Accumulation of Vacation Leave For each month of a fiscal year in which an employee receives ten (10) days pay, he shall earn vacation leave at the following rates:
Vacation Carry Over (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, vacation leave for a period of not more than five (5) days may, with the consent of the immediate management supervisor, be carried over to the following year, but shall lapse if not used before the close of that year. Request for vacation carry over entitlement shall be made in writing by the Employee to the immediate management supervisor not later than January 31st of the year in which the vacation is earned, provided however that the immediate management supervisor may accept a shorter period of notice of the request. The immediate management supervisor shall respond in writing within one (1) calendar month of receiving an Employee’s request. (b) An Employee scheduled to take vacation and who is unable to do so within the vacation year due to illness, injury, or where operational requirements prevent the immediate management supervisor from scheduling vacation shall be entitled to carry over this unused vacation to the subsequent year.
Vacation Accumulation (a) Vacations are not cumulative from year to year. (b) Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may grant a special request from an employee to carryover a maximum of five (5) vacation days into the next year. The employee shall specify in her request to the Employer the purpose for which she is seeking the carryover. (c) During the first year of employment, a full time employee with at least six
Sick Leave Accumulation (a) An employee is eligible to accumulate sick leave with full pay at the rate of 16 working hours for each 173 1/3 hours of service. (b) The maximum number of days of sick leave which may be awarded to an employee during any consecutive twenty (20) year period of service shall not exceed 3840 hours.
Accumulation of Vacation Leave Credits An employee shall earn vacation leave credits for each calendar month during which the employee receives pay for at least ten (10) days at the following rate:
Accumulation of Sick Leave The unused portion of an Employee's sick leave shall accrue for her future benefit, up to a maximum of one hundred and thirty (130) days.
Accumulation 1. Originating goods or materials from the territory of a Party, incorporated into a good in the territory of the other Party, shall be considered to be originating in the territory of the other Party. 2. Production carried out by a producer in the territory of a Party may be accumulated with the production of one or more producers in the territory of that Party or the other Party, in such way that the production of the materials incorporated into the good shall be considered as carried out by that producer, provided that the good satisfies the requirements established in Article 3.1 and all other applicable requirements in this Chapter.
Accumulated Sick Leave The Employer shall inform all employees at least once each year of the number of sick days accumulated and shall make the information available to an employee on request.
Vacation Carryover (a) A regular employee may carry over up to 10 days' vacation leave per year. Vacation carryover will not exceed 10 days at any time. An employee will not receive pay in lieu of vacation time, except upon retirement or termination, or as requested by the employee in Clause 18.13 (Vacation Payout). (b) A single vacation period, which overlaps the end of a vacation year, will be considered as vacation for the vacation year in which it commenced. The portion of vacation taken subsequent to but adjoining the end of the vacation year will not be considered as vacation carryover, nor as a seniority choice for the subsequent vacation year.
Reinstatement of Vacation Days - Sick Leave In the event an employee is sick or injured prior to the commencement of his/her vacation, such employee shall be granted sick leave and the vacation period so displaced shall be added to the vacation period if requested by the employee and by mutual agreement, or shall be reinstated for use at a later date.