Budget Setting. The key budget setting deadlines for each Financial Year during the Term are set out below. The timings are intended to ensure the strategic development of health and social care integration and that Individual Schemes are procured and signed off in a timely manner. October Financial Modelling to be undertaken to predict future financial commitments to be funded from the Better Care Fund. November Proposed Better Care Fund spending plan to be discussed and agreed by the Partnership Board. January Better Care Fund Plans to Cabinet / Scrutiny committees (Council) Better Care Fund Plans to CCG Boards Better Care Fund Plan to the Integration Executive and the Leicestershire Health and Wellbeing Board February Final Council approval Final CCG approval The above timeline shows where actions will take place and how recommendations on strategic development and investment from the Partnership Board will need to feed into the financial planning and processes of the CCGs and the Council. Each Partner will need to confirm the level of investment available for the Better Care Fund in each Financial Year of the Term. The Partner responsible for commissioning each Individual Scheme will receive from the Pooled Fund the amount agreed for that Individual Scheme in the Better Care Fund Spending Plan, which will be used to procure the relevant Services as appropriate. The Better Care Fund Plan will include details of Individual Schemes that will be funded from the Better Care Fund. Each Individual Scheme will be allocated a maximum budget within which Partners must work. The Better Care Fund Plan will include analysis of the cost per Individual Scheme. Should the Partners agree not to continue to fund an Individual Scheme any liabilities or costs associated with its termination will be the liability of the Partner responsible for commissioning that Individual Scheme unless otherwise agreed by the Partnership Board. Inflationary pressures will be identified by the commissioning organisation and reported to the Pooled Fund Manager for inclusion into the Better Care Fund Spending Plan. If any Partner receives an allocation or grant part or all of which is specific to an Individual Scheme identified in this Agreement, the relevant Partner will pay the relevant part or all of those allocations or grants as appropriate to the Pooled Fund in addition to the sums that make up their agreed Financial Contributions to the Pooled Fund. Non-recurrent Payments will be recognised as such a...
Budget Setting. By 1st January of each Financial Year the Pooled Fund Manager shall
Budget Setting. 4.1 The budget for the Equipment Loans Service for 2017/19 shall be as set out in Clause 3.4 above.
4.2 The Council shall propose a base budget for consideration by the Partners by end of Q3 2018/19 and a proposed base budget for 2019/20 shall be determined by the end of February 2019 and Stakeholder Teams funded from the Pooled Budget shall be notified of their allocation.
4.3 The amount to be provided will cover service developments, inflation and cost pressures.
4.4 The VAT regime of the Council will apply as laid out in the CIPFA guidance on Pooled Funds.
Budget Setting. The partner agencies annual planning cycles are shown in the diagram attached at paragraph 12 below. This process includes the preparation of medium and long term service projections. Budget estimates will be prepared as an integral part of the process by each partner agency and discussed by the LPFT who will report details to the CHCP Management Team (CHCPMT) with any recommendations. CHCPMT will in turn advise the partner agencies and the Community Health Partnership Committee as appropriate. Each partner organisation will establish its own Budget Strategy to reflect their financial circumstances and the allocation of resources from national and local sources.
Budget Setting a) Budgets will run for a full financial year from 1st April to 31st March and will be reviewed and agreed annually by both Partners, and will be formally approved the authority and CCG 30 days prior to the start of each financial year.
b) The agreed budgets will be formally approved by both Partners in accordance with the reporting arrangements outlined in this agreement preferably before the start of the financial year, but within 3 months of the start of the financial year.
c) Budgets agreed retrospectively will be deemed to be in effect from 1st April of the financial year unless an alternative commencement date is jointly agreed by both Partners and ratified by the S75 Board.
d) In the event that internal cost reductions or efficiency schemes of either Partner will give rise to a reduction in contributions to under this Agreement this should be notified in writing to the S75 Board and other partner no later than three months before the commencement of the financial year in which the reduction will take effect. This is to enable effective alternative financial arrangements to be put in place.
e) In the event that budgets are not jointly agreed prior to the start of the year financial year a provisional budget will be agreed and finalised within 3 months of the start of the financial year.
f) In the event that financial agreement cannot be reached on funding for a particular service within the period specified that service will cease to be part of the S75 arrangements, at the end of the 3 month provisional budget period.
