Account Limits Sample Clauses
Account Limits. (a) We reserve the right at our sole discretion to establish Account Limits for any Account and/or jointly in connection with other accounts or arrangements that you or your Affiliates may have with us or our Affiliates. We may, at our sole discretion, change any Account Limit. We will inform you prior to or simultaneously with the establishment of, or change to, an Account Limit.
(b) You agree to regularly monitor and manage your Account, including but not limited to implementing internal policies and procedures to control Card Member spending, to ensure Account Limits are not exceeded.
(c) Upon request, you must promptly provide us with copies of your financial information and other information about your business that is reasonably necessary for us or our Affiliates to assess our financial risk and comply with our legal obligations. We may use and share such information with our Affiliates.
(d) We may require you to provide us with security in order to avoid having an Account Limit established or decreased, or to enable an increase to an Account Limit.
(e) For the avoidance of doubt, you and/or the Card Member remain liable for all Charges as set out in this Agreement, including Charges incurred in excess of the Account Limit.
Account Limits a. We reserve the right to set an Account Limit at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement which is applicable to the Master Account or the aggregate of all or a subset of Accounts. This means that the maximum amount that can be outstanding at any time on the Master Account and/or such Accounts shall not exceed the Account Limit.
b. We may impose or change Account Limits at any time. We will notify You either prior to or at the same time as any introduction of or change to an Account Limit.
c. You agree to manage the Master Account in a way which ensures that Account Limits are not exceeded but will remain responsible for all Charges even where the Account Limit is exceeded.
d. You shall inform Account Users of any Account Limits agreed with us and that we may refuse Charges in the event that the Account Limit is exceeded.
e. You shall regularly monitor and administer the Master Account. In particular, You shall set up internal guidelines and procedures to monitor the expenditure of Account Users in order to ensure that the Charges established with the Card do not exceed the Account Limit.
Account Limits. 2.1 Limits may apply to the maximum value of an individual payment Transaction, the maximum aggregate value of all payment Transactions made from your Account in a particular time period e.g. during any one Business Day and the maximum number of payment Transactions made from your Account over a particular timeframe.
2.2 The limits that apply to your Account will be communicated to you during the Account set-up process. These limits may also change over time based on your Account usage; any such change will be communicated to you. You can check the limits at any time by contacting Customer Services. Any payment Transaction request which exceeds such limits will be rejected.
2.3 To manage our risk, particularly with respect to money laundering, fraud or security concerns, we also apply internal controls, including limits, to certain types of payment. We change these as necessary but for security purposes, we do not disclose them.
Account Limits. 9.1 You acknowledge and agree that we may set limits (including any credit limits) for your Account. These limits may be varied from time to time with regards to your credit status and, where applicable, the amount of funds deposited by you with us.
9.2 We may, in our sole discretion apply a limit to:
a) The size of any Transaction or series of Transactions that you may enter into;
b) The amount of any loss or liability to which you may be exposed.
9.3 Account limits do not limit or represent your liability for losses to KTM and the funds you may have sent to us from time to time do not represent any limit upon your financial liability to us.
Account Limits. Subject to any further risk assessment requirements, your Account is subject to the following Account Limits. We can change limits at our discretion at any time to comply with our regulatory obligations and to reduce the risk of financial crime. You can contact Customer Care at any time to ask about the limits applicable to your account. Account Maximum Balance £7,500 £10,000 Daily max load amount £5,000 £5,000 Maximum amount per load £5,000 £5,000 Maximum load per year £90,000 £120,000 Per transaction £250 Per day £500 Per month £2000 *Please note that any Paypoint loads will count towards the general load limits set out in this paragraph (for example, if loading £500 via Paypoint, you will only be able to load up to £4500 by other load methods on that day due to the daily max load amount of £5000). ATM withdrawals limits per day £300 £500 Max single Card transaction value £7,500 £10,000 Max Card transactions per day £7,500 £10,000 Max Card transactions per week £15,000 £20,000 Max banking services out* value £7,500 £10,000 Max banking services out* per day £12,500 £15,000 Max banking services out* per year £97,500 £130,000 *Banking services out* represent Faster Payment Out
Account Limits. Subject to any further risk assessment requirements, your Account is subject to the following Account Limits. We can change limits at our discretion at any time to comply with our regulatory obligations and to reduce the risk of financial crime. You can contact Customer Care at any time to ask about the limits applicable to your account. Account Maximum Balance £5,000 £7,500 £10,000 Daily max load amount £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 Maximum amount per load £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 Maximum load per year £60,000 £90,000 £120,000 Per transaction £250 Per day £500 Per month £2000 *Please note that any Paypoint loads will count towards the general load limits set out in this paragraph (for example, if loading £500 via Paypoint, you will only be able to load up to £4500 by other load methods on that day due to the daily max load amount of £5000). ATM withdrawals limits per day £200 £300 £500 Max single Card transaction limit £5,000 £7,500 £10,000 Max Card transactions limit per day £5,000 £7,500 £10,000 Max Card transactions per week £10,000 £15,000 £20,000 Max Faster Payment out limit per transaction £5,000 £5,000 £5,000
Account Limits maximum limits you can have in relation to your Account, such as account maximum balance, and limits on receiving and sending payments from your Account.
Account Limits. 2.1 Limits may apply to the maximum value of an individual payment Transaction, the maximum Virtual Card Transaction value per Virtual Card, the maximum aggregate value of all payment Transactions made from your Account or Virtual Cards in a particular time period e.g. during any one Business Day and the maximum number of payment Transactions made from your Account over a particular timeframe.
2.2 The limits that apply to your Account and Virtual Cards will be communicated to you during the Account set-up process. These limits may also change over time based on your Account and/or Virtual Card usage; any such change will be communicated to you. You can check the limits at any time by contacting Customer Services. Any payment Transaction request which exceeds such limits will be rejected.
2.3 To manage our risk, particularly with respect to money laundering, fraud or security concerns, we also apply internal controls, including limits, to certain types of payment. We change these as necessary but for security purposes, we do not disclose them.
Account Limits. We will establish your account limit and transaction limit and may update them from time to time in our discretion. You promise to keep the outstanding amount of transactions within these limits. We may demand immediate payment of any amount by which transactions exceed the account limit. If you request any transaction that, if granted, would result in your total transactions exceeding the account limit, we may (i) honor the request without permanently raising the account limit, (ii) honor the request and treat the amount in excess of the account limit as immediately due, or
Account Limits. Subject to any further risk assessment requirements, on opening a new account, Account Limits are set. We can change limits at our discretion at any time to comply with our regulatory obligations and to reduce the risk of financial crime. If you require higher limits you may request a Tide GBP E-Money Account review by contacting Customer Services and you can contact Customer Services at any time to ask about the limits applicable to your account.