Bidder’s declaration Sample Clauses

Bidder’s declaration. 2.1 Is the bidder, or any of its directors / trustees / shareholders / members / partners or any person having a controlling xxxxxxxx0 in the enterprise, employed by the state? YES/NO 2.1.1 If so, furnish particulars of the names, individual identity numbers, and, if applicable, state employee numbers of sole proprietor/ directors / trustees / shareholders / members/ partners or any person having a controlling interest in the enterprise, in table below.
Bidder’s declaration. 2.1 Is the bidder, or any of its directors / trustees / shareholders / members / partners or any person having a controlling xxxxxxxx0 in the enterprise, employed by the state? YES/NO 2.1.1 If so, furnish particulars of the names, individual identity numbers, and, if applicable, state employee numbers of sole proprietor/ directors / trustees / shareholders / members/ partners or any person having a controlling interest in the enterprise, in table below. 1 the power, by one person or a group of persons holding the majority of the equity of an enterprise, alternatively, the person/s having the deciding vote or power to influence or to direct the course and decisions of the enterprise. 2.2 Do you, or any person connected with the bidder, have a relationship with any person who is employed by the procuring institution? YES/NO 2.2.1 If so, furnish particulars: …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………
Bidder’s declaration. 2.1 Is the bidder, or any of its directors / trustees / shareholders / members / partners or any person having a controlling xxxxxxxx0 in the enterprise, employed by the state? YES/NO 2.1.1 If so, furnish particulars of the names, individual identity numbers, and, if applicable, state employee numbers of sole proprietor/ directors / trustees / shareholders / members/ partners or any person having a controlling interest in the enterprise, in table below. 2.2 Do you, or any person connected with the bidder, have a relationship with any person who is employed by the procuring institution? YES/NO 2.2.1 If so, furnish particulars: …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………
Bidder’s declaration. Is the bidder, or any of its directors / trustees / shareholders / members / partners or any person having a controlling xxxxxxxx0 in the enterprise, employed by the state? YES/NO
Bidder’s declaration. 2.1 Is the bidder, or any of its directors / trustees / shareholders / members / partners or any person having a controlling interest1in the enterprise, employed by the state? YES/NO 2.1.1 If so, furnish particulars of the names, individual identity numbers, and, if applicable, state employee numbers of sole proprietor/ directors / trustees / shareholders / members/ partners or any person having a controlling interest in the enterprise, in table below. 1 the power, by one person or a group of persons holding the majority of the equity of an enterprise, alternatively, the person/s having the deciding vote or power to influence or to direct the course and decisions of the enterprise. 2.2 Do you, or any person connected with the bidder, have a relationship with any person who is employed by the procuring institution? YES/NO 2.2.1 If so, furnish particulars: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 2.3 Does the bidder or any of its directors / trustees / shareholders / members / partners or any person having a controlling interest in the enterprise have any interest in any other related enterprise whether or not they are bidding for this contract? YES/NO 2.3.1 If so, furnish particulars: ……………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………. I, the undersigned, (name)… in submitting the accompanying bid, do hereby make the following statements that I certify to be true and complete in every respect: 3.1 I have read and I understand the contents of this disclosure; 3.2 I understand that the accompanying bid will be disqualified if this disclosure is found not to be true and complete in every respect; 3.3 The bidder has arrived at the accompanying bid independently from, and without consultation, communication, agreement or arrangement with any competitor. However, communication between partners in a joint venture or consortium2 will not be construed as collusive bidding. 3.4 In addition, there have been no consultations, communications, agreements or arrangements with any competitor regarding the quality, quantity, specifications, prices, including methods, factors or formulas used to calculate prices, market allocation, the intention or decision to submit or not to submit the bid, bidding with the intention not to win the bid and conditions or delivery particulars of the products or services to which this bid invitation relates.
