change from a nonprofit corporation to 30 any other corporate structure of CONTRACTOR, including a change in more than fifty percent (50%) 31 of the composition of the Board of Directors within a two (2) month period of time, shall be deemed an 32 assignment for purposes of this paragraph, unless CONTRACTOR is transitioning from a community
DELEGATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS. CONTRACTOR may not delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or in part, without 36 prior written consent of COUNTY; provided, however, obligations undertaken by CONTRACTOR 37 pursuant to this Agreement may be carried out by means of subcontracts, provided such subcontracts are 1 approved in advance, in writing by ADMINISTRATOR, meet the requirements of this Agreement as 2 they relate to the service or activity under subcontract, and include any provisions that 3 ADMINISTRATOR may require. ADMINISTRATOR may revoke the approval of a subcontract upon 4 five (5) calendar days written notice to CONTRACTOR if subcontract fails to meet the requirements of 5 this Agreement or any provisions that ADMINISTRATOR has required. No subcontract shall terminate 6 or alter the responsibilities of CONTRACTOR to COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement. 7 ADMINISTRATOR may disallow, from payments otherwise due CONTRACTOR, amounts claimed 8 for subcontracts not approved in accordance with this paragraph.
DELEGATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS. A. CONTRACTOR may not delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or in part, without prior written consent of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall provide written notification of CONTRACTOR’s intent to delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or part, to ADMINISTRATOR not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the effective date of the delegation. 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1010 111 1212 1313 1414 1515 1616 1717 1818 1919 2020 2121 222 2323 2424 2525 2626 2727 2828 2929 3030 3131 3232 333 3434 3535 3636 3737 Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this paragraph shall be void.
B. CONTRACTOR may not assign the rights hereunder, either in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of COUNTY.
1. If CONTRACTOR is a nonprofit organization, any change from a nonprofit corporation to any other corporate structure of CONTRACTOR, including a change in more than fifty percent (50%) of the composition of the Board of Directors within a two (2) month period of time, shall be deemed an assignment for purposes of this paragraph, unless CONTRACTOR is transitioning from a community clinic/health center to a Federally Qualified Health Center and has been so designated by the Federal Government. Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this subparagraph shall be void.
2. If CONTRACTOR is a for-profit organization, any change in the business structure, including but not limited to, the sale or transfer of more than ten percent (10%) of the assets or stocks of CONTRACTOR, change to another corporate structure, including a change to a sole proprietorship, or a change in fifty percent (50%) or more of Board of Directors or any governing body of CONTRACTOR at one time shall be deemed an assignment pursuant to this paragraph. Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this subparagraph shall be void.
3. If CONTRACTOR is a governmental organization, any change to another structure, including a change in more than fifty percent (50%) of the composition of its governing body (i.e. Board of Supervisors, City Council, School Board) within a two (2) month period of time, shall be deemed an assignment for purposes of this paragraph. Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this subparagraph shall be void.
4. Whether CONTRACTOR is a nonprofit, for-profit, or a governmental organization, CONTRACTOR shall provide written notification of CONTRACTOR’s intent to assign the obligations hereunder, either in whole o...
DELEGATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS. Sub-Paragraph B, opening paragraph is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
DELEGATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS. A. CONTRACTOR may not delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or in part, without