Market Charges definition

Market Charges means all charges payable by the buyer in lieu of services rendered in connection with the handling of Agricultural Produce after the finalisation of the bid at auction, such as the Commission of Faria, Brokerage, auction charges, remuneration for helper, filling and sewing but does not include remuneration for weighing.
Market Charges are the total of Ancillary Service Charges, Market Fees and other charges payable to the Market Operator by Us attributed to Your Premises.
Market Charges means any amounts charged by a Market Operator that relate to your gas consumption, and may include, but are not limited to the STTM Activity Charge and the Participant Compensation Fund Charge.

Examples of Market Charges in a sentence

  • The Market Charges and Market Credits of Market Participants with Uncollectible Obligations will not be included in the calculation of the percentage of the loss to be allocated to all Non-Defaulting Market Participants that had been invoiced by SPP during the same period of time as the unpaid invoice(s) of the Defaulting Market Participant whose Unpaid Obligation has been declared an Uncollectible Obligation.

  • Pro rata share of partial payment(s) = Any partial payments received during cure period as described in Section V.C.2. All individual charge amounts and all individual credit amounts invoiced for Market Services shall be included in the calculation of Market Charges and Market Credits.

  • The Customer also agrees to pay to AGL all Network Charges, Market Charges, Metering Charges, Retail Service Fees, Services Charges, and Emissions and Renewable Energy Charges applicable to the Premises for the electricity AGL sells to the Customer at the Premises.

  • The methodology for such additional Intraday Var Charges or Intraday Market Charges would be subject to FICC’s model risk management governance procedures set forth in the Model Risk Management Framework.

  • All costs exclude Network and Regulated Market Charges, as these are passed through regulated costs consistent across all retailers.

  • We are entitled but not obliged to issue Reconciliation Invoices in respect of the TNUoS Charges and/or Capacity Market Charges incurred.

  • If specified in the Commercial Terms, the You must pay any Market Charges payable or otherwise incurred by Us attributable to the Your Premises.

  • Market Charges – any NEM participant fees, ancillary services fees or other NEM charges or levies incurred by EnergyAustralia in selling electricity at a Connection Point.

  • If the amounts actually incurred by AGL are greater or less than the estimated amount, acting reasonably AGL may increase or decrease the Network Charges, Market Charges or Pass Through Charges accordingly from time to time and AGL will invoice the Customer or credit the Customer’s account for any difference between the billed estimated charges and the actual charges.

  • Charges – all Connection Services Charges, Early Termination Charges, Energy Charges, Environmental Charges, Market Charges, Metering Charges, Network Charges, the Supply Charge, Carbon Scheme Charge, and other amounts set out in the Schedule or payable by the Customer under this Contract.

More Definitions of Market Charges

Market Charges means any specific stamp duty, local taxes, and Securities fees that are applied by some stock exchanges, which vary from country to country and market to market as per local regulation and are subject to change without notice.
Market Charges means the Capacity Market Charges detailed in the Commercial Terms; Charges means the amounts that the Customer must pay to Good Energy under the Agreement; Confidential Information means information of a confidential nature provided by one Party to the other Party; Connection Agreement means an agreement between the Customer’s Local Network Operator(s) and the Customer for connection to the Local Network Operator(s)’ electricity distribution system; Connection Point means the point of delivery of the supply of electricity to a Property from the electricity distribution system of the Local Network Operator; Customer has the meaning given in the Commercial Terms; Data Aggregator means the company appointed to summate Metering Data received from the Data Collector(s); Data Collector means the company appointed to retrieve, validate, and process Metering Data and forward these to the Data Aggregator; Data Controller means data controller or controller (as applicable) within the meaning of any Data Protection Legislation; Data Protection Legislation means, for the periods in which they are in force in the United Kingdom, the Data Protection Xxx 0000 and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679); De-energise(d) means in relation to any Connection Point any action whereby no electricity can flow through the Connection Point to or from the Property; Deemed Charges means the Charges set out on Good Energy’s website at xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx; Early Cancellation Fee means the positive difference between:
Market Charges means the amount of charges imposed by electricity law, the system operator or any other regulatory authority, and includes any ancillary services changes or costs, and any other charges associated with the operation of the national electricity market;
Market Charges means all charges payable by the buyer for the services rendered in connection with the handling of agricultural produce after the sale is settled and includes commission of an agent, brokerage, auction charges, filling and sewing of packages and bags and remuneration of the helper but does not include remuneration for weighing.
Market Charges means the Capacity Market Charges detailed in the Commercial Terms; Charges means the amounts that the Customer must pay to Good Energy under the Agreement; Confidential Information means information of a confidential nature provided by one Party to the other Party; Connection Agreement means an agreement between the Customer’s Local Network Operator(s) and the Customer for connection to
Market Charges means a reasonable proportion (attributable to the Consumption of electricity at the Site) of any Participant Fees (as defined under the Rules) and other charges levied on Aurora Energy under Electricity Law by any authorised party.

Related to Market Charges

  • Contract Charges means charges that accrue during a given month as defined in Article III. “Contract Term” is defined in Article IV.

  • Monthly Charges means a finance carrying charge of one and one-half of one percent (1.5%) and a storage and handling charge of one-half of one percent (0.5%), in each case of the Cost of the Inventory and/or Special Inventory and/or of the fees for the Product affected by the reschedule or cancellation (as applicable) per month until such Inventory and/or Special Inventory and/or Product is returned to the vendor, used to manufacture Product or is otherwise purchased by Customer.

  • SLDC Charges means the charges levied by the SLDC of the state wherein the Solar Power Project is located;

  • Track Charges means the charges payable by or on behalf of the Train Operator to Network Rail, as set out in paragraph 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 7 or under the Traction Electricity Rules;

  • Electricity Charges means service charges in respect of the provision of electricity.

  • Usage Charges means the Charges for the Service or applicable part of the Service that are calculated by multiplying the volume of units that the Customer used or incurred in a period (e.g. number of users using the Service, or the number of minutes the Service was used for) with the relevant fee that is specified in the Online Order.

  • Delivery charges means charges by the seller of personal property or services for preparation and delivery to a location designated by the purchaser of personal property or services including, but not limited to, transportation, shipping, postage, handling, crating and packing. Delivery charges shall not include charges for delivery of direct mail if the charges are separately stated on an invoice or similar billing document given to the purchaser.

  • Service Charges means the fees levied by the municipality in terms of its tariff policy for any municipal services rendered in respect of an immovable property and includes any penalties, interest or surcharges levied or imposed in terms of this policy.

  • Monthly Charge shall have the meaning set forth in Article 5.

  • User Charges means a charge made to airlines by a service provider for the provision of airport, airport environmental, air navigation and aviation security facilities and services.

  • Operating Costs means the reasonable incremental expenses incurred by the Recipient on account of Project implementation, including costs related to audits, office equipment and supplies, vehicle operation and maintenance, shipping costs, office rentals, communication and insurance costs, office administration costs, bank charges, utilities, transport costs, travel, per diem and supervision costs, and salaries of contracted employees, but excluding salaries of officials of the Recipient’s civil service.