CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. For the purposes of this Article 21 "Confidential Information" means, jointly: (i) technical information and technical specifications, (ii) any other information, commercial or otherwise, other than the Technical Information and Technical Specifications, related to XXXXXXXXX S.P.A., its materials, products, processes, services and activities, supplied, in any form, by and/or on behalf of XXXXXXXXX S.P.A. to the Supplier and/or coming to the Supplier knowledge in connection with the performance of the Contract, (iii) the Results, (iv) Any note, study or other document prepared by the Supplier that contains or in any event reflects the Technical Information and/or Technical Specifications, the information referred to in point (ii) and the Results. The Supplier acknowledges and agrees that XXXXXXXXX S.P.A. is the owner of the Confidential Information and the owner of each related intellectual property right. The Supplier is required to: (a) keep secret and not disclose any Confidential Information to any third party; (b) mettere in essere tutte le misure e cautele ragionevolmente necessarie ed appropriate per prevenire la divulgazione e l’uso non autorizzato delle Informazioni Riservate; (c) al termine della fornitura, o anche antecedentemente su richiesta di XXXXXXXXX S.P.A., restituire immediatamente tutti i documenti contenenti le Informazioni Riservate ed a distruggerne qualsiasi copia cartacea o su qualsiasi altro supporto, fermo restando che il Fornitore, entro 30 (trenta) giorni dalla richiesta di XXXXXXXXX S.P.A., consegnerà a XXXXXXXXX S.P.A. una certificazione attestante l’avvenuta distruzione dei documenti e/o riproduzioni di cui sopra; (d) utilizzare le Informazioni Riservate soltanto in quanto necessario per l’esecuzione del Contratto; (e) non riprodurre o copiare le informazioni Riservate se non nei limiti autorizzati espressamente da XXXXXXXXX S.P.A.; (f) non brevettare qualsiasi informazione o dato contenuto nelle Informazioni Riservate; (g) limitare la diffusione delle Informazioni Riservate all'interno della propria organizzazione ai soli dipendenti i cui incarichi giustifichino la necessità di conoscere tali Informazioni Riservate; (h) informare i dipendenti all’interno della propria organizzazione che vengano a conoscenza delle Informazioni Riservate degli impegni di segretezza ad esse relativi; (i) non sviluppare per terzi e/o fornire a terzi, a qualsiasi titolo, direttamente o indirettamente prodotti realizzati sfruttando le Informazioni...
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. All information which is not made generally available and which is only made available in confidence by law or under written confidentiality agreements.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Each Party agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the Other Parties’ Confidential Information, and to not use the Other Party’s Confidential Information, other than in accordance with the terms and purposes of the Agreement. If any Confidential Information from another Party is required by law, regulation or court order to be disclosed, the disclosing Party shall be given written notice and an opportunity to challenge such disclosure.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Ciascuna parte si obbliga a tenere riservate, a non usare per propri scopi, al di fuori delle finalità concordate e a non divulgare a terzi, senza il previo consenso scritto dell’altra parte, alcuna informazione di natura riservata appartenente o relativa all'altra parte di cui possa venire a conoscenza, a meno che tali informazioni non siano o diventino di dominio pubblico (ove non per violazione della presente Sezione) o vi sia un obbligo di divulgazione per ordine di un'autorità competente.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Il RICEVENTE concorda che tutte le informazioni da lui ricevute, prima o durante il periodo di validità del presente accordo, saranno trattate come confidenziali nei confronti dell’ORIGINANTE purchè tali informazioni non si riferiscano ad informazioni che: The RECIPIENT agrees that all information received, before or during the term of this Agreement, shall be treated as confidential in relation to the ORIGINATOR provided that such information does not relate to information that: a. siano generalmente disponibili al pubblico non attraverso errori del RICEVENTE o di sue PARTI affiliate e senza violazione del presente accordo; a. is generally available to the public not through errors of the RECIPIENT or any of its AFFILIATES and without breach of this agreement; b. siano già in possesso del RICEVENTE o di sue società affiliate, senza restrizioni e prima di ogni trasmissione avvenuta in virtù del presente accordo; b. the RECIPIENT or its AFFILIATES already possessed it, without restriction and prior to it being transferred in relation to this agreement; c. siano state trasmesse legalmente al RICEVENTE o a sue società affiliate, da una terza parte senza obbligo di riservatezza nei confronti del RICEVENTE o, infine;
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. 17.1 Any and all information disclosed by either Party under this Agreement and relating to Equipment design or manufacturing, financial plans, Equipment development, forecasts or the like and any document or other material marked "Confidential" shall be treated by the receiving Party as confidential information and the receiving Party shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that it is treated as such by the receiving Party's personnel. All such confidential information shall be used by the receiving Party and its personnel only as shall be strictly necessary for the performance of this Agreement and all documents and other materials containing confidential information shall be promptly returned to the disclosing Party or destroyed, at the option of this latter, upon written request and, in any event, upon the termination of this Agreement.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. PARTNERS shall identify the measures they will take to ensure that any PARTNER which has received CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION only uses or discloses this CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION by itself or its AFFILIATES as far as permitted under the conditions under which it was supplied.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. For the purposes of this Agreement, "Confidential Information" shall include, but not be limited to, the Recipe itself and any technical and business information or plans, data, know-how, trade secrets, and any other information related to the Recipe, disclosed by either Party to the other, regardless of its form in which it was conveyed. All information exchanged between the Parties during the performance of this Agreement, whether in writing, orally or in any other form, shall be deemed to be confidential. The Parties undertake to use such Confidential Information solely for the purposes of the Agreement, not to disclose its contents to third parties without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party and to take all appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized disclosure of the confidential information.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The Supplier shall treat our orders and all related commercial and technical details as Confidential Information and use them only to perform its obligations towards us.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. (a) During the Term and for seven (7) years thereafter, Institution, Requesting Physician and its/their other employees and agents (each a “Recipient”, collectively “Recipients”) shall not disclose to any third party or use for any purpose, other than as set forth in this Article 5: (i) any information disclosed to Recipients by or on behalf of Vertex relating to ELX/TEZ/IVA or the MAP; and (ii) the Vertex Inventions (as defined below); (collectively “Confidential Information”). Such Confidential Information shall remain the confidential and proprietary property of Vertex. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the obligations of confidentiality and nondisclosure shall not apply to information Recipient can demonstrate by written record: (i) was already known by Recipient at the time of disclosure, other than as a result of Recipient’s breach of any legal obligation; (ii) is publicly known through no fault of Recipient and was not obtained from a third party that was obligated to Vertex to retain such Confidential Information in confidence; (iii) is rightfully received by Recipient from a third-party having a legal right to make such disclosure and not having any contractual obligation not to make such disclosure; or (iv) is independently developed by Recipient without use or disclosure of or reliance upon Confidential Information.