CEQA Documentation Sample Clauses

CEQA Documentation. Instruction: Please use the first example if your project has not yet completed CEQA. Please include NEPA compliance in this section, if applicable. Complete environmental review pursuant to CEQA. Prepare all necessary environmental documentation. Prepare letter stating no legal challenges (or addressing legal challenges). Or
CEQA Documentation. Prepare a CEQA Environmental Impact Report (EIR). This environmental document will analyze the environmental impacts and provides mitigation measures, as needed, for the whole Project. Comply with CEQA monitoring requirements.
CEQA Documentation. GHD will prepare an Initial Study (IS) and either a Negative Declaration (ND) or Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) (hereafter referred to as IS/MND) for the project pursuant to CEQA. The evaluation will be based on the Environmental Checklist contained in Appendix G of the State’s 2020 CEQA Guidelines and will be consistent with the content and process requirements of CEQA. Based on recommendations from Caltrans District 3 staff, GHD will utilize Caltrans’ January 16, 2020 ADA compliant Initial Study Writing Template when preparing the IS/MND.
CEQA Documentation. Our sub-consultant MIG will provide environmental services for the project, including the CEQA analysis, obtaining resource agency permits, and providing construction monitoring. The CEQA documentation will be started after approval of Basis-of-Design report but will be finalized after receiving approval on the 30% design drawings.
CEQA Documentation. Prepare Public Review IS/MND
CEQA Documentation. Complete environmental review pursuant to CEQA. Prepare all necessary environmental documentation. Prepare letter stating no legal challenges (or addressing legal challenges). • All completed CEQA documents as required • Legal Challenges Letter Task 6: Permitting The following permits are anticipated to be acquired for this project: • Variance • California Division of Drinking Water Amended Water System Permit • Permits as required Task 7: Design Prepare a preliminary design report (PDR) that evaluates up to three different alternatives. Perform a geotechnical investigation and a topographical and planimetric site survey of the preferred site for the reclaim pumps at the existing Xxxx Xxxxx Water Treatment Plant site. The PDR will include a recommended technology and configuration for final design. Prepare design documents, including plans, specifications, and estimated construction cost estimates of the recommended technology and configuration. Project parameters shall be fully defined and drawings will indicate the scope, extent, and character of the work to be provided. • Preliminary Design Report • Geotechnical Report • 100% Design Plans and Specifications Task 8: Project Monitoring Plan Develop and submit a Project Monitoring Plan per Paragraph 16 for DWR’s review and approval. • Project Monitoring Plan This task must comply with the Standard Condition D.11 – Competitive Bidding and Procurements. Activities necessary (as applicable) to secure a contractor and award the contract, including: develop bid documents, prepare advertisement and contract documents for construction contract bidding, conduct pre-bid meeting, bid opening and evaluation, selection of the contractor, award of contract, and issuance of notice to proceed. • Bid Documents • Proof of Advertisement • Award of Contract • Notice to Proceed
CEQA Documentation. As part of the EWMP plan submittal to the Regional Board, the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors certified an EWMP Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) in April 2015. This project is expected to involve a project-specific evaluation pursuant to CEQA that will supplement the 2015 EWMP PEIR, likely resulting in the preparation of an addendum. Prepare letter stating no legal challenges (or addressing legal challenges). • All completed CEQA documents as required • Legal Challenges Letter Task 6: Permitting It is anticipated that the following permits will be required:, general construction permit from the RWQCB, California Department of Public Health Permit, Los Angeles County Building and Safety Construction Permit, Los Angeles County Land Development Permit, Los Angeles County Regional Planning Permit, Los Angeles County Fire Department Permit, South Coast Air Quality Management District Permit, Castaic Union School District Permit (as applicable), Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Permit • Permits as required Task 7: Design Complete preliminary design and design surveys, including updating information and data in past feasibility studies. Preliminary design work will provide the overall project concept, including treatment units, bio-xxxxxx, diversion structure, infiltration gallery, and other appurtenances. Following preliminary design, final plans and specifications will be developed for related project infrastructure. • Preliminary Design Report • 100% Design Plans and Specifications Task 8: Project Monitoring Plan Develop and submit a Project Monitoring Plan per Paragraph 16 for DWR’s review and approval. • Project Monitoring Plan This task must comply with the Standard Condition D.11 – Competitive Bidding and Procurements. This task includes activities necessary to secure a contractor and award the contract: develop bid documents, prepare advertisement and contract documents for construction contract bidding, conduct pre‐bid meeting, bid opening and evaluation, selection of the contractor, award of contract, and issuance of notice to proceed. • Bid Documents • Proof of Advertisement • Award of Contract • Notice to Proceed
CEQA Documentation. An Environmental Impact Reports was filed in Sonoma County in 2018 for this project. Prepare letter stating no legal challenges (or addressing legal challenges).
CEQA Documentation. Prepare and circulate a Notice of Preparation (including Tribal notification to the California Native Heritage Commission). Prepare draft environmental document(s) and release document(s) for public review. File Notices of Completion and Determination with State Clearinghouse. Prepare letter stating no legal challenges (or addressing legal challenges). After preparation, submit all required documents to the State to facilitate State review per Agreement Paragraph 6. A public draft Initial Study with proposed mitigated negative declaration has been filed throught the State of California Clearinghouse as of November 9, 2022. Construction may not begin and no costs for Task 11 may be incurred until the State has reviewed the CEQA document(s), completed its CEQA responsible agency obligations and given its environmental clearance in accordance with Paragraphs 6 and D.8 of this Agreement. Any costs incurred for Task 11 prior to DWR giving its environmental clearance shall not be reimbursed and any such amounts shall be deducted from the total Grant Amount in Paragraph 4.
CEQA Documentation. It is anticipated the project would require preparation of an Initial Study (IS) followed by a Negative Declaration (ND) or Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). In addition, Contractor shall perform a Natural/Cultural Resources evaluation. Prepare Mitigated Neg/Dec: 1 Review background materials (proposed treatment system, existing site conditions, desktop environmental mapping) 3 Develop IS/MND Outline (EA Checklist) 4 Develop Admin Draft IS/MND 6 Respond to Client Comments – Draft IS/MND 7 Client Backcheck of Draft IS/MND 10 Respond to Client Comments and develop final IS/MND Public Engagement Activities: Task No. Description of Scope Item 1 Draft Notice of Intent (NOI) to Adopt MND 3 Public NOI and IS/MND 4 Public Review Period (30-d) 5 Public Meeting (if needed) 6 Response to Public and Agency Comments The following deliverables will be provided for Task 3. Deliverables will be provided in electronic format unless otherwise noted. • DDW BODR Review Meeting agenda, slides, and minutes • List of necessary permits and a schedule for obtaining them during Phase 2 Contractor will prepare 25% and 60% submittals that include plans, specifications, and a draft cost model. Contractor will use industry standard cost model and Contractor will provide review of the model for the early design submittals. Specifications will be provided for major equipment only. Examples of major equipment include cartridge filters, media vessels, PFAS treatment media, disinfection system, and if required, well pumps, motors, and drives. Full specifications will be provided in Phase 2, if authorized. The final project design is anticipated to include the number of drawings listed below. The 25% and 60% design submittals will include drawings necessary to convey the project requirements at the respective level of design.