Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk Sample Clauses

Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian does hereby acknowledge that he/she is aware of the dangers and the risks to the participant’s person and property involved in participating in: I understand that this activity involves certain risks for physical injury, including, but not limited to: The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant understand that this activity involves certain risks for physical injury to the participant. We also understand that there are potential risks of which may presently be unknown. Because of the dangers of participating in this activity, the undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant recognize the importance and the participant agrees to fully comply with the applicable laws, policies, rules and regulations, and any supervisor’s instructions regarding participation in this activity. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant understand that the University of North Dakota does not insure participants in the above-described activity, that any coverage would be through personal insurance, and the University of North Dakota has no responsibility or liability for injury resulting from this activity.
Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian does hereby acknowledge that he/she is aware of the dangers and the risks to the participant’s person and property involved in participating in: I understand that this activity involves certain risks for physical injury, including, but not limited to: Walking in and walking or being transported to buildings on UND campus; attending departmental presentations; no high risk activities planned; activities may take place in laboratories with non-hazardous materials and all safety measures in place. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant understand that this activity involves certain risks for physical injury to the participant. We also understand that there are potential risks of which may presently be unknown. Because of the dangers of participating in this activity, the undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant recognize the importance and the participant agrees to fully comply with the applicable laws, policies, rules and regulations, and any supervisor’s instructions regarding participation in this activity. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant understand that the University of North Dakota does not insure participants in the above-described activity, that any coverage would be through personal insurance, and the University of North Dakota has no responsibility or liability for injury resulting from this activity.
Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk. (i) COVID-19 is an existing virus present in the general population. The Participants acknowledge and understand that participa- tion in the Program may put them, and anyone in close contact with them, at elevated risk of being exposed to COVID-19 which can lead to severe illness, personal injury, permanent disability, and/or death. (ii) The Participants acknowledge that the City may use their contact information for the purpose of contract tracing by public health authorities should anyone participating in the Program test positive for COVID-19. (iii) The Participants understand that the City is not responsible for their actions. Failure to comply with all safety protocols put in place by the City for the Program may result in immediate exclusion from the Program as well as illness and/or death for the Participants and third parties who come into contact with the Participants. The Participants also understand that they may be legally responsible to the City and all affected third parties for any results arising out of such failure to comply. (iv) The Participants understand that Programs may be cancelled, amended or cut short at any time due to government orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The City shall refund fees paid for cancelled Programs but shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any other losses, claims or damages resulting from such changes or cancellations including any claims for economic loss. (v) The Participants freely accept and fully assume all risks, dangers and hazards and the possibility of personal injury, illness, disability, loss or death resulting from participation in the Program.
Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian does hereby acknowledge that he/she is aware of the dangers and the risks to the participant’s person and property involved in participating in Bison Football Camps. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant understand that this activity involves certain risks for physical injury to the participant. We also understand that there are potential risks of which may presently be unknown. Because of the dangers of participating in this activity, the undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant recognize the importance and the participant agrees to fully comply with the applicable laws, policies, rules and regulations, and any supervisor’s instructions regarding participation in this activity. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant understand that the State of North Dakota (State) does not insure participants in the above-described activity, that any coverage would be through personal insurance, and the State has no responsibility or liability for injury resulting from this activity.
Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant (hereafter “participant”) does hereby acknowledge that he/she is aware of the dangers and the risks to the participant’s person and prop- erty involved in participating in using the NDSU Wellness Center’s facilities, equipment, programs and services. The participant understands that this activity involves certain risks for physical injury to the participant. We also understand that there are potential risks which may presently be unknown. Because of the dangers of participating in this activity, the participant recognizes the importance and the participant agrees to fully comply with the applicable laws, policies, rules and regulations, and any supervisor’s instructions regarding participation in this activity. The participant understands that the State of North Dakota (State) does not insure participants in the above-described activity, that any coverage would be through personal insurance, and the State has no responsibility or liability for injury resulting from this activity.
Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk. Participants expressly acknowledge and agree that participation in the Activities is potentially dangerous and involves risk of bodily injury, death, and property damage to Participants and others. Participants knowingly and voluntarily choose to participate in this activity and to assume this risk. Participants are wholly responsible for any and all injuries/deaths to person(s) and damage to property that may result from, arise from, or occur in connection with participation in the Activities by Participants and/or their children, invitees, guests, or other attendees.
Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian does hereby acknowledge that he/she is aware of the dangers and the risks to the participant’s person and property involved in participating in Wyoming Football Camps. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant understand that this activity involves certain risks for physical injury to the participant. We also understand that there are potential risks of which may presently be unknown. Because of the dangers of participating in this activity, the undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant recognize the importance and the participant agrees to fully comply with the applicable laws, policies, rules and regulations, and any supervisor’s instructions regarding participation in this activity. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant understand that the State of Wyoming (State) does not insure participants in the above-described activity, that any coverage would be through personal insurance, and the State has no responsibility or liability for injury resulting from this activity. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant understand that The University of Wyoming has no control or responsibility for this camp and the use of the University's name, copyrights and/or trademarks does not constitute or imply an endorsement by the University. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian acknowledges that the participant voluntarily elects to participate in this activity with knowledge of the danger involved, and hereby agrees to accept and assume any and all risks of property damage, personal injury, or death.
Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk. The COVID-19 coronavirus has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization, is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. By signing this, you ACKNOWLEDGE AND ASSUME THE RISK AND DANGERS OF ILLNESS, DISEASE, MEDICAL COMPLICATIONS, INJURY OR DEATH, caused by or related to COVID-19, by voluntarily entering the property and/or public facilities of any Municipality and participating in or viewing adult and/or youth games, practices, or other group recreational activities, or by authorizing the participation of a minor in or the presence of a minor at such games, practices, or other group recreational activities. No one guarantees that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19. The person signing below voluntarily assumes this risk because s/he chooses or elects to do so.
Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk. Participant understands and acknowledges that the CCC involves participants engaging in voluntary fitness activities of participant’s own choosing and planning in order to fundraise for XXXXXXX. Participation in the CCC may give Participant access to virtual (e.g. on-line) interaction with XXXXXXX employees or agents and/or with coaches and other participants, such as on-line message boards, but does not involve any in-person or customized training, medical advice or other activities conducted or promoted by XXXXXXX or its employees or agents. PARTICIPANT UNDERSTANDS AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT ANY FITNESS AND WELLNESS ACTIVITIES, SUCH AS THOSE WHICH PARTICIPANT MAY ELECT TO UNDERTAKE WHILE PARTICIPATING IN THE CCC, INVOLVE INHERENT RISKS OF INJURY, AND THESE RISKS CAN RANGE FROM MINOR INJURIES AND PROPERTY DAMAGE TO SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, INCLUDING TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DISABILITY, PARALYSIS AND DEATH. Such risks and dangers may be caused by the Participant’s own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in the CCC, or the negligence of the Released Parties (as defined in Section 3 below). Participant further acknowledges there may be other risks and economic losses, which may be known to the Participant or may be unforeseeable, that are presented by participation in the CCC. PARTICIPANT VOLUNTARILY AND FREELY ASSUMES ALL RISKS AND DANGERS THAT MAY OCCUR PURSUANT TO PARTICIPATION IN THE CFC, INCLUDING THE RISK OF INJURY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. Furthermore, Participant acknowledges that neither XXXXXXX nor its employees or agents gave Participant medical advice before registering in the CCC, and cannot give Participant medical advice at any time, relating to Participant’s physical condition and ability to participate in the CCC. If Participant has any health or medical concerns now or after joining the CCC, Participant should discuss them with his or her doctor before undertaking any CFC activities.
Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk. Participant acknowledges that Outdoor Recreation programs including but not limited to field trips, cycling, kayaking, adventure races, rock climbing, hiking, river safety and rescue clinics (collectively, “Programs”) may include an extreme test of a person’s physical and mental limits and carries with it the potential for death, serious injury, and property loss and Participant freely assumes the risk of any and all injuries that Participant may sustain. The risks include, but are not limited to, those caused by water, terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, my conditioning and hydration, the condition of other participants, equipment, vehicular traffic, and the actions of other people including, but not limited to, participants, volunteers, spectators, coaches, event officials, and/or event monitors, and/or producers of the event. These risks are not only inherent to participants, but are also present for volunteers and anyone else desiring to participate in activities or events. Participant hereby acknowledges, recognizes and assumes all of the risks of participating and/or volunteering in activities and events at, or related to, the Programs. Participant realizes that his/her injury, death or property loss may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the City from or related to dangerous or defective equipment, property owned, maintained or controlled by the City or because of any other actions, inactions, carelessness, recklessness or negligence on the part of the City or other participants. Participant accepts responsibility for the condition and adequacy of Participant’s equipment if and when used. Participant hereby represents that Participant will wear a helmet when required by the City and assumes the risk if wearing a helmet is optional and Participant chooses not to wear a helmet. Participant further assumes all responsibility of liability of the selection of such helmet. Participant understands that the City does not carry insurance to cover all or some of Participant’s potential damage or injury and Participant understands that he or she will need to have his or her own insurance coverage in case of any injuries. Participant acknowledges this agreement form will be used by event holders, sponsors, and organizers, for events in which Participant may participate and that it will govern Participant’s actions and responsibilities at said events.