Activity Schedule Sample Clauses

Activity Schedule. (A) Activity Completion Date The Partiesestimated completion date for the Activity is set forth in Clause K(1) of the Mandatory Contract Clauses.
Activity Schedule. The Artist will be contracted for an engagement beginning on   and ending on   in accordance to the following activity schedule. Please list travel days, load-in/load-out, rehearsal, installation, performances, community engagement and other key activities. Date Activity 1 / Location Activity 2 / Location                                                
Activity Schedule. Milestone Due Date
Activity Schedule. Scoping Meeting During Agreement negotiation, or shortly after Agreement execution based on DTSC evaluation of project needs Advance Payment Within 10 days of Agreement execution Submit existing data Within 10 days of Agreement execution, or as requested by DTSC Submit Notice of Ownership Change and Copy of Transfer Document for Prospective Purchaser, if applicable At the time of transfer Submit AAI Update/verification of validity for Prospective Purchaser, if applicable At the time of transfer Submit Site Assessment Plan/Report of Findings Within 30 days of scoping meeting, or as decided during scoping meeting DTSC decision on work plans Within ~75 days of date received by DTSC1 Submit investigation reports Within ~45 days of completion of field work2 DTSC decision on investigation report Within 100 days of date received by DTSC1. May include recommendation for further investigation or cleanup, no further action, or no further action with conditions. Submit draft Response Plan As directed by DTSC Submit Community Profile Within 30 days of DTSC’s request Submit CEQA documentation Concurrent with the Response Plan Public Review/Comment Period, mailing of information to mailing list and publishing of public notice Upon DTSC’s approval of Response Plan for public review and comment. DTSC decision on Response Plan DTSC to approve cleanup plan, if appropriate, after addressing public comments, within ~150 days of receipt of draft1. Submit Design Plan As directed by DTSC Implement cleanup Within 90 days of DTSC approval of cleanup plan, or as directed by DTSC in conjunction with Party3 Submit Response Plan completion report Within 90 days from the date of implementation of cleanup plan DTSC decision on Response Plan Completion Report Within ~100 days of date received by DTSC1 . May include recommendation for no further action, or no further action with conditions. Submit Operation and Maintenance Plan As directed by DTSC Operations and Maintenance Agreement As directed by DTSC Land Use Covenant As directed by DTSC DTSC’s issuance of a Certificate of Completion or No Further Action Within ~30 days of approval of Response Plan Completion Report, Operation and Maintenance Plan and Agreement (if required), and the executed land use restriction (if required). Invoices DTSC issues quarterly, payment expected within 30 days Cost estimate and Scope of Work Updates and Amendments DTSC updates the scope and cost estimate annually, or as needed, based on work needed to com...
Activity Schedule. Details Original Clause Revised Clause Xxxxxxx Money Deposit (EMD) ⮚ By way of DD : Rs. 2,00,000 (Rupees Two Lakhs) ⮚ By way of BG : Rs. 8,00,000 (Rupees Eight Lakhs) ⮚ Total EMD : Rs. 10,00,000 (Rupees Ten Lakhs) ⮚ By way of DD : Rs. 2,00,000 (Rupees Two Lakhs) ⮚ By way of BG : Rs. 8,00,000 (Rupees Eight Lakhs) ⮚ Total EMD : Rs. 10,00,000 (Rupees Ten Lakhs) EMD exemption will be given for Micro and Small Enterprises as defined in MSE Procurement Policy issued by the Department of MSME or are registered with the Central Purchase Organisation or the concerned The above schedule is tentative only and subject to change. Any changes will be notified through website. The formulation of the evaluation criteria, the conduct of the evaluation of the responses to the RFP and the subsequent selection of the successful bidder(s) will be entirely at the discretion of LIC and its decision shall be final and no correspondence seeking clarifications on the decision shall be entertained. LIC reserves the right to extend the last date for the receipt of RFP Bids. LIC reserves the right to cancel the RFP at any time without penalty and without incurring any financial obligation to the Bidder. The Eligibility & Technical Bids will be opened by the Tender opening committee of LIC in the presence of the bidders/ representatives who choose to attend. The Indicative Commercial Bids of the technically qualified bidders will be opened on the notified date, by the Tender Opening Committee of LIC in the presence of the bidders/ representatives who choose to attend. Amendments/corrigendum, if any, to this RFP would be hosted on our website only under Tender Section. Reverse Auction schedule will be notified on the LIC website only.
Activity Schedule. Item Ref Description Unit Qty Rate Total Value 1.1 Health & Safety File SUM 1 Supply and install 21 under-counter water filtration system for various offices in the Port of East London and issue Certificates of Compliance (CoCs) 2.1 Ecosoft 2 stage water filter comp EA 21 2.2 PRV7 -50 PSI 1/4" pressure Valve EA 21 2.3 GAC/KDF/CHLORA+ Cartridge 14000 L EA 21 2.4 Installation- Under counter EA 21 2.5 Economy RO Carbon Block Cartridge EA 21 2.6 Issue CoCs EA 21 Document reference Title No of page This cover page 1 C3.1 Employer’s Works Information 2 Description of the works 3 Employer’s Objectives 3 Standard Specifications 3 Standard Adherence 3 Specification 4 General Requirements 6 Completion of the works 6 Health and Safety Requirements 6 SHEQ Specification 7 Project Management 7 Total number of pages 7
Activity Schedule. 37.1 The Contractor shall provide updated Activity Schedules within 14 days of being instructed to by the Executive Engineer. The activities on the Activity Schedule will be coordinated with the activities on the Program.
Activity Schedule. This is Appendix 5 referred to in the foregoing Pre-construction Services Delivery Agreement between (Employers name) and Xxxxxxxxx (Fill in Division) for (insert project)
Activity Schedule. C2.2 Price List The Price List is as follows / contained in _______________ (delete the text which does not apply and this note)