Availability Control. Personal Data will be protected against accidental or unauthorized destruction or loss.
Availability Control. SAP employs regular backup processes to provide restoration of business-critical systems as and when necessary. • SAP uses uninterrupted power supplies (for example: UPS, batteries, generators, etc.) to protect power availability to the Data Centers. • SAP has defined business contingency plans for business-critical processes and may offer disaster recovery strategies for business critical Services as further set out in the Documentation or incorporated into the Order Form for the relevant Cloud Service. • Emergency processes and systems are regularly tested.
Availability Control. Personal Data will be protected against accidental or unauthorized destruction or loss. • SAP employs regular backup processes to provide restoration of business-critical systems as and when necessary. • SAP uses uninterrupted power supplies (for example: UPS, batteries, generators, etc.) to protect power availability to the Data Centers. • SAP has defined business contingency plans for business-critical processes and may offer disaster recovery strategies for business critical Services as further set out in the Documentation or incorporated into the Order Form for the relevant Cloud Service. • Emergency processes and systems are regularly tested.
Availability Control. Measures to ensure that Client Data are protected from accidental destruction or loss, to include:
a. automatic failover between sites;
b. infrastructure redundancy; and
c. regular backups performed on database servers.
Availability Control. The availability of the aFRR Capacity is monitored by XXXX on the basis of availability tests.
Availability Control. The following measures in the area of availability control exist in order to prevent accidental loss or destruction of data and to ensure a rapid restoration of the availability of the Personal Data in the event of a physical or technical incident.
Availability Control. Personal Data will be protected against accidental or unauthorized destruction or loss. // 可用性制御 「個人データ」は、偶発的又は不正な破壊又は喪失から保護されるものとする。 • SAP employs regular backup processes to provide restoration of business-critical systems as and when necessary. // SAP は、必要に応じて業務上不可欠なシステムの復元を行うための、定期的なバックアッププロセスを採用する。 • SAP uses uninterrupted power supplies (for example: UPS, batteries, generators, etc.) to protect power availability to the Data Centers. // SAP は、「データセンター」への電力供給を確保するため、無中断の電源(たとえば、UPS、バッテリー、発電機など)を使用する。 • SAP has defined business contingency plans for business-critical processes and may offer disaster recovery strategies for business critical Services as further set out in the Documentation or incorporated into the Order Form for the relevant Cloud Service. // SAP は、業務上不可欠なプロセスに関する事業非常事態計画を定めており、「ドキュメンテーション」に詳細が記載されている、又は関連する「クラウドサービス」の「注文書」に組み込まれているとおり、業務上不可欠な「サービス」に対して災害復旧戦略を提供する場合がある。 • Emergency processes and systems are regularly tested. // 緊急対応の手順及びシステムについては、定期的に試験が行われる。
Availability Control. To protect against loss of data, information systems are subject to backup and built-in redundancy.
Availability Control. Infrastructure availability: The infrastructure providers use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure a minimum of 99.9% uptime. The providers maintain a minimum of N+1 redundancy to power, network, and HVAC services.
Availability Control. Infrastructure availability: The infrastructure providers use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure a minimum of 99.95% uptime. The providers maintain a minimum of N+1 redundancy to power, network, and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) services. Fault tolerance: Backup and replication strategies are designed to ensure redundancy and fail-over protections during a significant processing failure. Customer data is backed up to multiple durable data stores and replicated across multiple availability zones. Online replicas and backups: Where feasible, production databases are designed to replicate data between no less than 1 primary and 1 secondary database. All databases are backed up and maintained using at least industry standard methods. Disaster Recovery Plans: We maintain and regularly test disaster recovery plans to help ensure availability of information following interruption to, or failure of, critical business processes. DocuSign Envelope ID: CCF1FB4B-34E5-43F8-9502-A0796D702BCD Our products are designed to ensure redundancy and seamless failover. The server instances that support the products are also architected with a goal to prevent single points of failure. This design assists our operations in maintaining and updating the product applications and backend while limiting downtime. DocuSign Envelope ID: CCF1FB4B-34E5-43F8-9502-A0796D702BCD Last Modified: March 5, 2024 This Annex 3 is incorporated into the DPA and Agreement. This annex explains how HubSpot engages with Sub-Processors.
1. Infrastructure Sub-Processors
2. Feature Specific Sub-Processors