FORCE MAJEURE Cláusulas de Ejemplo

FORCE MAJEURE. The Organizing Committee will not be responsible to the exhibitor for any loss suffered, nor will it be in breach under this exhibition contract for any delay, failure or interruption that results directly or indirectly from industrial actions, blackouts, fires, wars, SARS, pandemics, civil, popular or military disturbances, earthquakes, labor disputes, the construction and / or modification of venues including the event venue, government regulation, strike, closure, court order, act of war, natural disasters, terrorist acts, violence, facilities malfunction, flood, epidemics, explosion, accident, blockade, embargo, government limitations, weather related catastrophes, actions committed by public enemies, riot or civil disturbance, disorder or lack of adequate transportation, inability to obtain sufficient labor, state or federal regulations, government emergencies, or any other event or cause beyond the organizer's control or if attendance at the exhibition is negatively affected by any of the events or causes named by this clause. In such cases, the Organizing Committee will cancel the event, by a written notification to the exhibitor. Once said notification has been delivered, the Committee will have no other obligation towards the Exhibitor. A change in the name of the event does not constitute a cancellation by the Organizer. In all these circumstances, the total amount paid by the Exhibitor will be for the benefit of the Organizing Committee.
FORCE MAJEURE. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for a breach of its contractual obligations where that is due to an event of Force Majeure or a Fortuitous Event, as provided for in article 1105 of the Civil Code. For the purpose of this agreement, events of “Force Majeure” shall include but not be limited to:
FORCE MAJEURE. The organizing Committee, if there are circumstances that justify so, may postpone or anticipate the start of the event, as well as, extend or shorten its duration or vary their program schedules, location, features or activities, the foregoing without incurring in any liability whatsoever on its part.
FORCE MAJEURE. Any delay or failure of either party to perform its obligations under the Order or any agreement will be excused to the extent that Seller is unable to produce, sell or deliver, or Buyer is unable to accept delivery, buy or use, the goods or services covered by the Order or any agreement, directly as a result of an event or occurrence beyond the reasonable control of such party, without such party’s fault or negligence (a “force majeure event”), including, if applicable, actions by any governmental authority (whether valid or invalid), fires, floods, windstorms, explosions, riots, national disasters, war and sabotage or acts of terrorism; provided that written notice of such force majeure event (including the anticipated duration of the delay) must be given by the affected party to the other party as soon as possible (but in no event more than 10 days after the force majeure event occurs). Durante el evento de fuerza mayor que afecte el desempeño del Vendedor, el Comprador podrá, a su discreción, comprar bienes o servicios de otros proveedores y reducir el calendario de entrega del Vendedor por dichas cantidades, sin incurrir en responsabilidad frente al Vendedor, o exigir al Vendedor que proporcione los bienes o servicios de otros proveedores en las cantidades y fechas solicitadas por el Comprador y al precio acordado en la Orden de Compra. El Vendedor hará todo lo posible para asegurar que los efectos de cualquier evento de fuerza mayor se reduzcan al mínimo y reanudar el total cumplimiento del Contrato lo más pronto posible. Si el Comprador lo solicita por escrito, dentro de un plazo de cinco días después de la solicitud del Comprador, el Vendedor entregará un plan a implementar para subsanar el retraso en el cumplimiento por parte del Vendedor resultante de dicho evento de fuerza mayor en un plazo que no exceda de 30 días. Si el retraso dura más de 30 días en contravención del plan del Vendedor o el Vendedor no proporciona el plan en cuestión, el Comprador puede rescindir inmediatamente la Orden de Compra sin incurrir en responsabilidad alguna frente al Vendedor.
FORCE MAJEURE. The Organizer shall not be liable for delay or failure of performance with respect to this Subscription caused by an act of God, action by any governmental or quasi - governmental entity, fire, flood, insurrection, riot, explosion, embargo, strikes whether legal or illegal, labour or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slowdown, or any condition beyond the control of organizers ("Force Majeure Events"). In such events, The Organizer shall be entitled to retain such portion of the contract price as required to compensate the Organizer for expenses incurred up to the time of the force majeure event.
