GENERAL PROVISIONS Clausole campione

GENERAL PROVISIONS. The following terms apply to each series of Securities:
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The following terms apply to each series of Certificates:
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 22.1. The Client acknowledges that no representations were made to him by or on behalf of the Company which have in any way incited or persuaded him to enter into this Agreement.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 17.1 The present General Terms and Conditions are drawn up and executed in two languages, Italian and English, and the Parties acknowledge that in case of conflict of expressions and/or interpretation between the two versions, the Italian text shall prevail.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. Non-Assignability: The rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement shall not be assignable without written permission of the other Parties.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 4.A) Dates, location and times of the Exhibition
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The General Terms and Conditions of Sale govern any Agreement and form an integral part thereof, without the need for them to be expressly and fully indicated in writing. Any term or condition different to those indicated in this document is only applied if it is clearly indicated in writing in the Agreement. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale cancel, replace and prevail over any other term and condition of purchase proposed by the Purchaser in relation to the Products, unless otherwise agreed by the parties exclusively in writing. The Manufacturer does not recognize any Conditions of Sale other than its own, as indicated in this document. The Manufacturer therefore shall not be involved, for any reason and in any way, in the obligations accepted by the Seller with the Purchaser, nor obligated to accept the Terms and Conditions of Purchase of the Purchaser, if these are accepted by the Seller, unless it has been specifically informed in writing and has also accepted them in writing, through the signature of the Manufacturer’s Legal Representative.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 13.1. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to its scope and supersedes all and any prior agreements, negotiations, representations or proposals, in written or oral form, which may have been made 13.2. Qualsiasi ritardo nell’esercizio di un diritto non costituirà una rinuncia a tale diritto. 13.3. Le Parti si danno reciprocamente atto che nulla di quanto contenuto nel Contratto è diretto a creare tra le stesse, a mero titolo esemplificativo e non esaustivo, un rapporto di partnership, di joint venture, di associazione in partecipazione, d’agenzia, fiduciario o di lavoro subordinato. 13.4. L’invalidità o l’inefficacia di qualsiasi disposizione del Contratto non comporterà in nessun caso l’invalidità o l’inefficacia dell’intero Contratto. Tuttavia, in tali casi, le Parti si impegnano sin d’ora a negoziare in buona fede al fine di sostituire le disposizioni oggetto di declaratoria d’invalidità o di inefficacia con altre in grado di determinare, per quanto legalmente possibile, sostanzialmente gli stessi effetti, facendo riferimento all’oggetto e alle finalità del Contratto al fine di preservare la validità dello stesso e la continuità della fornitura. 13.5. Qualsiasi patto che modifichi e/o che integri il presente Contratto dovrà essere formato, a pena di nullità, per iscritto e sottoscritto da entrambe le Parti. 13.6. Il Contratto è disciplinato dalla legge italiana. between the Parties. 13.2. Any delay in exercising a right shall not constitute a waiver of that right. 13.3. The Parties mutually acknowledge that nothing contained in the Agreement is intended to create, including, without limitation, a partnership, joint venture, association in participation, agency or fiduciary relationship or position of permanent employment. 13.4. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of any provision herein will in no case result in the invalidity or ineffectiveness of the entire Agreement. However, in such cases, the Parties hereby agree to negotiate in good faith in order to replace any provisions found to be invalid or ineffective with other provisions that shall, as far as legally possible, produce substantially the same effects, by making reference to the object and purpose of the Agreement in order to preserve its validity and the continuity of supply. 13.5. Any clause that amends and/or supplements this Agreement must be made, under penalty of invalidity, in writing and signed by both Parties. 13.6 This Agreement is governed b...
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 15.1 For all intents and purposes, this Agreement replaces any previous agreement or understanding between the Parties with respect to the matters therein regulated whether made in writing or verbally.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. All the services described in these General Conditions are offered by the company called AIRCNC S.R.L., C.F.10545370966, with registered office in Milan, via Quaranta, 40, PEC xxxxxxxxx@xxx.xx ("AIRCNC" or "Company") through the Site. To allow a complete understanding and acceptance of these General Conditions, the User acknowledges that the following terms will have the meanings indicated below: ● Agreement: indicates, jointly, the General Conditions and the Privacy Policy (possibly accompanied by the cookies policy); ● Site or Platform: the "xxx.xxxxxx.xx" site and all other URLs that refer the User to that domain; ● User: are users who register on the Site as Customers or Suppliers, who operate within the Platform and use the Services in the exercise of professional activity directly or indirectly carried out, being expressly excluded the possibility of acting on the Site as "consumers" pursuant to the Consumer Code.