Step Advancement Each faculty member will be granted one (1) increment on the salary schedule each year up to the maximum allowed. To qualify for advancement one (1) step on the salary schedule, employees must have been employed in a paid status or on any form of medical leave (FMLA, CFRA, etc.), or on military leave seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the school days in a school year.
Salary Advancement Assigned salary ranges normally contain 5 steps. Employees move through these steps on the basis of performance in the position hired/promoted into. Regular, full-time employees shall be eligible for salary step advancement consideration, as follows:
Termination of Therapy Therapist reserves the right to terminate therapy at his/her discretion. Reasons for termination include, but are not limited to, untimely payment of fees, failure to comply with treatment recommendations, conflicts of interest, failure to participate in therapy, Patient needs are outside of Therapist’s scope of competence or practice, or Patient is not making adequate progress in therapy. Patient has the right to terminate therapy at his/her discretion. Upon either party’s decision to terminate therapy, Therapist will generally recommend that Patient participate in at least one, or possibly more, termination sessions. These sessions are intended to facilitate a positive termination experience and give both parties an opportunity to reflect on the work that has been done. Therapist will also attempt to ensure a smooth transition to another therapist by offering referrals to Patient.
Reimbursement to Employer The employee shall pay to the Employer any amount received for loss of wages in settlement of any claims.