Managed Funds definition
Examples of Managed Funds in a sentence
Excessive short-term trading into and out of the Firm Managed Funds can disrupt Portfolio investment strategies and may increase fund expenses for all shareholders, including long-term shareholders who do not generate these costs.
Exchange Traded Managed Funds (“ETMF”) Exchange Traded Managed Funds are neither subject to the holding period nor market capitalization criteria set forth in the Code for other exchange traded securities and related holding period restrictions.
Exchange Traded Managed Funds (“ETMF”) Exchange Traded Managed Funds are neither subject to the 60-day holding period nor market capitalization criteria set forth in the Code for other exchange traded securities and related holding period restrictions.
Kaswell, Executive Vice President, Managing Director and General Counsel, Managed Funds Association, to Brent J.
A list of Wellington Managed Funds is available via the Wellington Management intranet.