ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. 16.1 The purpose of the annual performance appraisal is to have formal communication between supervisor and employee regarding job performance. It is of value to both parties to have this process be meaningful and fair. Employees shall receive an annual performance appraisal.
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. An annual Performance Appraisal is to be conducted on or about the employment anniversary of all employees • Performance Appraisal Records The completed and signed Performance Appraisal will be maintained on the staff member's personnel file. The staff member is to receive a copy of the completed and signed Performance Appraisal. If the staff member is unhappy about the outcome of their Performance the matter shall be resolved in accordance with the Employment Relations.
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. 1) Absent extenuating circumstances, appraisals will be completed, and the rating of record issued, to employees within thirty (30) days of the end of the rating period.
2) Only a supervisor of record may rate a bargaining unit employee’s performance. In the event that the employee’s supervisor has supervised the employee for less than ninety (90) days, the employee’s previous supervisor must prepare the employee’s advisory rating on each critical element. The previous supervisors must submit a written advisory rating to the employee’s current supervisor no more than thirty (30) days after the previous supervisor leaves. The current supervisor must consider this advisory rating in preparing the annual performance rating. A copy of the advisory rating must be provided to the employee, upon request.
3) Unless required by the Rating or Reviewing Official, employees may submit an accomplishment report to their respective Rating Official. An accomplishment report will detail personal performance, contributions, and accomplishments that align with the standards and measures of the element(s) in the performance plan and any additional performance, contributions and accomplishments that are not specific to the expectations documented in their performance plan (e.g., letters, e-mails that the employee wishes to have considered) The employee may submit the materials up to seven (7) calendar days after the conclusion of the appraisal period. Employees will be allowed a reasonable amount of work time, not to exceed two (2) hours, to prepare such accomplishment reports.
4) Rating officials will identify the rating for each element. If an employee’s performance is not at the Fully Successful level for every element before the rating of record deadline, the rating of record for that performance year is Unacceptable. The appraisal will be signed and dated by the rating official and the reviewing official.
5) Rating officials will complete a written narrative assessment of employee performance including accomplishments and may also discuss how employees could strengthen their performance and relevant developmental needs.
6) The employee should sign/acknowledge and date the appraisal in EPMA; however, the employee’s signature/acknowledgement only signifies that the appraisal has been discussed, and not that the employee agrees with the rating. If an employee refuses to sign the appraisal, the rating official should note that on the appraisal document, and sign and date it. ...
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. The parties recognize that the County has implemented a comprehensive annual performance appraisal system. This system will be used as the basis for award or denial of increments, longevities, promotions, and other formal personnel actions.
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. In the case the Employer carries out an annual performance appraisal of the work performance of all employees, the appraisal shall be completed on the form provided by the Employer. The appraisal shall be completed jointly by the Employee concerned and his/her Supervisor or Department Head. A copy of the performance appraisal form and any changes made to it from time to time shall be supplied to the Union.
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. The District shall review and provide the employee with a copy of their annual written performance appraisal. Annual appraisals may be made the subject of review under the Grievance Article.
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. The parties recognize that the Employer has implemented a comprehensive annual performance appraisal system. This system will be used as the basis for award or denial of increments, longevities, promotions, and other formal personnel action.
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. 11.1 All employees will participate in an annual performance appraisal on the anniversary of commencement with the employer.
11.2 The appraisal is a formal process, where the employee and the relevant manager can discuss achievements during the past year, any objectives that have not been achieved or areas that require improvement and opportunities for employee development.
11.3 If applicable, incremental remuneration increases will be advised, and applied in accordance with clause 12.6(b).
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. 72.1 Employees, excluding casuals and fixed term employees, will participate in a performance appraisal on an annual basis.
72.2 The performance appraisal will be conducted in accordance with the Employer’s Performance Management Framework to ensure consistency and transparency across the organisation. Employees are entitled to a written record of their appraisal.
72.3 The performance appraisal must not be used to introduce issues requiring performance improvement and/or disciplinary matters, which should be dealt with by the Employer separately, and in accordance with clause 75 - Performance Improvement and clause 76 - Disciplinary Matters.