Alcohol Test a. The standard for alcohol testing will be the converted urinalysis equivalent of a blood alcohol level of 0.04 percent.
b. An alcohol testing level of 0.04 percent or greater will be treated as a “positive” result and may be cause for disciplinary action.
Alcohol Test. The standard for alcohol testing will be the converted urinalysis equivalent of a blood alcohol level of 0.02 percent. An alcohol testing level of 0.02 percent or above will be treated as a “positive" result. Any measurable amount of alcohol up to 0.02 percent shall be cause for mandatory referral of the officer to the District's Employee Assistance Program. If the confirmation test confirms the presence of alcohol, any remainder of the “A” specimen and the entire “B” specimen will be retained in a locked freezer for a minimum of one (1) year.
Alcohol Test. The employee must submit to a test within 2 hours after the accident, however, when circumstances do not permit, then not later than 24 hours after the accident.
Alcohol Test a. If the result of the screening test is an alcohol concentration of less than 0.02, no further testing is required, and the test will be reported to the Personnel Department as a negative test.
b. If the result of the screening test indicates an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater, a confirmation test must be conducted.
c. The confirmation test is conducted using the same procedures as the EBT screening test. If the initial and confirmation test results are not identical, the confirmation test result is deemed to be the final result.
d. If the result of the screening test is positive, the medical provider is to inform the Personnel Department’s Medical Administrator of the results.
e. A positive breath alcohol test level of 0.02 or greater will be treated as a “positive” result and may be cause for disciplinary action.
Alcohol Test. A blood sample or urine sample taken at either a hospital or accredited testing laboratory, or a breath test administered by an operator licensed by the Ohio Department of Health on a machine approved by the Ohio Department of Health.
Alcohol Test. A test used to detect the content of alcohol in the breath (BAC). This may be performed by using federally-authorized, non-evidential testing devices such as a breath or saliva test with an evidentiary breath testing device (EBT) applied for confirmation, or this level can be determined through a blood test. Assessment – Evaluation of an Employee by a trained professional to determine: (1) the extent of relationship he / she has with drugs and / or alcohol, (2) whether treatment is necessary, and, if it is (3) what degree of treatment is needed.
Alcohol Test. Post-accident alcohol testing should be conducted 11 within two (2) hours of the accident. No test shall be given if the test 12 is not administered within eight (8) hours from the time of the 13 accident. If an alcohol test is not administered as specified, the 14 District shall prepare a file record indicating the reason(s) why the 15 test was not administered within the required time period for such 16 testing.
Alcohol Test. The compulsory or voluntary production of breath, in accordance with departmental procedures by an employee for analysis to detect whether that employee is under the influence of alcohol.
Alcohol Test. The term “Alcohol Test” means a test selected and certified under Federal Standards. An initial positive level of .04 grams per 210L of breath shall be considered positive for purposes of authorizing a confirming alcohol test. If initial screen results are negative, i.e., below the positive level, testing shall be discontinued, all samples destroyed and records of the testing expunged from the members personnel file. Only members with screen test results that are positive on the initial screen shall be subject to confirmation testing for alcohol. With respect to confirmation testing, a positive alcohol level shall be .04 grams per 210L of breath. If confirmatory breath testing results are negative, i.e., below the positive level, all records of the testing, including any samples, shall be expunged from the member's personnel file.