g) The joint budget setting discussions will consider and agree on the impact of the section 75 budgets of:
i) Inflation assumptions
ii) Demographic or other population assumptions iii) Efficiency or cost savings requirements from either party
Budget Setting. Budget Setting Principles
Budget Setting. The Board will set one-year and BID term budgets for individual theme groups at the outset of each financial year; and will retain the overall collective responsibility for approving the Business Plans of individual themes; for monitoring spend against budget, and for agreeing any significant new project or variation to that budget during the course of the year. The budget-setting decisions of the Board will be supported by (1) the Finance & General Purposes Committee, which will be responsible for reviewing, and advising the Board on the Groups’ proposals for overall yearly Business Plans and budgets, and (2) The Theme Groups – which will be responsible for drawing up draft individual Theme Group Business Plans and budget proposals for each of the projects for which they are responsible. More detailed procedures and processes will be developed where necessary to implement these broad principles and responsibilities in relation to setting annual and BID term budget(s):
I. In broad terms, the main ‘theme’ Budgets will align to the pledges outlined in the BID proposal.
II. The Budgets set by the Board will be informed by individual Theme Group Business Plans. However, the Board will agree and set yearly the BID term budgets, which may not reflect amounts requested by the Theme Groups, and will also be informed by advice and comments from the Finance & General Purposes Committee (particularly where the sum of the proposals made in the draft Business Plans exceeds the total funding available).
III. Business Plans to be produced by each Theme Group January / early- February each year for consideration initially by the Finance & General Purposes Committee, and then at the March Board – which will set budgets for the forthcoming year.
Budget Setting. 3.1 The relevant finance officers of each Force shall agree an annual timetable for the purpose of producing relevant and timely budgetary information each year.
3.2 The budget proposal shall be submitted for approval to the Regional Meeting of Local Policing Bodies, Chief Constables and Chief Executives on an annual basis in advance of each Force’s annual budget setting round to complement and support the core budget setting process.
3.3 The draft collaborative budget shall be prepared by the Host Force.
Budget Setting. For each financial year from 2010/11 onwards the provisional budget of the JPU will be prepared by the Head of the JPU (supported as required by the Head of Finance at SNC) and agreed by the WNJSPC by no later than 31 October in the preceding financial year.
Budget Setting. 21.1 SBC has the statutory responsibility for the Housing Revenue Account. The Council will delegate the overall management of the HRA to SHL in accordance with Section 1 Budget Status above. SHL will be responsible for the production of the HRA budget in accordance with the Council’s budget timetable budget. Council Officers will facilitate the HRA budget process in respect Retained/managed budgets and other areas that are reliant on the provision of SBC information. The overall Budget Process will be approached in line with the principle of partnership working and mutual advantage.
21.2 SHL will prepare and submit, in accordance with the Council’s financial planning timetables (See Annex 2), HRA budget papers as required by the Council’s Chief Financial (Section 151) Officer. These will have due regard to and co-operate with the Council’s budget setting and review process, taking into account the following steps: - ▪ Medium Term Financial Strategies (MTFS) ▪ Annual Efficiency Statements ▪ HRA Business Plans ▪ Capital Programmes & Budgets ▪ Forward Planning Process and Savings Exercises ▪ Detailed Budget Production
21.3 These will, where appropriate, identify separately the SHL’s Management Fee budget, Managed Budgets, and Retained Budgets.
21.4 The HRA Budget will be based upon current costs adjusted to take account of inflation and changes in the number of tenanted and leasehold stock under management, and growth and savings (including efficiency savings) identified through the Forward Plan & Savings exercises of both SHL and the Council. They will be adjusted, by negotiation, for the following, if applicable: - ▪ Costs outside the control of the SHL ▪ Variations in services being required by SBC ▪ The HRA Subsidy Determinations ▪ The implementation of best value review recommendations ▪ Service improvement plans ▪ Variations in services being required by SBC ▪ Due regard to ensuring a balanced HRA account in line with the HRA Business Plan ▪ HRA expenditure in the current year ▪ Surpluses or deficits generated by SHL ▪ Changes in SLA recharges/pension contributions etc. ▪ Any change in legislation or other external influences on the HRA 21.5 SHL will be responsible for budget preparation in respect of its own Company Accounts. SHL will prepare its operational budgets within the control totals for the Management Fee and Delegated Budgets identified in the Council’s budget setting process. This process will be managed by SHL’s Director of Resources, and ...