Principles and Objectives. 1. The contracting parties,
(a) recalling that the basic objectives of this Agreement include the raising of standards of living and the progressive development of the economies of all contracting parties, and considering that the attainment of these objectives is particularly urgent for less-developed contracting parties;
(b) considering that export earnings of the less-developed contracting parties can play a vital part in their economic development and that the extent of this contribution depends on the prices paid by the less-developed contracting parties for essential imports, the volume of their exports, and the prices received for these exports;
(c) noting, that there is a wide gap between standards of living in less-developed countries and in other countries;
(d) recognizing that individual and joint action is essential to further the development of the economies of less-developed contracting parties and to bring about a rapid advance in the standards of living in these countries;
(e) recognizing that international trade as a means of achieving economic and social advancement should be governed by such rules and procedures - and measures in conformity with such rules and procedures - as are consistent with the objectives set forth in this Article;
(f) noting that the CONTRACTING PARTIES may enable less-developed contracting parties to use special measures to promote their trade and development; agree as follows.
2. There is need for a rapid and sustained expansion of the export earnings of the less- developed contracting parties.
3. There is need for positive efforts designed to ensure that less-developed contracting parties secure a share in the growth in international trade commensurate with the needs of their economic development.
4. Given the continued dependence of many less-developed contracting parties on the exportation of a limited range of primary products,* there is need to provide in the largest possible measure more favourable and acceptable conditions of access to world markets for these products, and wherever appropriate to devise measures designed to stabilize and improve conditions of world markets in these products, including in particular measures designed to attain stable, equitable and remunerative prices, thus permitting an expansion of world trade and demand and a dynamic and steady growth of the real export earnings of these countries so as to provide them with expanding resources for their economic development.
5. The rapid...
Principles and Objectives. MPI acknowledges the significant effect that change can have upon its employees and, in that light will: • Work to preserve the employment security and career opportunities of its employees. A key consideration during change is to ensure employees have jobs, using redundancy as a last resort. Further, MPI acknowledges the benefit of key skills and experience being retained. • Make the greatest possible use of attrition. Attrition will be specifically considered as a way of minimising and managing the number of employees affected by a change. • Maximise employment opportunities for affected staff while ensuring that operational needs are met. • Develop its employees to assist them to cope with change and contribute to a changing MPI, and to enhance their opportunities for alternative employment. • Adopt a proactive and forward looking approach to change. This includes working with the PSA around forward planning (including organisational and business strategic planning which may lead to change) and preparing employees for potential future change. • Treat staff affected by change fairly, and work to ensure that they feel fairly treated. • Treat employees as individuals and consult with them about options on a case by case basis. • Work to ensure that change is understood by all, and managers and employees are jointly involved in managing it.
Principles and Objectives. 1. The central objective of ACP-EC cooperation is poverty reduction and ultimately its eradication; sustainable development; and progressive integration of the ACP countries into the world economy. In this context, cooperation framework and orientations shall be tailored to the individual circumstances of each ACP country, shall promote local ownership of economic and social reforms and the integration of the private sector and civil society actors into the development process.
2. Cooperation shall refer to the conclusions of United Nations Conferences and to the objectives, targets and action programmes agreed at international level and to their follow up as a basis for development principles. Cooperation shall also refer to the international development cooperation targets and shall pay particular attention to putting in place qualitative and quantitative indicators of progress. The Parties will make concerted efforts to accelerate progress towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals.
Principles and Objectives. 10.1.1 This Article recognizes and reflects the following principles:
(a) in order for Inuit and other local residents to make well-informed decisions regarding the establishment of Territorial Parks, adequate information about Mineral resource potential must be acquired and communicated;
(b) decisions regarding the establishment and boundaries of a Territorial Park should be based in part on Mineral resource potential;
(c) Parks should generally be located so as not to encompass areas of high Mineral resource potential; and
(d) Parks should not prevent access or infrastructure needs for the efficient development of Mineral resources in the vicinity of a Park or on Inuit Owned Lands.
10.1.2 This Article has the following objectives:
(a) to provide Inuit and other local residents with adequate information about Mineral resource potential in Proposed Parks to ensure informed decision- making regarding the establishment and boundaries of Territorial Parks; and
(b) to ensure that decisions regarding Territorial Parks are based in part on Mineral resource potential.
