TANGGUNG JAWAB PARA-PIHAK. 1. Pilihan atas Barang yang akan dibeli dengan Pembiayaan PENYELENGGARA, sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab PENERIMA PEMBIAYAAN sebagai pembeli.
TANGGUNG JAWAB PARA-PIHAK. 4.1. Apabila Investor gagal menyerahkan Dana Investasi dalam jangka waktu yang ditentukan dalam Klausul 2.1 Perjanjian ini, - transfer the investment funds to the Management Company within 48 hours from the moment of signing the Agreement to the banking details provided in the Agreement. - If the Management Company fails to comply with clause 2.3 of the Agreement, the Investor shall be entitled to demand early return of the Investment Funds by the Management Company and termination of the Agreement. In this case the Management Company shall return the Investment Funds to the Investor within 90 (ninety) days from the date of receipt of the Investor's written request by the Management Company. 2.2 The Investor will have access to their personal account, where the current status of the yield of the Investment Funds will be indicated. 2.3 The Management Company shall undertake to: - Accept the Investment Funds; - Use the received Investment Funds exclusively for the purposes specified in clause 1.2. hereof; - The Management Company shall bear the taxes, storage, maintenance, repair, improvement, renewal, renovation, reconstruction, reform, adaptation, adjustment, modernization or any other costs that the Management Company shall incur or utilize in relation to the property or part thereof to ensure its good condition, functionality, habitability, safety, compliance with Indonesian health regulations, accessibility, energy efficiency, sustainability, valuation or profitability, doing so with the assistance of any supplier, contractor, subcontractor, specialist or individual or entity. 3.
TANGGUNG JAWAB PARA-PIHAK. 4.1. Mitra diinformasikan dan setuju bahwa Perusahaan tidak bertanggung jawab atas tindakan Xxxxx atau kelalaian dalam melakukan transaksi di/nya account Afiliasi nya.
TANGGUNG JAWAB PARA-PIHAK. 8.1. Tanggung jawab Para Pihak dari Perjanjian ditentukan dalam ketentuan-ketentuan Perjanjian dan lampirannya.