Rest break definition

Rest break means a break from work during work
Rest break means the time between ceasing normal hours of work or Incident shift and commencing next period of work or Incident shift at the same or a different work location and includes all time spent on any travel between the work location(s) and where the rest break will take place, i.e. home or the accommodation provided by the SCA under sub-clause 25.4 below.
Rest break means a period of relief from work which shall commence:

Examples of Rest break in a sentence

  • TWA value 2 mg/m3 Respirable dust ; TWA value 0.3 mg/m3 Total dust ; The exposure limit is calculated from the equation, 30/(%SiO2+2), using a value of 100% SiO2.

  • Rest break periods missed due to occasional workload, project deadline, or other operational needs shall not be accumulated, and no alternate compensation shall be provided to affected employees.

  • The Section and/or Schedule numbers in this Disclosure Letter correspond to the section numbers in the Vendor’s Warranty Schedule where such disclosure is appropriate, unless specifically stated otherwise.

  • Rest break during overtime An Employee working overtime will take a paid rest break of 20 minutes after each four hours of overtime worked if required to continue to work after the break.

  • Rest break plans will be developed in the unit-based nurse staffing committees where one exists, or in a rest break committee co-chaired by a Union-appointed member and by the unit/department manager or designee.

More Definitions of Rest break

Rest break is defined as employees who work at least 3.5 hours in a day, excluding standby, will be entitled to a five (5) minute break. Employees who are assigned at least 7 hours of work in a day, excluding standby, will be entitled to two breaks of five (5) minutes duration. A break is defined as time the bus is parked along the route, or at the end of the line (including any layover point on a looped route turn around) where a driver has the option to secure the bus, get out of the seat, and/or use a nearby facility for food, or shelter with or without passengers on board. Time at the downtown station stops (Shelters A, B and L) or at Manchester Center will not be counted towards break time.
Rest break means a period of relief from work which shall commence: (1) In non-performance calls when the conductor or Orchestra Manager calls a break; (2) in performance calls, when the concert master leaves the stage or pit or as indicated by the Orchestra Manager and at the end of which the orchestra shall be re-seated and ready to tune.
Rest break means a period of rest break in accordance with the most favorable treatment granted by either the ‘Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Fatigue Management) Regulation 1998’ as amended from time to time or Part 12 of the Workplace Relations Act 2005, ‘Minimum Entitlements’, as amended from time to time. ‘Shift Break’ shall mean a break of at least 10 hours between any two consecutive shifts of 10 hours or more.
Rest break means a period of relief from work which will be deemed to commence:
Rest break. 8:00am > 8:10am 8:00am > 8.10am 8:00am > 8:10am Rest Break 10:00am > 10:10am 10:00am > 10:10am 10:00am > 10:10am Lunch 12:00pm > 12:30pm 12:00pm > 12:30pm 12:00pm > 12:30pm Finish 2:40pm 12:10pm 2:40pm
Rest break means a break from work during work hours. The term does not include a regular meal break period provided to an employee by a contractor or subcontractor.
Rest break means a rest break required to be granted by the Company as a rest break in accordance with National Driving Hours Regulations.