Bidder’s declarationStatement of Integrity, Eligibility and Social and Environmental Responsibility 1. We recognise and accept that Agence française de développement ("AFD") only finances projects of the Contracting Authority subject to its own conditions which are set out in the Financing Agreement which it has entered into with the Contracting Authority. As a matter of consequence, no legal relationship exists between AFD and our company, our joint venture or our subcontractors. The Contracting Authority retains exclusive responsibility for the preparation and implementation of the contract procurement and its subsequent performance. 2. We hereby certify that neither we nor any other member of our joint venture or any of our subcontractors are in any of the following situations: 2.1) being bankrupt, wound up or ceasing our activities, having our activities administered by the courts, having entered into receivership, reorganisation or being in any analogous situation arising from any similar procedure; 2.2) having been convicted, within the past five years by decision of a court decision, which has the force of res judicata in the country where the project is implemented, of one of the acts mentioned in sections 6.1 to 6.4 below or of any other offense committed during the procurement or performance of a contract1; 2.3) being listed for financial sanctions by the United Nations, the European Union and/or France for the purposes of fight-against-terrorist financing or threat to international peace and security; 2.4) having committed serious professional misconduct within the past five years during the procurement or performance of a contract; 2.5) not having fulfilled our obligations regarding the payment of social security contributions or taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of either the country where we are established or the Contracting Authority's country; 2.6) having been convicted, within the past five years by a court decision, which has the force of res judicata, of one of the acts mentioned in sections 6.1 to 6.4 below or of any other offense committed during the procurement or performance of an AFD-financed contract; 2.7) being subject to an exclusion decision of the World Bank since 30 May 2012, and being listed on the website xxxx://; 2.8) having committed misrepresentation in documentation requested by the Beneficiary as part of the contract procurement procedure. 3. We hereby certify that neither we, nor any of the members of...
Bidder’s declaration. TO THE TOWN BOARD RIVERHEAD WATER DISTRICT For the furnishing and installing of materials for all work included under contract as follows: Made this day of , 20 , by BIDDER’S DECLARATION: The party named as Bidder declares that the only person or persons interested in this bid or proposal as principal or principals is or are named herein; and that no other person than herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract proposed to be taken; that this bid or proposal is made without any connections with any other person or persons making a bid or proposal for the same purpose; that the bid or proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud; that it has examined the site of the work, the Contract and Specifications and the Plans therein referred to; and has read the Notice to Bidders, Information for Bidders and General Conditions hereto attached; and it proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, it will contract in the form as approved to perform all the work mentioned in said Contract and Specifications; and it will accept in full payment therefore the following sums to wit: Gentlemen: The undersigned hereby offers to furnish all labor, equipment, materials and appurtenances for Installation of Standby Generator at Plant No. 15, all in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by H2M architects + engineers for the following lump sum prices: TOTAL LUMP SUM BID - FURNISH & INSTALL STANDBY GENERATOR at PLANT No. 15 For the installation of a standby generator connection at Plant No. 15 including site work and all incidentials required to complete the work in accordance with the revised plans and specifications. LUMP SUM: DOLLARS ($ ) THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD/RIVERHEAD WATER DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO AWARD THIS CONTRACT BASED ON EITHER THE TOTAL BID OR ANY COMBINATION OF ITEMS. THE TOWN/DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS. WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS WEEKENDS AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS EXCEPTED) AFTER ACCEPTANCE OF THIS BID BY THE TOWN/DISTRICT, THE BIDDER SHALL EXECUTE THE CONTRACT. THE BIDDER SHALL FURNISH THE REQUIRED BONDS AND INSURANCES TO THE WATER DISTRICT’S ATTORNEY WITHIN THE SAME TIME FRAME. ALL CONTRACT WORK INCLUDED WITHIN EACH PHASE SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN NINETY
Bidder’s declaration. 2.1 Is the bidder, or any of its directors / trustees / shareholders / members / partners or any person having a controlling xxxxxxxx0 in the enterprise, employed by the state? YES/NO 2.1.1 If so, furnish particulars of the names, individual identity numbers, and, if applicable, state employee numbers of sole proprietor/ directors / trustees / shareholders / members/ partners or any person having a controlling interest in the enterprise, in table below. 1 the power, by one person or a group of persons holding the majority of the equity of an enterprise, alternatively, the person/s having the deciding vote or power to influence or to direct the course and decisions of the enterprise.