CALL-OFF CONTRACT. 1.1 The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be incorporated into this Call-Off Contract.
1.2 In this Call-Off Contract the words and expressions defined in this Agreement shall, except where the context requires otherwise, have the meanings given in this Agreement. In this Call-Off Contract references to Attachments are, unless otherwise provided, references to attachments of this Call-Off Contract.
CALL-OFF CONTRACT. The legally binding agreement (entered into following the provisions of this Framework Agreement) for the provision of Services made between a Buyer and the Supplier including the completed Order Form. Call-Off Term The period of the Call-Off Contract as specified in the Order Form. CCS Data All data supplied by CCS to the Supplier including Personal Data that is owned and managed by CCS. CCS Representative The CCS representative for this Framework Agreement. Charges The prices (excluding any applicable VAT) payable to the Supplier by the Buyer under the Call-Off Contract.
CALL-OFF CONTRACT. The legally binding agreement (entered into following the provisions of this Framework Agreement) for the provision of Services made between a Buyer and the Supplier. This may include the Order Form detailing service requirements, term of Call-Off Order, start date and pricing. 'Charges' The prices (excluding any applicable VAT), payable to the Supplier by the Buyer under the Call-Off Contract. ‘PSN Code of Practice’ Those obligations and requirements for PSN Service Providers wanting to participate in the PSN together with all documents annexed to it and referenced within it, as set out in the code template. ‘Collaboration Agreement’ An agreement between the Buyer and any combination of the Supplier and contractors, to ensure collaborative working in their delivery of the Buyer’s Services and to ensure that the Buyer receives an efficient end-to-end G-Cloud Services. ‘Commencement Date’ For the purposes of the Framework Agreement, commencement date shall be as outlined in Section 1 - The Appointment within this Framework Agreement. For the purposes of the Call-Off Contract, commencement date shall be as set in the Order Form. 'Commercially Sensitive Information' Information, which CCS has been notified about, (before the start date of the Framework Agreement) or the Buyer (before the Call-Off Contract start date) with full details of why the Information is deemed to be commercially sensitive. ‘Comparable Supply’ The supply of services to another Buyer of the Supplier that are the same or similar to any of the Services ‘Confidential Information’ CCS's Confidential Information or the Supplier's Confidential Information, which may include (but is not limited to): any information that relates to the business, affairs, developments, trade secrets, know-how, personnel, and third parties, including all Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), together with all information derived from any of the above any other information clearly designated as being confidential or which ought reasonably be considered to be confidential (whether or not it is marked 'confidential' 'Contracting Bodies' The Buyer and any other person as listed in the OJEU Notice or Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, as amended from time to time, including CCS 'Control' Control as defined in section 1124 and 450 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. 'Controls' and 'Controlled' will be interpreted accordingly 'Crown' The government of the United Kingdom (including the Northern Ireland Ass...
CALL-OFF CONTRACT. 1.1 The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be incorporated into this Call-Off Contract.
CALL-OFF CONTRACT. The Call-Off Contract shall be constituted as follows: [The Call-Off Contract comprises this Order together with the following Call-Off Terms and Conditions which are hereby incorporated into this Order: [insert details of the Call-Off Terms and Conditions which are permitted in terms of the Framework Agreement]] [The parties shall within [insert suitable period of up to 60 calendar days] of the Contractor signing and returning a copy of this Order complete and execute a formal contract comprising the following documents: [insert details of the Call-Off Terms and Conditions and other documentation permitted in terms of the Framework Agreement that will comprise the Call-Off Contract]]
(2.1) Supplemental Requirements in addition to Call-Off Terms and Conditions: 1 Attach copy of Articles and Contract particulars from relevant standard form, duly completed.
CALL-OFF CONTRACT duration Maximum 24 + 6 months. If the Supplier agrees to enter into this Framework Agreement and perform its obligations under it, CCS agrees to pay and the Supplier agrees to accept on the signing of this Framework Agreement the sum of £1, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the Supplier. By signing this Framework Agreement, the Supplier agrees to comply with all the terms of this Framework Agreement. The finalised Framework Agreement will include: ● a signature page, signed by the Supplier ● a signature page, signed by the Crown Commercial Service ● the rest of the Framework Agreement document The signature pages and the rest of the Framework Agreement document are 'counterparts' before signing and 'duplicate originals' after signing. The duplicate originals together constitute one Framework Agreement signed by all the necessary Parties. Signed by, or on behalf of, the Supplier: Name: Signature: Date: Position: Date: Position: Countersigned by, or on behalf of, CCS: Name: Signature:
CALL-OFF CONTRACT. 1.1 The Council engages the Provider under the terms of the Framework Agreement to provide the Services as set out in the Call-off Order Confirmation Form and the Provider agrees to provide such Services upon the terms and conditions set out in these Call-off Terms and Conditions and the Framework Agreement.
1.2 The definitions within Schedule 9 shall apply to the Call-off Contract.
CALL-OFF CONTRACT. An NEC4 Option C Target Price Contract issued under the MHA MSF3 Framework Agreement A cloud based contract management system used for the Call Off Contract. CDM Regulations The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Certificate of Completion The Certificate issued by the Project Manager acting for the Combined Authority under the Call Off Contract for the Highway Works for sectional completion and final completion which is to be subject to the processes set out within the terms of Clause 6 hereof The sum of £5312.54 for the Tree Works on the Highway Network The construction phase plan prepared in accordance with the CDM Regulations a parking permit issued by the Council under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 allowing for a Motor Vehicle to park in a controlled Parking Zone The Borough council of Sandwell and it successors in title Council Arboriculturist The principal arboriculturist at the Council or such other officer from time to performing this function The plan to be provided upon completion as set out in First Schedule Defects Certificate The Certificate issued by the Supervisor appointed by the Combined Authority under the Call Off Contract for the Highway Works which is subject to the process set out within the terms of clause 7 hereof.
CALL-OFF CONTRACT. 3.1. How a call off agreement is structured
CALL-OFF CONTRACT. This Call-Off Contract for the G-Cloud 8 Framework Agreement (RM1557viii) includes:
1. Contract start date, length and methodology
2. Overriding provisions
3. Transfer and sub-contracting
4. Supplier Staff 5. Due diligence 6. Warranties, representations and acceptance criteria 8. Payment terms and VAT