FORCE MAJEURE. The Company shall not be liable for any failure to deliver or delay in the performance of the Contract or in the delivery or shipment of the Products, or for any loss or damages suffered by Buyer by reason of such delay, if such delay is, directly or indirectly caused by, or in any manner arises from events and causes beyond the Company’s reasonable control, including but not limited to accidents, acts of God, acts and omissions of any governmental authority, declared or undeclared wars, terrorism, explosions, strikes or other labor disputes, fires and natural calamities (including floods, earthquakes, storms and epidemics), changes in the law, and delays in obtaining (or the inability to obtain) labor, materials or services through the Company’s usual sources at normal prices, riots, embargoes, fuel, power, materials or supplies, delay or default of common carriers, transportation delays, or without limiting the foregoing, any other cause or causes, whether or not similar in nature to any of these herein before specified or which are beyond its reasonable control. The Company shall have the additional right, in the event of the happening of any of the above contingencies, at its sole option, to cancel any Order or any part thereof without any resulting liability or to extend the date of delivery for a period equal to the time actually lost by reason of the delay. Further, in the event that the Company is not able to produce enough Products to satisfy all outstanding Orders for any reason, the Company retains the right, in its sole discretion, to allocate its products amongst its customers. para cubrir todos los Pedidos pendientes por cualquier motivo, la Sociedad conserva el derecho, a su discreción exclusiva, de asignar sus productos entre sus clientes.
FORCE MAJEURE. The organizing Committee, if there are circumstances that justify so, may call off, postponeoranticipatethestartoftheevent, aswellas, extend orshortenitsdurationorvarytheirprogram schedules, location, features or activities, the foregoing without incurring in any liability whatsoever on its part.
FORCE MAJEURE. 24.1 Any delay or incompliance by one of the parties will not constitute an incompliance with the order and will not give rise to claims if this were due to a Force Majeure cause beyond the control of the party in question, either because it could not be foreseen or even if foreseen it were inevitable.
FORCE MAJEURE. If the performance of the Contract is prevented, delayed or suspended by reason of a Force Majeure event, Supplier shall, as soon as possible (but no more than one full business day) after the occurrence, provide written notice to the Company describing such delay, the causes thereof, remedial steps being taken to mitigate impact on the Company and its Customer, the anticipated duration of the delay and the time that the delay will be cured consistent with this Section 26. The Supplier’s inability to perform as a result, or delays caused by, the Supplier’s insolvency or lack of financial resources is deemed to be within the Supplier’s control. The change in cost or availability of materials or components based on market conditions, supplier actions, or contract disputes or any labor strike or other labor disruption applicable to the Supplier or any of its Subcontractors or suppliers, will not excuse the Supplier’s performance (under theories of force majeure, commercial impracticability or otherwise), and the Supplier assumes these risks. Fuerza Mayor. Si por causal de Fuerza Mayor el cumplimiento del Contrato se ve impedido, demorado o suspendido, el Proveedor, tan pronto como sea posible (pero en no más de un día hábil completo) después de la presentación, proporcionará un aviso por escrito a la Compañía describiendo la demora, las causas de ésta, las medidas correctivas adoptadas para mitigar el impacto en la Compañía y en sus Clientes, la duración anticipada de la demora y el tiempo en la que la demora quedará resuelta compatible con esta Sección 26. La incapacidad del Proveedor de cumplir como resultado o por demoras causadas por la insolvencia o falta de recursos financieros del Proveedor se considerará dentro del control de este. El cambio en el costo o disponibilidad de materiales o componentes con base en las condiciones xxx xxxxxxx, acciones de los proveedores o disputas del contrato o cualquier huelga u otra interrupción laboral aplicable al Proveedor o a cualquiera de sus Sub-proveedores o proveedores, no exime al Proveedor del cumplimiento (en casos de fuerza mayor, inviabilidad comercial o de otro tipo) y el Proveedor asume estos riesgos