OFFICIAL PERSONNEL. FILE shall mean the department and/or Human Resources file of personnel records maintained on each employee.
OFFICIAL PERSONNEL means all personnel of the respective competent state border authorities of the Contracting Parties who perform the border control and procedures on the territory of the host and neighbouring state and also during the train movements.
OFFICIAL PERSONNEL. FILE shall mean the department and/or Human Resources file of personnel records maintained on each employee. PART-TIME EMPLOYEE shall mean an employee employed in one (1) or more regular or limited-term positions whose normally assigned work hours do not equal those required of a full-time employee. PRACTICABLE means economically or operationally feasible; reasonably able to accomplish. PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEE shall mean a person who is serving a probation period and is employed in a regular or limited-term position. PROMOTION shall mean the movement of a regular, limited-term, or probationary employee from a non-management class to a management class or from one management class to another management class where the maximum rate of the new salary range is higher than the maximum rate of the salary range for the former class. PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT shall mean an appointment of a qualified person, who is not a regular, probationary, or limited-term employee of the County, to a regular or limited-term position on a temporary basis. PROVISIONAL EMPLOYEE shall mean an employee who occupies a regular or limited- term position as the result of a provisional appointment. REASSIGNMENT shall mean the movement of a regular, limited-term, or probationary employee from one position or assignment in a management class to another position or assignment in the same management classification. RECRUITING RATE shall be the minimum advertised rate of the salary range allocated to a class unless otherwise authorized by the Department Head. REDUCTION shall mean the movement of a regular, limited-term, or probationary employee from one management class to another class with a lower salary range. REGULAR EMPLOYEE shall mean a person who is not on probation and is employed in a regular or limited-term position. REGULAR POSITION shall mean a position established on a permanent year-round basis requiring work on a regular schedule unless otherwise authorized by Minute Order of the Board. SENIORITY shall mean total continuous full-time equivalent service as a regular employee. Y-RATE shall mean a pay rate that exceeds the maximum advertised rate for an Administrative Management class.

Examples of OFFICIAL PERSONNEL in a sentence

  • SENATORS’ OFFICIAL PERSONNEL AND OFFICE EXPENSE ACCOUNT For Senators’ Official Personnel and Office Expense Account, $270,494,000.



  • Foreign Official means a Person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of any Governmental Authority.

  • Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) means

  • Government Official means (a) any official, officer, employee, or representative of, or any person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of, any Governmental Authority, (b) any salaried political party official, elected member of political office or candidate for political office, or (c) any company, business, enterprise or other entity owned or controlled by any person described in the foregoing clauses;