PRICE Clausole campione

PRICE. The prices mentioned in the Order are firm, definitive, and exclusive of value added tax. Prices include verification prior to packaging, packaging for Products as necessary for their proper conservation during warehousing, packaging/conditioning suitable for transportation, and transportation itself to the delivery point.
PRICE. 11.1.1. The prices for any Financial Instrument offered by the Company are calculated by reference to the price of the relevant underlying asset which is obtained from independent market data providers. Such price may differ from the price provided by such market data providers or from the current price quotes of the relevant exchanges due to the Company’s minimum spread requirements, interest adjustments, connection speed and other relevant factors.
PRICE. 3.1 The price of €400 includes two Polaroid Now Camera prints (88mm x 107mm each), one in colour and the other in black and white, framed and signed by the Artist, and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. There will also be the opportunity for a brief hair and make-up session, which is included in the price.
PRICE. The price of normally manufactured products is the one in force at the date of order acceptance. For special manufactures, the prices will be established from time to time. The final invoicing price is exclusively the one that is specified in the “Confirmation of order” document, even if the Customer order indicates a different price.
PRICE. The price of the Goods and the Support Services shall be the price stated in the Quotation or Proposal (as applicable). The price for the Goods stated is the net Ex-Works price of the Goods, excluding any Value Added Tax, import duties or other local taxes that may be applicable. Costs for packing, import duties, carriage and insurance to the Delivery Location will be charged in addition, unless otherwise stated in the Quotation. The Supplier is entitled to adjust the price stated to rectify any clerical errors or changes in specification, quantity, or place of Delivery.
PRICE. Unless otherwise specified by the Seller, the Price of the Goods is intended as Ex Works (EXW). All supplementary Services will be specifically described and quoted separately. All prices are indicated without legally applicable taxes. Any further statutory charges are to be paid by the Purchaser.
PRICE. If changes of relevant impacts occur after the conclusion of the contract (as for example changes in exchange rates, unexpected price increases for materials, labour cost or other production costs) in written form to the other party a reasonable adjustment of the contract price. These increases and the consistent adjustment shall be communicated in writing to the customer who, through a written communication to be sent within the following 10 days otherwise under penalty of invalidation, may withdraw the order or draw back the contract. In this event C&F Srl will see to refund the deposit already paid on account by customer who can not lay further claims and rights. If the customer shall not exercise his right of withdrawal or cancellation within the period stated therein, the price increase will be considered accepted in every respect.
PRICE. Si prende atto che i prodotti finiti fabbricati e/o commercializzati e/o smerciati dal Contraente e/o dall’Assicurato già venduti o fatturati e pronti per la consegna si intendono assicurati, e come tali risarciti, al loro regolare prezzo di vendita contante, meno tutti gli sconti e spese a cui tali prodotti finiti sarebbero stati soggetti se nessun sinistro fosse avvenuto. Si precisa che ove il prezzo di vendita convenuto superasse il corrispondente valore di mercato si applicherà quest’ultimo.
PRICE. 4.1 The Product's price is as stated in the pricelist in force when the Order was placed. Any special packaging required by the Buyer and approved by the Vendor shall be for the account of the Buyer. The price is net of sales taxes and duties, customs duties and any other charges, including VAT, if due.
PRICE. Unless expressly provided otherwise, the price agreed is fixed and invariable. The Supplier explicitly waives the enforcement of the articles 1467 and 1664 of the civil code .