Obey Creek definition

Obey Creek shall describe the area identified in Exhibit A.
Obey Creek. Include Transportation Impact Study information here.]
Obey Creek. During the October 30th Obey Creek Special Meeting, the Council was provided with information about trip generation numbers and impacts from Obey Creek. This information can be found here under “Staff and Consultant (HNTB) Presentation.”5

Examples of Obey Creek in a sentence

  • If the Breaching Owner or the Developer Owner fails to cure the material breach under [OBEY CREEK: Cross check - Section 4.13(c)], then the Town Council may elect to terminate or modify the Agreement after complying with mediation requirements as stated in [OBEY CREEK: Cross check - Section 4.14].

  • After notice to the Town, the Developer Owners may at any time and from time to time assign their respective rights and responsibilities hereunder as provided in [OBEY CREEK: Cross check - Section 2.4] to Persons as Developer Owners and as provided in [OBEY CREEK: Cross check - Section 2.14] to Persons as Parcel Owners who will also retain the right to assign their respective rights and/or responsibilities hereunder or any part of all or any portion of the Property as Developer Owners or Parcel Owners.

  • This Agreement shall terminate on the earlier of the expiration of the term specified in [OBEY CREEK: Cross check - Section 4.2] of this Agreement or a specific termination made by operation of the provisions of this Agreement, or by agreement of the Parties.

  • The burdens of this Agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits of this Agreement shall inure to the Town and its successors in interest, to the Developer Owners and their successors and assigns in title (as defined in [OBEY CREEK: Cross check - Section 2.4]) and, to the extent provided in this Agreement, to the Parcel Owners and their successors and assigns in title (as defined in [OBEY CREEK: Cross check - Section 2.14]).

  • The Annual Report shall include all of the information required pursuant to [OBEY CREEK: Cross check - Section 5.20] of the Agreement and shall be provided at the times specified by that Section.

More Definitions of Obey Creek

Obey Creek. During the December 8, 2014 Obey Creek Special Meeting, the Council established a committee, consisting of Councilmembers Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, and Xxx Xxxx, to develop proposals for affordable housing options for the Council’s review. The committee is scheduled to provide an update to the Council during the February 12, 2015
Obey Creek. The Council Sub-Committee on Transportation is preparing information for this section for the Council’s review. Information from this section will be inserted as the revised Section 5.4, per the Council’s discussion. The Sub-Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 23, 2015.]
Obey Creek. During the October 30th Obey Creek Special Meeting, the Council was provided with information about trip generation numbers and impacts from Obey Creek. This information can be found here under “Staff and Consultant (HNTB) Presentation.”5 We have asked HNTB to conduct an analysis of the minimum level of development proposed by East West Partners to identify the impacts that this level of development may have. We anticipate bringing this information to the Council in early 2015.
Obey Creek. During the October 30th Obey Creek Special Meeting, the Council was provided with information about trip generation numbers and impacts from O bey Creek. This information can be found under “Staff and Consultant (HNTB) We have asked HNTB to conduct an analysis of the minimum level of development proposed by East West Partners to identify the impacts that this level of development may have. We anticipate bringing this information to the Council in earlyMonday, March 23, 2015. .]
Obey Creek. This section will be revised throughout the process.] General Provisions. All new [OBEY CREEK: Edit as necessary - and rebuilt]roads and streets within the Property that may support public transit in the future shall be designed and constructed to meet Town standards for roads that support such use as of the Effective Date unless otherwise approved by the Town Manager. All pedestrian, bicycle, and greenway facilities within the Property shall be designed and constructed to meet Town standards unless otherwise approved by the Town Manager. For all sidewalk, bicycle and greenway facilities, easements will be granted to the Town and the public for public use. Exhibit (OBEY CREEK: insert here) identifies the public streets included in the Property. All new roads and streets within the Property shall be constructed within thirty (30) feet from the center line of the streets depicted in Exhibit (insert here). Any new streets within the blocks of the Property will be privately owned and maintained unless ownership is transferred to the Town. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Town will accept ownership of streets not shown on Exhibit (OBEY CREEK: insert here) if the Town determines they should be part of the public street system and that they meet the then existing public street dedication requirements and engineering standards. Transit stops, transit passenger amenities, bus turnouts, or other transit facilities necessary to support the provision of safe, accessible and efficient public transit shall be incorporated into the design and construction of all applicable new roads (as shown in [OBEY CREEK: Insert Exhibit here]) within the Property. Appropriate parking restrictions shall be applied and enforced within bus stops. Transit stop design shall be consistent with Town standards or as approved by the Town Manager. Each Development Agreement Compliance Permit will include information about the phasing of the appropriate roadway network connections and infrastructure to support occupancy of each building. Each Development Agreement Compliance Permit will demonstrate that a consistent streetscape will be installed and fixtures and amenities will be provided for full lengths of a single block side. Sidewalks in the Project shall be built to standards required under the Americans with Disabilities Act including where the sidewalks cross driveways. A sidewalk shall not be required to be altered if there is no Development adjacent to the sidewalk. Sidewalk location ...
Obey Creek. The Council Sub-Committee on Transportation is preparing information for this section for the Council’s review. Information from this section will be inserted as
Obey Creek. This section is being drafted by the Town Attorney and staff.]