Phase 2 Development definition
Examples of Phase 2 Development in a sentence
THDA reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, whether an Initial Application proposes an Incremental Development or a Phase 2 Development.
Phase 2: Development and implementation of recruitment strategies Findings from Phase 1 will be presented to the CI and TMG (with permission from CI).
A Phase 1 Development’s construction must be complete and rent up must be substantially completed, meaning at least 50 percent of the units have been leased, prior to applying for a Phase 2 Development.
Incremental Developments differ from Phase 2 Developments by nature because a Phase 2 Development relies on the Phase 1 Development’s lease up status.
Prosek, "Material Classification for Climbing Anchors - Phase 2: Development of an Anchor Classification and Related Test Procedure for the Evaluation of Stress Corrosion Cracking (Scc) and Corrosion Resistances of Climbing Anchors," Institute de la Corrosion, Commission Report No. IC 88588, Brest, France, (2014).
Phase 2: Development Perspective All opportunities, constraints and problems relating to the study area will have to be identified including a housing needs analysis and any policy gaps.
THDA reserves the right determine, in its sole discretion, whether an Initial Application is requesting an Incremental Development or a Phase 2 Development.
S.W., et al., “NASA's Evolutionary Xenon Thruster (NEXT) Phase 2 Development Status,” AIAA–2005–4070, 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Tucson, AZ, Jul.
Figure 2-1 Town of CaledonSimpson Road (Phase 2) Development Area Table 2-1Summary of Developable Land Areawithin Simpson Road (Phase 2) Development Area Map Ref.
Phase 2: Development of a full bid for designation – 3 years If an initial submission was received favourably by Natural England, then a full bid would need to be developed.