CAT Sample Clauses

CAT. Any member of the species felis catus (the domestic cat).
CAT. OP.89: Service framework contract for the provision of bridging exercises for strategic decision-making in cyber security/defence. Reference number: 16.CAT.OP.89.
CAT. RESPONSIBILITIES The C.A.T. shall serve as an advisory team for the instruction and curriculum program for the Board and the Association on such matters as: 1. Setting Priorities — recommend and support district-wide curriculum and instruction improvement priorities. 2. Cross-District Coordination — identify areas where curriculum alignment is needed. • consistency between like buildings • consistency K–12 • consistency at grade level 3. Communication — facilitate communication between building Design Teams and identify issues where common communication on curriculum issues is needed. Plan communication to the staff and community regarding instruction and curriculum issues. 4. Support — assist in developing the professional development plans for staff. To accomplish the above functions, the C.A.T. may appoint such standing committees and ad hoc committees as are deemed necessary. The Association and the teachers acknowledge their willingness and responsibility to serve in such a capacity. Persons serving on the C.A.T. or its sub-committees may be allowed released time, when approved in advance by the Superintendent of Schools or designee, for such activities as meetings, or for attendance at conferences, seminars, and workshops, or to observe other instructional techniques or programs. The foregoing committee, study groups, or C.A.T. shall serve as advisory, consultative, and fact finding bodies only, and failure of the Board to adopt any of the recommendations submitted shall not constitute the basis of a grievance.
CAT. 1 Article XVI C 1&2 Article XXI Article XXII 8 Article XXIV Article XXVIII
CAT. CAT shall be responsible for, and shall use Commercially Reasonable and Diligent Efforts in carrying out, the following activities in furtherance of the co-development and co-commercialization of the Co-Development Product (the “CAT Co-Development Activities”): Marketing the Co-Development Product in the CAT Territory; cooperating with and providing reasonable support to Dyax in Dyax’s performance of the Dyax Co-Development Activities; and performing any other activities or duties as may be assigned to CAT by the Steering Committee.
CAT. És responsabilitat del client rebutjar un producte Acer venut com a nou però que presenti els precintes de garantia manipulats i ha d’informar-ne al revenedor. Admetent un producte Acer amb els segells de garantia manipulats, el Client accepta una garantia diferent (inferior) respecte als termes i a les condicions estàndard d’un producte Acer nou i amb els precintes de garantia intactes.
CAT. Affimed has a sublicense from CAT for the generation of antibody libraries and screening by phage display.
CAT. RESPONSIBILITIES The C.A.T. shall serve as an advisory team for all new instructional programs being recommended by the district’s Core Implementation Teams. 1. The CAT dates are collaboratively scheduled with Superintendent and/or Designee, and the EGREA President and/or Designee. 2. The membership list for CAT along with the meeting dates will be communicated at the beginning of each school year. 3. The CAT Team scheduled monthly meetings will be held only if there is a curriculum item(s) needing to be reviewed by the team. 4. New curriculum proposals will be presented to CAT prior to presenting to the Board of Education. CAT is responsible for providing; suggestions to improve/clarify the presentation and ask clarifying questions in order to strengthen the presentation prior to the Board of Education review. The CAT serves in an advisory capacity and failure of the Board of Education to adopt any of the recommendations submitted shall not constitute the basis of a grievance.
CAT. OP.029, return to the Holder all documents, drawings and other tangible materials, including all Proprietary Information and all manifestation thereof, delivered to Recipient, and all copies and reproductions thereof, when this Agreement shall then terminate except for the restrictions and obligations set out in paragraphs (a) and (b) of Article 1 above. Article 5 The provisions of this Agreement shall be in addition to, and not in substitution for, any obligation of confidence, whether arising under Service contract No. 14.
CAT. OP.028 or another contract or otherwise between the Recipient and the Holder, in respect of the Information.