GENERAL PROVISIONS Clausole campione
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The following terms apply to each series of Securities:
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The following terms apply to each series of Certificates:
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 20.1 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the contract shall be submitted in exclusive way to the Court of Milan or, at Seller's choice, at Buyer's principal place of business.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 17.1 The present General Terms and Conditions are drawn up and executed in two languages, Italian and English, and the Parties acknowledge that in case of conflict of expressions and/or interpretation between the two versions, the Italian text shall prevail.
17.2 The Agreement, including these General Terms and Condition, shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Italian Republic
17.3 The Court of Genoa will have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute concerning the interpretation, the application, the execution or anyway in connection with/depending on this Agreement, having the Parties conventionally decided to waive alternate courts.
17.4 No act of forbearance, even if repeated, of any of the Parties in respect to non- fulfillment or late fulfillment of an obligation by the other Party shall be interpreted as tacit abrogation of the corresponding agreements or as a waiver by the non-breaching Party of enforcement of its rights.
17.5 If any provision of the Agreement, is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not entail the invalidity or unenforceability of the other provisions of the Agreement, which shall remain fully in force and effect.
17.6 The Agreement entirely supersedes and replaces any other prior agreement, oral or in writing, existing between the riferimento a quanto costituisce oggetto del medesimo.
17.7 Nessuna intesa o patto che intenda modificare il Contratto sarà vincolante per alcuna delle Parti, salvo che risulti da atto scritto, faccia espresso riferimento al Contratto e sia stata debitamente sottoscritta da entrambe le Parti.
17.8 I Titoli degli Articoli e dei Paragrafi utilizzati nelle presenti Condizioni Generali servono a facilitarne la lettura e non condizioneranno il significato o l’interpretazione delle presenti Condizioni Generali.
17.9 Le presenti Condizioni Generali verranno interpretate secondo buona fede, con riguardo alla comune intenzione delle Parti e al risultato sostanziale che, con la sottoscrizione delle presenti Condizioni Generali, le Parti hanno ragionevolmente inteso perseguire.
17.10 Sono a carico del Compratore le spese, imposte o tasse, presenti o future, di qualsiasi natura, inerenti al Contratto. Parties with reference to the subject of the same.
17.7 No understanding or agreement intended to modify the Agreement shall be binding for any Party, unless it is in the form of a written deed, expressly referring to the Agreement and ...
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. Non-Assignability. The rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement shall not be assignable without written permission of the other Parties.
GENERAL PROVISIONS a) The terms and conditions set out below (the “General Terms and Conditions of Sale” – “GTCS”) shall form part of all the agreements executed between BESSER VACUUM SRL (the “Seller”) and the Buyer for the sale and supply of the Seller materials and machinery (the “Products”).
b) The GTCS, as mentioned on the order confirmations, shall apply to all business relations, sales and supplies, executed between the Seller and the Buyer, except for the online sales regulated by proper general terms and conditions of sale. The Buyer, by signing up an order confirmation, declares to acknowledge, approve and accept in full the GTCS, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties.
c) The Seller shall reserve the right to change, integrate or vary the GTCS at any time.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. (a) The following definitions are used hereafter in this document.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. The invalidity of a clause in these TCS and further agreements shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses. The contracting parties are required to replace the invalid clause with a clause that comes as close as possible to the economic result sought by the invalid clause.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 13.1. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to its scope and supersedes all and any prior agreements, negotiations, representations or proposals, in written or oral form, which may have been made
13.2. Qualsiasi ritardo nell’esercizio di un diritto non costituirà una rinuncia a tale diritto. 13.3. Le Parti si danno reciprocamente atto che nulla di quanto contenuto nel Contratto è diretto a creare tra le stesse, a mero titolo esemplificativo e non esaustivo, un rapporto di partnership, di joint venture, di associazione in partecipazione, d’agenzia, fiduciario o di lavoro subordinato. 13.4. L’invalidità o l’inefficacia di qualsiasi disposizione del Contratto non comporterà in nessun caso l’invalidità o l’inefficacia dell’intero Contratto. Tuttavia, in tali casi, le Parti si impegnano sin d’ora a negoziare in buona fede al fine di sostituire le disposizioni oggetto di declaratoria d’invalidità o di inefficacia con altre in grado di determinare, per quanto legalmente possibile, sostanzialmente gli stessi effetti, facendo riferimento all’oggetto e alle finalità del Contratto al fine di preservare la validità dello stesso e la continuità della fornitura.