Principles and Objectives. 11 PART 2 Status as a Land Claims Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 PART 3 Merger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 PART 4 Ratification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 PART 5 Coming into Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 PART 6 Undertakings as to Further Legislative Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 PART 7 Certainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 PART 8 Languages of the Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 PART 9 Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Principles and Objectives. 11.1.1 This Article recognizes and reflects the following principles:
(a) research that increases the body of scientific information, Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and Inuit oral history available about the Arctic is beneficial to Inuit and other residents of Nunavut and should generally be encouraged;
(b) there is a need for Researchers to establish effective and mutually beneficial relationships with Inuit, which should include reporting back to communities on the results of their research;
(c) Inuit should be involved in and trained to do research in Nunavut and should be encouraged to pursue employment and careers in parks and tourism research-related fields;
(d) Government responsibilities for research approvals must be balanced with Inuit interest in the same;
(e) where available, Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and Inuit oral histories should be used and given equal value in research; and
(f) ongoing basic and applied research, and investigation and monitoring activities are necessary in order to make responsible decisions for the planning, establishment, operation and management of Parks.
11.1.2 This Article has the following objectives:
(a) to promote Inuit participation in research and Inuit training to conduct research;
(b) to provide for Inuit participation in decision-making regarding research approvals; and
(c) to encourage use of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and Inuit oral histories in research, where appropriate.
Principles and Objectives. 13.1.1 This Article recognizes and reflects the following principles:
(a) Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, developed by Inuit over centuries of living in a co- operative, sustainable relationship with their environment, provides a perspective and information about the ecosystems in and around Territorial Parks that is unique and critical to responsible decision-making regarding Territorial Parks;
(b) in view of the particular relevance of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit to Territorial Parks, and the potential benefits and impacts of Parks on Inuit, and as required by the NLCA, Inuit and Government should jointly plan and manage the lands, waters and resources within Territorial Parks;
(c) as required by the NLCA and by sound decision-making principles, Inuit and other local residents must be involved in the planning and management of Territorial Parks;
(d) a Nunavut-wide joint parks planning and management committee is an appropriate body to develop Nunavut-wide Parks initiatives; and
(e) community-based joint parks planning and management committees are appropriate bodies to plan and manage specific Parks.
13.1.2 This Article has the following objectives:
(a) to ensure that Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit substantially informs and influences decision-making in the planning, establishment, management and operation of Territorial Parks;
(b) to ensure joint Inuit and Government decision-making concerning the use, management and conservation of the lands, water and resources within Territorial Parks in accordance with the NLCA;
(c) to ensure that Inuit and other local residents are involved in the planning and management of Territorial Parks; and
(d) to provide for planning and management of Territorial Parks that:
(i) recognizes that Inuit culture and heritage are derived from and are inseparable from the ecosystems of the Nunavut Settlement Area, and promotes public awareness and understanding of this special relationship between Inuit and the lands, waters and resources within a Park and surrounding areas;
(ii) supports the purposes for which Parks are established, consistent with Inuit use of the lands, waters and resources;
(iii) maximizes the benefit to Inuit from Parks-related opportunities; and
(iv) avoids the detrimental impacts of Parks on Inuit.
Principles and Objectives. 14.1.1 This Article recognizes and reflects the same principles as are set forth in section
13.1.1 and the following additional principles:
(a) the archaeological, ethnographic, historical and Inuit oral history record of the areas in and around Territorial Parks represent part of Inuit heritage, and these records should be documented and preserved; and
(b) Inuktitut place names reveal and represent the unique relationship with and knowledge of the ecosystems that Inuit possess; they are part of Inuit heritage, and their preservation and promotion is both desirable and necessary.
14.1.2 This Article is intended to recognize and reflect the same objectives as are set forth in section 13.1.2 and the following additional objective:
(a) to document and preserve the archaeological, ethnographic, historical and oral history record of areas in and around Territorial Parks, thereby helping to preserve and promote Inuit heritage and culture.
Principles and Objectives. 2.1.1 The Agreement is based on and reflects the principles and objectives set out in the Preamble.
Principles and Objectives. 3.1.1 This Article recognizes and reflects the following principles:
(a) subject to a bilateral agreement pursuant to section 5.7.18(c) of the NLCA, the planning, establishment, management and operation of Territorial Parks must avoid limitations or restrictions on Inuit rights of access to Territorial Parks;
(b) there is a need to recognize, protect and enhance the traditional and existing relationships between Inuit and the lands, waters and resources within Territorial Parks and surrounding areas;
(c) the exercise of Inuit harvesting rights within Territorial Parks requires that Inuit engage in activities related to harvesting within Parks;
(d) Inuit carving stone rights should be exercised in a Territorial Park in a manner that respects the purposes for which Territorial Parks are established; and
(e) Inuit in Affected Communities are best able to make specific management and planning recommendations related to specific Parks through Management Plans or in accordance with the provisions of this IIBA.
3.1.2 This Article has the following objectives:
(a) to recognize and protect Inuit rights under the NLCA;
(b) to protect and enhance Inuit use and enjoyment of all lands, waters and resources within the Nunavut Settlement Area while respecting the purposes for which Territorial Parks are established; and
(c) to promote recognition of Inuit Owned Lands (IOLs) and Inuit rights respecting IOLs among Visitors using Territorial Parks.